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it was around 3AM
her best guy friend was on the phone, like every night. She'd been rambling on
about something ridiculous for ten minutes, and then she paused. He didn't say
anything, so she assumed he was asleep
. She goodnight, even though she
knew it was useless. She couldn't bring herself to hang up without telling him the
truth. She said it in a rush, a quick whisper, staying on the line for two more
minutes. Holding her breath, silent, he assumed she had hung up. But
she hadn't. In a mused, copied whisper, he answered.

"I love you, too."

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it was around 3AM her best guy friend was on the phone, like

7 faves · 2 comments · Aug 9, 2009 1:45pm






xSoundtrackofMySummerx · 1 decade ago
thanks (:
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way2kl4ubutily · 1 decade ago
aw i love this
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