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  1. kiko3221 kiko3221
    posted a quote
    August 27, 2011 10:21pm UTC
    thanks for playing me.
    you won.
    what? do you want a damn prize?

  2. kiko3221 kiko3221
    posted a quote
    August 27, 2011 11:22pm UTC
    and does anyone else wonder
    what everyone would say or do
    if you died right now?

  3. kiko3221 kiko3221
    posted a quote
    September 1, 2011 8:10pm UTC
    This add was funny the first 4 times.
    The last 3,000 times?
    not so much.

  4. kiko3221 kiko3221
    posted a quote
    September 1, 2011 9:05pm UTC
    a way of telling someone you love them without using any words.<3

  5. kiko3221 kiko3221
    posted a quote
    September 1, 2011 9:41pm UTC
    just a vent...
    i love you. I'll start off with that. but there's apparently something awkward about it. i kind of get what you mean but I'm not sure exactly. it's getting hard to just stand off in the sidelines and act like i only like you as a friend. it's not as easy as it looks. every time i see you, even if you just walk by in the hall my heart starts beating a little faster. every word you say means something to me. you're also gorgeous to me. most of my friends don't think so. but i do. you're beautiful. even with your hair in your face. your eyes are what got my attention. they're beautiful. the most beautiful blue eyes I've ever seen in my life. i miss having classes with you and seeing you every day. i hate that i only see you before school sometimes and that's usually only for like 5 minutes and in between classes which is only for a few seconds. you're one of my best friends. but i still want us to be more than friends. but it doesn't seem you want that anymore. we were so close but then that just had to ruin it. anyway. i think that's all i have to say for now...
    sorry guys...i just had to get this out. If you read all of that i love you. really i do.

  6. kiko3221 kiko3221
    posted a quote
    September 4, 2011 2:21pm UTC
    I'm sorry I keep using this format...
    I just like it because the words are glowy<3

  7. kiko3221 kiko3221
    posted a quote
    September 5, 2011 10:28pm UTC
    ya know...I'm
    really trying
    not to let any
    of the stuff people
    have said to me,
    phase me,
    but it gets really
    hard when they
    hit something personal

  8. kiko3221 kiko3221
    posted a quote
    September 5, 2011 10:32pm UTC
    "you're a bad, bad boy! go whack
    yourself on the head because you don't
    know what you're missing!"
    -My 6 year old little cousin on the phone with him and telling him this because he won't go out with me<3

  9. kiko3221 kiko3221
    posted a quote
    September 5, 2011 11:43pm UTC
    Thank you to everyone
    helping me through this.
    I love you.


  10. kiko3221 kiko3221
    posted a quote
    September 6, 2011 8:16am UTC
    Ke$ha may have Jesus on her necklace
    but I have him in my heart

  11. kiko3221 kiko3221
    posted a quote
    September 6, 2011 8:24am UTC

    H i m
    whether he's your boyfriend or not, he's still the most important and perfect boy you've ever met.
    Format credit to Anjchyka

  12. kiko3221 kiko3221
    posted a quote
    September 8, 2011 11:43pm UTC
    there's plenty of fish in the sea.
    well. thanks for sharing, but i kind of want to date a human being...not a fish...

  13. kiko3221 kiko3221
    posted a quote
    September 10, 2011 5:57pm UTC
    replaying a song
    Over and over again...
    Because it's just that good.

  14. kiko3221 kiko3221
    posted a quote
    September 10, 2011 10:43pm UTC

    That is how we will remember the firefighters
    that lost their lives 10 years ago trying to save
    people. That is how we will remember the innocent
    people who sacrificed their lives by taking the
    plane that crashed in
    Pennsylvania. That is how we will remember all
    the volunteers that helped with everything.
    Husbands, wives, friends, boyfriends, girlfriends
    were lost that day. I would just like to pay them
    some respect through this quote.

  15. kiko3221 kiko3221
    posted a quote
    September 11, 2011 1:15am UTC
    click to see this quote

  16. kiko3221 kiko3221
    posted a quote
    September 12, 2011 10:00pm UTC
    When you first get a witty:
    I'm just here to fave quotes.
    After a few months:
    Woah! when the hell did i post 200 quotes?

    not my format!

  17. kiko3221 kiko3221
    posted a quote
    September 12, 2011 11:10pm UTC
    I like that meaningful quotes get faved...
    but i hate that they're faved just for their formats...

  18. kiko3221 kiko3221
    posted a quote
    September 13, 2011 12:33am UTC
    click to see this quote

  19. kiko3221 kiko3221
    posted a quote
    September 13, 2011 8:23pm UTC
    click to see this quote

  20. kiko3221 kiko3221
    posted a quote
    September 14, 2011 12:27am UTC
    That feeling you get
    after you've been staring at the computer for hours
    and your eyes start to


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