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i gave you everything ..and in return, all i got were lies
i realize you were never true, and a part of me dies
i came into your life alone, with a heart full of love
and no matter how many times you rejected me, i never gave up
i thought for sure that some day you would finally see
that the only one you would ever need, would always be me
i was so positive, so sure of myself, that we were meant to be
finally, you gave in, but i see now that it was all a lie
while i know you`ll never love me, i`ll never give up trying
i really should give up, after everything you put me through
but, i`m sorry, i cant help myself ;; i will always be in love with you

im me on stephoxoanie
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i gave you everything ..and in return, all i got were lies i

1 faves · Aug 16, 2005 2:21pm





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