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5 faves · 6 comments · Jan 1, 1970 12:00am




karalynn714 · 1 decade ago
I'm 15 and I'm still working on this...good luck.
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silly_me232 · 1 decade ago
dear mr. and mrs. kelseys parents,
i think that kelsey here should be able to have a cell phone. she will handle it with care, and remember that it is a privilage, not a right. she should be able to have a phone to get in contact with not only you, but with other people so in case of an emergency, or she needs someone to come pick her up, she will be able to get a hold of someone.
i have a point(:


p.s. ahaha i did this for a friend once, and he got a cell phone. hopefully this one works too!
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_StORy_of_mY_LifE_ · 1 decade ago
my parents are the same way
and im 14 but im not the only one in my class without on but all my friends do
so far i have suvived
but my parents decided since im going into highschool that i can have one if my grades dont completely suck
try compromising and dont bugg them way to much
you'll get one eventually
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_StORy_of_mY_LifE_ · 1 decade ago
my parents are the same way
and im 14 but im not the only one in my class without on but all my friends do
so far i have suvived
but my parents decided since im going into highschool that i can have one if my grades dont completely suck
try compromising and dont bugg them way to much
you'll get one eventually
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DesignerSkyline · 1 decade ago
I have never had a cellphone. I'm 13 too. I'm also the only one in my class missing a cell phone, and my dad's had to call my friends to talk to me countless times. It's not a necessity.
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shelbyk114 · 1 decade ago
I think you should have a cell phone because what if you were alone or something and something happened and you couldnt call anyone because you dont have a cell phone. the first phone i wanted its called the firefly and you can only have 5 numbers in it and its only a 100 bucks and no bills either haha.
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