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okk so i was going threw all my old c.ds and i came across arron carters c.ds
so i think about when i meet him and when i was obbseesed with him
so i popped the cd in andi was listening to it ...........there was this one song
called 'my shorty' so i was laughing at what it said .........thenit said....
'hooking up at the house at th top of the hill' and i was like gshhh what the heck did i listen to when
i walike 5 and to top that off it then said......'i had to tell her i didnt really hit her hit, couldnt nail awhile cuz we
had to sy goodbye' and i was lauhen sooo hard andi realzed that when i was younger i accualy though
he was nail something like with a hammer and gshh i was wrong haha nd then i was like gshhh arron was
a player!!!

haha just thougth it was funny and i dont like him
anymore haha i was just listenin to all theold cds...
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okk so i was going threw all my old c.ds and i came across arron

1 faves · Aug 14, 2009 6:00pm






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