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Quotes added on Friday, June 6 2014

  1. SuMmErDrEaM SuMmErDrEaM happy witty anniversary!
    posted a quote
    June 6, 2014 12:01am UTC
    Maybe I will always miss you,
    maybe its from not getting closure, maybe its from those games you played with me,
    Maybe its from how I loved who you were,
    maybe you were my first,
    maybe you'll be my last,maybe it was for the best, but, maybe just maybe I will
    move on...

  2. Last Serenade* Last Serenade*
    posted a quote
    June 6, 2014 12:06am UTC
    don't worry about how far ahead some poeple are compared to you,
    worry about how far you're willing to push yourself and what path you choose to pave,
    because in the end it's gonna be fireflies in the night sky and you sitting outside looking back at your life,
    smiling because of the way you faced every day and how far you've come

  3. JirachiGirl JirachiGirl
    posted a quote
    June 6, 2014 12:25am UTC
    Cute things to call your girlfriend:
    1. Sugar
    2. Honey
    3. Flour
    4. Egg
    5. 1/2 lb butter
    6. Stir
    7. Pour into pan
    8. Preheat to 375˚F

  4. Ashleyray123 Ashleyray123
    posted a quote
    June 6, 2014 12:29am UTC
    Things I can't live without
    The internet
    My camera
    My bedroom
    My cat (my favorite cat, who follows me around all the time, and is so devoted to me. She's solid black and doesn't have a name, so I just call her "the black cat.")
    My hairbrush
    My favorite necklace (which, if I don't wear, I feel like something is missing)
    Paper and things to write with
    All my other animals (I have two dogs, and four other cats)
    Social media sites, where people have proven to be much more accepting of me, than most people in my life, thank you!
    People I can't live without
    My parents (even if we fight, and I can hardly agree with them about anything, I actually need them for so many things)
    My twin sister (she's my other half, even if we are nothing alike, not in our looks or our interests or our personalites, and we fight sometimes, I will never have another twin sister)
    My brother (even if we are nothing alike, and he makes me feel inferior because he's really smart, he's important to me too)
    Even though I wish I could be part of a different family sometimes, I'm stuck with this family, so I may as well accept it

  5. capsized* capsized*
    posted a quote
    June 6, 2014 12:31am UTC
    have you ever not liked someone in a romantic way and everything is cool and all then they do something small like touch your shoulder or say something funny and you just kind of freeze and think
    oh no

    posted a quote
    June 6, 2014 12:31am UTC
    I miss ourmoments.

  7. beary0630 beary0630
    posted a quote
    June 6, 2014 12:41am UTC
    One Direction Update
    Hello everyone! It's Katie today. Sorry this is a bit late, Jenny and I were both quite busy today!
    Anyways, not much happened today. The boys are just resting up for their first show in Wembley tomorrow (especially our sick Harry):(. It will be the first of three shows there, and then the UK leg of the tour is over! Wow!
    Rumors: none :)
    Links: One of Niall's sweet tweets tonight :') http://www.pinterest.com/pin/564427765772130820/

  8. Ashleyray123 Ashleyray123
    posted a quote
    June 6, 2014 12:43am UTC
    You can't make yourself be special
    Being special or unique is just something that occurs naturally
    You can't force being unique and you can't fake it
    And if you do "fake it" then, that's sad
    Being unique comes from within
    It's not something you wake up and choose to be
    You are either unique or you are not
    You are either like other people or you are different
    You either have your own thoughts, opinions, goals, dreams, talents and interests,
    or you lack those things, or are too afraid to be individual
    And you copy them off other people or you fake them
    Being special is something that I am sure everyone wants to be
    The word isn't viewed as offensive
    Being different or unique, is something I think not everyone wants to be
    The word different, can be seen as offensive
    But I've never been offended by it
    I was when I was little, but then I grew out of it

  9. Gpc11 Gpc11
    posted a quote
    June 6, 2014 12:46am UTC
    Spongebob:What if I break your trust someday?Patrick: Trusting you is my decision.Proving me wrong is yours.

  10. Gpc11 Gpc11
    posted a quote
    June 6, 2014 12:50am UTC
    The moment when that little voice inside your head says..."yep you're going to hell"!!!

  11. Gpc11 Gpc11
    posted a quote
    June 6, 2014 12:54am UTC
    lollipops are so weird. You're literally swallowing your own flavored saliva

  12. Gpc11 Gpc11
    posted a quote
    June 6, 2014 12:55am UTC
    It's not how crazy we are, but how much we enjoy it that makes us dangerous.

  13. Gpc11 Gpc11
    posted a quote
    June 6, 2014 12:58am UTC
    Grandma, the words are very similar, but you "butt dialed" me. You didn't booty call me.

  14. Ashleyray123 Ashleyray123
    posted a quote
    June 6, 2014 1:01am UTC
    There are more selfish people in the world than generous people
    More mean people in the world than kind people
    More insecure people in the world than confident people
    More negative people in the world than positive people
    More vain, fake people in the world than real people
    More jealous people in the world than content people
    More miserable people in the world than happy people
    More unoriginal people in the world than creative people
    More average people in the world than talented people
    More stupid people in the world than smart people
    More people who's worth or level of importance, depends on another person in the world, than people who are not defined by anyone to feel important
    And more people who can't bare the thought of being alone, than people who are perfectly fine being alone
    It's hard to know which people to avoid
    Maybe this is why I don't trust most people

  15. Gpc11 Gpc11
    posted a quote
    June 6, 2014 1:04am UTC
    My girlfriend says I have a small di€k.She didn't like it when I replied "Even a 747 looks small in the Grand Canyon."

  16. Ashleyray123 Ashleyray123
    posted a quote
    June 6, 2014 1:42am UTC
    I like to use words in thier full meaning when I speak and when I write
    I'm not being stuck up
    I am not stuck up
    I get called stuck up, because I'm quiet
    Being stuck up means you think you are better than other people
    I don't think I am better than other people
    Smarter than some people, yes
    I am not quiet because I am stuck up
    I am quiet because I am not the most confident
    Sometimes I am quiet because I want to be
    If I don't want to talk to someone, I am not going to
    I talk a certain way, I write a certain way, and I think a certain way
    I learned how to use intelligent words at a really young age
    Of course people thought it was weird
    I would rather be considered weird for being smart
    than average, or stupid
    Some people are so loud, and so desperate for attention
    that its annoying and it looks bad
    Being quiet or shy really isn't a bad thing
    It means you don't have to reveal everything about yourself
    You have mystery about you, and in my opinion, that makes a person
    more interesting, the less you know about them
    I think grammar and the way people speak, says so much about them
    Some people talk
    and they literally sound so unintelligent
    I know words like this are popular with lots of people
    words like "omg, lol, haha, ain't, ya'll, wtf, brb, btw, luv" and a bunch of other phrases
    I guess I am alone in my opinion about this, but I hate talking to people who talk like this
    It annoys me
    I would rather use big words, and proper grammar.
    I would rather type out a message, text or email, and have it be clear, with each word spelled out
    Maybe that's the writer in me
    Maybe I'm weird
    But again, weird isn't a bad thing
    It's better than being average, and boring, and like everyone else

  17. Ashleyray123 Ashleyray123
    posted a quote
    June 6, 2014 1:45am UTC
    I realize the longest quotes on my profile have the least amount of "likes"
    I guess people on Witty don't like long quotes
    I can't help writing, I don't mind reading and writing really long quotes
    But I realize it doesn't appeal to everyone

  18. Ashleyray123 Ashleyray123
    posted a quote
    June 6, 2014 1:52am UTC
    When you have a clever idea for a new quote, and then you forget it,
    that is really annoying

  19. capsized* capsized*
    posted a quote
    June 6, 2014 1:52am UTC
    New Chapter Of
    Far, Far AwaY
    has been posted on Wattpad.

  20. capsized* capsized*
    posted a quote
    June 6, 2014 1:53am UTC
    when friend’s parents pay for your food and you have to pretend you don’t want them to


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