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Quotes added on Monday, October 10 2005

    posted a quote
    October 10, 2005 6:53am UTC
    what messes us up the most is that we all
    have this |[` p E r F e C t ']| picture in our
    minds of how things |[` S h O u L d ']| be. <3

  2. L0ViiNxY0Ux3 L0ViiNxY0Ux3
    posted a quote
    October 10, 2005 7:17am UTC
    now you like me .. now
    when im finally over u
    ,, you start talking 2
    me again .. im so madd
    at you but u no what .
    i never said i hate yu

  3. L0ViiNxY0Ux3 L0ViiNxY0Ux3
    posted a quote
    October 10, 2005 7:18am UTC
    friends are the one who are always nice
    but best friends just tell the truth <3

  4. x3_dRiA x3_dRiA
    posted a quote
    October 10, 2005 7:51am UTC
    things just aren't like
    how the used to be * it
    just isn't the same w/o
    you here with us *daddy
    r.i.p <3 i miss you

  5. x3_dRiA x3_dRiA
    posted a quote
    October 10, 2005 7:53am UTC
    dont ever take anything
    for granted*matt brown
    r.i.p we miss you <3

  6. x3_dRiA x3_dRiA
    posted a quote
    October 10, 2005 7:54am UTC
    you are the only reason why
    i keep smiling when things
    aren't going my way <3 143

  7. x3_dRiA x3_dRiA
    posted a quote
    October 10, 2005 7:55am UTC
    but when it comes down
    to 'him' all those words
    just seem to fade away <3

  8. x3_dRiA x3_dRiA
    posted a quote
    October 10, 2005 7:56am UTC
    bffl-its just a saying but
    the real friends give it a
    whole new meaning ! ukwur

  9. x3_RoCk_My_WoRlD x3_RoCk_My_WoRlD
    posted a quote
    October 10, 2005 8:03am UTC
    Goodbye, my love, I will forever love you.

  10. x3_RoCk_My_WoRlD x3_RoCk_My_WoRlD
    posted a quote
    October 10, 2005 8:04am UTC
    Shh, don't speak. Let's listen to our hearts beat.

  11. x3_RoCk_My_WoRlD x3_RoCk_My_WoRlD
    posted a quote
    October 10, 2005 8:05am UTC
    Yeah I know he deserves better. It's just killing me that he's finally realizing it, too.

  12. x3_RoCk_My_WoRlD x3_RoCk_My_WoRlD
    posted a quote
    October 10, 2005 8:07am UTC
    Always the dreamer__x never the dream x

  13. x3_RoCk_My_WoRlD x3_RoCk_My_WoRlD
    posted a quote
    October 10, 2005 8:08am UTC
    && this is just the beginning...

  14. x3_RoCk_My_WoRlD x3_RoCk_My_WoRlD
    posted a quote
    October 10, 2005 8:09am UTC
    I guess we got the same dreams
    Or is it the same nightmares...

  15. x3_RoCk_My_WoRlD x3_RoCk_My_WoRlD
    posted a quote
    October 10, 2005 8:09am UTC
    Times get hard cry with me, die with me
    White beach sands lie with me
    My advice is forget the limelight
    Let's make love, while we listen to Frank White
    So tight, now I understand life

  16. x3_RoCk_My_WoRlD x3_RoCk_My_WoRlD
    posted a quote
    October 10, 2005 8:10am UTC
    I'm ashamed of the things I put you through...
    ...I'm ashamed of the person I am.

  17. x3_RoCk_My_WoRlD x3_RoCk_My_WoRlD
    posted a quote
    October 10, 2005 8:11am UTC
    Here today gone today
    Hurry up and wait
    I'm never there for you or me
    Can't you read the story of our lives
    Death to me and life for you
    Something isn't right
    And I need some space to
    Clear my head to think about
    My life
    And I can't be alone
    I just need some space
    To clear my head to think about my life
    With or without you
    We fight it out
    We work it out
    Give me some time to unwind
    I must confess
    I'm falling apart
    Breaking your heart
    Crying with you on the phone
    We're walking on thin ice
    I hope it doesn't break

  18. x3_RoCk_My_WoRlD x3_RoCk_My_WoRlD
    posted a quote
    October 10, 2005 8:11am UTC
    Can I get a goodnight kiss?

  19. x3_RoCk_My_WoRlD x3_RoCk_My_WoRlD
    posted a quote
    October 10, 2005 8:13am UTC
    Someone should sue Disney for planting the ideas in little kids heads that every girl has a prince and everything ends up happily ever after...

  20. x3_RoCk_My_WoRlD x3_RoCk_My_WoRlD
    posted a quote
    October 10, 2005 8:13am UTC
    She said "did you know my heart's bleeding for you?"
    and he said "do you mind? you're getting blood on my shoes"


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