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  1. xblondybbyx xblondybbyx
    posted a quote
    August 12, 2012 2:19am UTC
    You're one of my brothers bestfriends but yet I still like you.
    You're 2 years older but yet I still like you.
    You can and do get any girl you want and yet I still like you.
    I know I'd never have a chance and yet I still like you.
    I guess I'm just hoping that one day you'll like me too

  2. jordan4232 jordan4232
    posted a quote
    August 12, 2012 2:19am UTC
    No, I will not just let my past 'Go'. The past makes me what i am today.

  3. katherine280 katherine280
    posted a quote
    July 20, 2012 11:04pm UTC
    That Awkward Moment when...
    you see a bunch of your friends at the mall and you're there with your mom.

  4. ziped ziped
    posted a quote
    July 4, 2012 3:24pm UTC
    Teacher: Say you have 10 cookies. How much would you have left when someone takes 2 away from you?
    Niall: 10 cookies
    Teacher: What if someone FORCIBLY took 2 cookies away from you?
    Niall: 10 cookies and a dead body.


  5. 10210 10210
    posted a quote
    June 4, 2012 7:29pm UTC
    I dont wake up every morning to impress you,
    #keep talking

  6. lindseypaiva_xox lindseypaiva_xox
    posted a quote
    June 4, 2012 7:30pm UTC
    That Annoying Moment
    When your internet stops working
    And you're in the middle of making a quote...

  7. imasquirrel01292011 imasquirrel01292011
    posted a quote
    June 4, 2012 7:30pm UTC
    what guys like to do in relationships #1
    watch really scary movies so she
    hold him tight

  8. posted a quote
    January 1, 1970 12:00am UTC
    This quote does not exist.

  9. brancsy brancsy
    posted a quote
    May 29, 2012 3:37pm UTC
    Call it a curse
    or just call me blessed
    but if you cant handle my worst
    you aint gettin my best♥
    Format by Sandrasaurus

  10. brookieee brookieee
    posted a quote
    May 29, 2012 3:39pm UTC
    forgetting is difficult.
    remembering is the worst.

  11. posted a quote
    January 1, 1970 12:00am UTC
    This quote does not exist.

  12. CeciliaEvans CeciliaEvans
    posted a quote
    April 15, 2012 7:02pm UTC
    True love does not come by finding the perfect person,
    but by learning to see an imperfect person perfectly

  13. funnyquote99 funnyquote99
    posted a quote
    April 15, 2012 7:02pm UTC
    Im really sad, cause im single and no one else is, i mean even Math, it hooked up with the alphabet:(

  14. XxMaggieexX XxMaggieexX
    posted a quote
    April 15, 2012 7:03pm UTC
    Lazy Rule #23
    if you get caught sleeping in class slowly raise up your head and say
    " & Jesus be thy name, Amen"

  15. xotaracarr* xotaracarr*
    posted a quote
    April 15, 2012 7:05pm UTC
    For once, I just want to look
    in the mirror & like what I see ♥

  16. hopesdreamsX hopesdreamsX
    posted a quote
    April 15, 2012 7:05pm UTC
    Dear Math
    I dont want to solve your problems,
    I have my own to solve

  17. sophsunflower12 sophsunflower12
    posted a quote
    April 15, 2012 7:05pm UTC
    diamonds sarcasm is
    a girl's best friend.

  18. tofameforeverr tofameforeverr
    posted a quote
    April 15, 2012 4:02pm UTC
    Tank tops ♥ Flip flops
    Lemonade ♥ In the shade
    Blue skies ♥ Cute guys
    Late nights ♥ Water fights
    Ice creams ♥ Sweet dreams
    Bathing suits ♥ Shootin' hoops
    Party time ♥ Schools out
    Sleepin in ♥ Sneakin out
    Summer ♥ Live it ♥ Love it♥
    Format by Sandrasaurus

  19. desireelynn1001 desireelynn1001
    posted a quote
    April 15, 2012 4:02pm UTC
    Best feelings in the world: Sleeping in late.Having no homeeork.Being liked or loved back.Hugs that last more than a minute long.First swim of the summer.A smile from that special someone.Laughing until your tummy hurts.Getting unexpected gifts.Not remembering when you last cried.Getting an 'A' on a test you didn't study for.When 'he' texts you first.Looking at pictures from when you where little.Living up to someone's expectations.When someone tells you they never want to lose you.Knowing you are loved. Being called beautiful. Finding those jeans that fit perfectly.Finally eating the food you were craving for. Waking up and relizing you have hours yet to sleep.Making a stanger smile. Putting sweatpants on after wearing jeans all day. When little kids draw you pictures. Making new friends. Being told someone is okay. When someone tells you, you smell nice. Winning an argument.Proving a smart person wrong.Listening to your favorite song. Getting hand-written letters.Falling asleep to the rain.Finishing an essay. When people laugh at your jokes. Smiling.Getting a friendship braclet.Finding out the name of the song that has been stuck in your head. Packing for vacation.Perfectly peeling off the price sticker.Relizing its Friday.Knowing you will be o k a y.

  20. VeronicaLove VeronicaLove
    posted a quote
    April 13, 2012 1:02am UTC
    Your opinion of me doesn't define who I am.


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