Witty Profiles

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  1. xxcoolgirlxx xxcoolgirlxx
    posted a quote
    January 3, 2012 10:55pm UTC
    lexidanielle_xo format. hannahlovesxoxfade
    .the one that got away.
    i never really thought what it would be like to change schools, until now. It's tough to leave your boyfriend. Its not easy ditching your friends to find new ones. In general, its just not exacxtly easy at all. But for me it was much harder. Let's just say most girls probably dont go through what i had to go through. Its more than just finding new friends and getting used to surroundings if thats what your thinking. It's not that my old friends got new friends its much more different than that. Lets just say that when one thing changes, everything changes. and when you think it couldnt get worse, it does. and the boy you think loves you, ends up being
    the one that got away.

  2. xxcoolgirlxx xxcoolgirlxx
    posted a quote
    January 4, 2012 11:29pm UTC
    lexidanielle_xo format. hannahlovesxoxfade
    .the one that got away.
    Chapter 1.~Kayla's POV.
    "We're leaving!" my mom yelled.
    Those are the words that no kid wants to hear, expecially a 16 year old girl, like me. "Wait.. what ?, i thought you said we were leaving in a few months!"
    I have so much on my mind, did a few months already pass?
    "I know I said that sweetie, but my boss called me to fly in early and she would buy the plane tickets, now come on get out of bed!"
    I can't believe this, i hadn''t even told my friends yet, figuring i had a few months!
    I got out of bed and threw on sweats. i brushed through my silky blonde hair and put it in a messy bun. I applied my makeup a lot lighter than usual, thinking i will probably start crying when im saying goodbye to my friends, and boyfriend. How am i going to tell them? I grabbed my bags that my mom packed for me and my phone.
    I quickly sent a text to all my friends,
    "Meet me at the park at 12 sharp."
    I went downstairs and ate breakfast. Then i heard my phone buzz.
    New message from Zach<33(:
    -Hey whats going on?
    I turned around and looked at the clock and it read 11:54
    So i quickly finished breakfast and grabbed my coat.
    "Mom I'll be back in an hour!"
    I ran out the door and to my car. I texted Zach back
    -Just meet me there, ok?.
    I turned on my car and drove to the park, as soon as i got there I saw all my friends standing in a group.
    I ran over to them
    "sorry im late"i said panting.
    "its fine" they said simultaneously
    "So, whats so important?" Emma said
    "Well, guys, Im leaving Maryland and moving to New York, tonight."
    and their faces, priceless.

  3. xxcoolgirlxx xxcoolgirlxx
    posted a quote
    January 8, 2012 4:46pm UTC
    lexidanielle_xo format. hannahlovesxoxfade
    .the one that got away.
    Chapter 2.~Kayla's POV.
    "Wait what?" Zach seemed confused.
    "its for my moms work, I shouldve told you guys sooner im sorry." I really am, this is all my fault.
    Everyone just stood there staring at me like i was some kind of monster. Jessica looked like she was about to cry, but i couldnt blame her. Jessica and I have been friends since diapers and she's probably the most upset out of everyone. Kate finally spoke up
    "I cant believe this,"
    I saw a tear about to fall from her eye, and then she dives into me for a hug, wasnt expecting that.
    "Ii-m gg-onn-a mmi-ss y-yo-u"
    she says in between tears.
    "I'm gonna miss you, too, Kate, and everyone"
    Everyone came into a group hug.
    We all hugged for a while
    "Well i gotta get going, cya"
    "You better come and visit, soon."
    Isabella said.
    "Don't worry I'll be back before you know it"
    I walked out of the park and didnt turn back.
    A tear fell from my eye as i got into my car.
    I got back home to notice that my mom had already packed the moving truck and the car.
    I got out of my car and went inside to my room, it's empty.
    I fell to my knees and covered my face with my hands and cried silently. Moving is going to be hard, and making new friends is gonna be even harder.
    Two weeks later
    Everyone screamed as i walked into my house. Kate runs up to me and hugs me, slowly and gradually everyone does the same and eventually theres a dog pile on me.
    "Happy birthday to you! happy birthday to you! happy birthday dear kayla, happy birthday to you!"
    I blew out the candles and i didnt wish for anything because everything was perfect, here in Maryland. Zach hugged me from behind and whispered in my ear slowly and softly
    "Happy Birthday beautiful"
    I turned around and smiled. Zach bit his lower lip, as his gaze shot down to my lips.
    My heart started beating faster and faster.
    Zach leaned foward, as his nose brushed against mine.
    I closed my eyes, as a pair of soft lips touched mine.
    The kiss was simple, but long and passionate.
    Zach pulled away soon, but sadly enough.
    "I love you, Kayla"
    "I love you, too, Zach."
    *Beep* *Beep* *Beep*
    Just another homesick dream, again.
    I layed back down.
    Then I realized that today was my first day of school in New York.
    I slowly got up, moaning.
    Once I was finally up I got changed into white shorts, a silver sparkly tank top, white flip flops, my silver purse and the charm bracelet my dad gave to me before he died. I then applied my make up slightly dark to match my outfit. ( http://www.polyvore.com/kayla_first_day_school/set?id=41880333 ) I grabbed my phone and went downstairs to eat breakfast. My mom made pancakes.
    "Are you okay, sweetie?"
    my mom asked.
    "Yah I goss (yeah i guess) I said with my mouth full of pancakes.
    She looked at me and smiled.
    I quickly finished my pancakes and rushed out the door,
    "Bye mom!"
    "Bye sweetie, have fun on your first day!"
    Ha! Yeah right.
    I got into my car and drove to my new school.
    It ended up being pretty close to my house.
    I parked and got out of my car.
    The note sent to my house said i had to go to the office to get my locker number, my lock, and my schedule.
    After I got it I went to my locker and put my bag away and put in my other books. Then I got my books for first period.
    As i walked into my homeroom i saw probably the most cutest boy ever seen.
    And the only seat left was next to him.
    I sat down and he turned towards me and stared at me
    "woah, your so beautiful.
    This is gonna be a long year.
    Aah, okaay so i know you guys are wondering whats going to happen to zach, but dont worry everything is going to turn out right. Anyway, sorry for the long delay, i was posting a chapter the other night and it deleted :o, ii didnt remember exactly everything i wrote but it is basically the same thing. so, tell me what you think so far! loove all my followers and please fave if your readiing!<3

  4. xxcoolgirlxx xxcoolgirlxx
    posted a quote
    January 24, 2012 10:58pm UTC
    lexidanielle_xo format. hannahlovesxoxfade
    .the one that got away.
    sorry that i havent posted in a while but i have had so many things going on. i pretty much lost my interest for this story, but once i have time to think ill be back on track. so sorry about that but a whole bunch of projects and tests have been coming up in school and im losing track of myself, soo, yeah. thaankyou all so muuch for reading my story, love all my followers♥ the next chapter will hopefully be up shortly(:

  5. xxcoolgirlxx xxcoolgirlxx
    posted a quote
    July 14, 2012 11:54pm UTC
    lexidanielle_xo format. hannahlovesxoxfade
    .the one that got away.
    Chapter 3
    Zach's POV~
    Ever since Kayla left, my life has been a wreck. I haven't been able to sleep at night, thinking she would be with another boy. I bet all the New York boy's are drooling over her right now. But hopefully i can trust her. Interrupting my thoughts, my phone suddenly buzzed.
    New Text from: Connor
    'Hey dude, come down to the beach at 12. I'm meeting up with Zoey, Kate, Jess and Ryan.'
    Usually Kayla's name would be included..
    I slowly replied,
    'Ight bro, I'll be there.'
    Unfortunetly without Kayla. I had to stop thinking about her. She told us she would come back. I just hope it's soon.
    When I got to the beach everyone was already there playing volleyball.
    "Hey guys! Wait up!"
    I shouted.
    Kayla's POV~
    2 weeks later
    Everyday for the past few weeks, the boy, Josh, has been calling me beautiful, and I'm afraid he might not stop.
    It's finally a Saturday, and my new friends had already invited me to go to the beach with them. I took a quick shower and put on my hollister jean shorts and a flowy yellow top. I applied my makeup very light to match. I put on my yellow flip flops and grabed a breakfast bar from the cabinet. My mom was already at work in the city, so she wouldn't know i was gone because i will be back before she gets home. I looked at the clock and it read 12:24. Perfect, since Haley's mom was coming to get me at 12:30. Suddenly i heard a beep coming from outside. Seem's like she's early. I walked outside and closed the front door behind me. I open the door to Haley's car and hop in.
    "Hey! You look cute!"
    Haley said with a smile.
    "Haha thankyou, you too!"
    I replied laughing.
    She said.
    Haley's a peppy person, she always has a smile on her face.
    When we arrived at the beach, the two boys and Aleyna were already there. As soon as we got out of the car, Haley ran over to her boyfriend and hugged him. Aleyna was already being held tight up against her own boyfriend, and they fit together like a puzzle piece. I followed Haley over to her boyfriend and said hi to Aleyna.
    "Oh that's right, Devin this is Kayla, Kayla this is Devon."
    "Hi Devon nice to meet you."
    I said politely.
    "Hey, nice to meet you too Kayla."
    Haley walked over to Aleynas boyfriend, interrupting them while they madeout she coughs,
    "Oh woah sorry" Aleyna replies, obviously embarrassed.
    "This is Justin, and Justin, this is Kayla."
    "Hi Kayla, nice to meet you."
    "Nice to meet you too, Justin."
    "Hey guys, I got the volleyball."
    A strange but firmiliar voice shouted from behind me. I quickly turned around realizing I knew him. And he sure did look good, shirtless.

  6. xxcoolgirlxx xxcoolgirlxx
    posted a quote
    July 15, 2012 12:10am UTC
    lexidanielle_xo format. hannahlovesxoxfade
    .the one that got away.
    Chapter 4
    Kayla's POV~
    "Josh?!" I said, in shock.
    "Kayla?!, What are you doing here?!"
    "Haley and Aleyna are my frie-"
    Suddenly Haley interrupted me,
    "Wait, you two know eachother?"
    "Yes, he's in my homeroom and english class, every morning when i come in he welcomes me saying, 'Hello beautiful'"
    Soon Josh's cheeks turned red.
    "Well it's true"
    He said blushing.
    "Okay enough awkwardness, let's just go for a ride on the jetskis!"
    Justin said, excited.
    We all smiled back at him.
    There were only 3 jetskis and Aleyna obviously picked Justin, and Haley obviously picked Devon, so i was stuck with Josh, well it's not that bad considering he was so hot. I sat in front while he sat behind me.
    "Hold on tight!"
    He shouted, laughing.
    I giggled, i guess you could say i was flirting, but what was wrong with that?
    we all took off, all going in opposite directions, i didn't really know how to drive a jetski, considering i was from maryland and no one there is really experienced with driving a jetski. I slowly turned around to look at Josh and i got caught in his bright blue eyes, i was about to say something to him when he shouted,
    "Kayla! Look out!"
    I looked in front of me but it was too late to stop now. I had a feeling that i was going to die today. Suddenly i felt a strong tug on my arm and then i fell into the water. When i fell in i fell into somebodies arms, it was Josh. But suddenly i felt a sharp pain on my left leg.
    And then, everything went black.

  7. xxcoolgirlxx xxcoolgirlxx
    posted a quote
    July 15, 2012 1:06am UTC
    lexidanielle_xo format. hannahlovesxoxfade
    .the one that got away.
    Chapter 5
    Josh's POV~
    Pacing across the waiting room in the hospital, i couldn't stop thinking, 'Gosh this is all my fault.'
    If only i pulled her down a little more to the right, she would've been fine, and none of this would've been happening. I would've still been holding her in my arms in the water. When i look into her emerald green eyes the whole world just stops.
    "Visitor's for Kayla Schmidt can come and see her now."
    The nurse said as she stepped out of the room.
    Finally, I thought. It seemed like forever. I let everyone go before me because I needed to wipe the tears out of my eyes, i didn't want to go in there with tear stained eyes. After everyone walked in, i walked in shortly after, and greeted Kayla.
    "J-Josh?, is that y-you?"
    Kayla said with her cute, sweet voice.
    "Yes, it's me Kayla. Look I'm so sorr-"
    "Don't apoligize, you saved my life, Josh."
    She interrupted me.
    "I know but if i just was more careful we wouldn't be here right now."
    I said, as my eyes teared up.
    "Josh it's OK! it's just a little scrape! Don't cry!"
    Suddenly the door barged open.
    "My baby! Are you OK!"
    "Yes Mom, I'm fine. I just can't seem to remember anything that happened before a few weeks ago.."
    I replied, scratching my head.
    Josh left to go get some food, so the nurse said to my mom something i quite couldn't understand, something about me having short term memory loss?
    Later that day I finally was able to go home. I had to wear crutches but it was better than being in a wheelchair. I got up the stairs, surprisingly, into my room. I got dressed into my pj's and fell asleep. I woke up the next morning at 11. I picked up my phone and i had a voicemail from Haley.
    "Hey girl, comeover my house as soon as you wake up! Okay see you soon!"
    I quickly got dressed realizing that she called at 9:30.
    "Mom, im walking to Haley's!"
    I shouted as i opened the door.
    "Okay honey, be careful!"
    she shouted back.
    "I will mom!"
    I walked out the door, then down the block to Haley's house. I knocked on the door and a few seconds later Josh answered it.
    "Hey Kayla, come in, we're playing spin the bottle downstairs"
    i followed Josh downstairs and saw Haley, Aleyna, Justin, and Devon all sitting in a circle. Josh sat down, and the only open space was next to him. I was fine with that though. I don't know what's been stopping me from flirting with him, it's not like i have a boyfriend.
    "OK Justin, It's your turn, and guys remember if it lands on someone else, besides your own boyfriend or girlfriend, we aren't allowed to get mad!"
    Haley said with a smile on her face.
    The bottle slowed down, passed me, then landed on Haley. The rules were, the girl had to go to the boy, sit on his lap, and the girl and guy both had to touch eachother sexually while they made out. That was fine with me, because all the guys here are super hot. Then Haley spun the bottle, and it landed on Josh, Haley went over to Josh, sat on his lap, and they madeout. For some reason this just made me feel so jealous. For what seemed like forever, they finally stopped. Now it was Josh's turn, he spun it, and it passed me then came back around and landed on me. I was so happy. I scooted over onto Josh's lap, wiggled my but, and he looked into my eyes, and then he kissed me, we were making out, and he was feeling my body and it felt like heaven. I wrapped my legs around him, and then he grabbed my waist and pulled me in super close to his body. I felt his 6 pack on my stomach through his shirt. It felt like this is what was meant to be. After a little more time of spin the bottle, we decided to play a different game.
    "How do you play?"
    I asked Aleyna.
    "Well we choose someone to go first and they pick someone to ask a question to. They ask the question and if the person doesn't want to answer the question, they have to take a dare."
    "OK, sounds fun to me, I'm in."
    "OK, Devon, you go first." Aleyna said.
    "Umm.. Josh. Do you like Kayla?"
    I looked over at Josh as his face turned bright red.
    I take that as a yes.
    "Um, dare."
    "OK I dare you to go do 7 minutes in heaven with Kayla."
    Devon replies.
    This is gonna be fun.
    I hopped on one foot into Haley's room and we laid in the bed, half naked and madeout passionatly. He started to try and takeoff the rest of my clothes but i didn't let him.
    "You know, you've got an amazing body, it matches perfectly with your face."
    Josh told me as he looked at my body up and down, then into my eyes.
    Suddenly he went under the cover's and started tickling me.
    "Josh stop it!"
    I giggled.
    "What are you gonna do about it!"
    Then i got on top of him and wrapped my legs around him trying my hardest not to hurt my left leg. I leaned down, my chest against his, and kissed him.
    "Wow, I should tickle you more often."
    Josh said laughing, with his eyes still wide open, shocked by what i had done.
    "Shutup no you shouldnt!"
    then got up and put on the rest of my clothes and walked back out into the room with all my friends Josh followed behind me and i sat on his lap.
    This is the best day of my life.

  8. xxcoolgirlxx xxcoolgirlxx
    posted a quote
    July 15, 2012 1:27am UTC
    lexidanielle_xo format. hannahlovesxoxfade
    .the one that got away.
    Chapter 6
    Kayla's POV~
    After a little while more of that game, Josh offered me a ride home. Even though my house was down the block, i still took the offer, because it was more time to spend with Josh. I hopped outside and into his red mustand and placed my crutches in the trunk. I buckled my seatbelt and we zoomed down the street.
    "My house is right there, you passed it silly!"
    I giggled.
    "I know."
    He replied with a smirk on his face.
    "Where are we going!"
    I shouted playfully
    "You'll see, it's a surprise."
    He said, still smirking.
    Eventually we arrived in the parking lot at the beach. He then took me out of the car and covered my eyes with a blind fold, he then picked me up and carried me, bridal style.
    "Josh what are you doing?! put me down!"
    I yelled.
    "Nope not yet!"
    He said.
    He finally set me down in the sand and took off my blind fold.
    I stared in amazment. I've never seen anything more beautiful in my life. There were red roses scattered all across the beach.Then suddenly slow music turned on.
    "Care to dance?"
    He said, smiling.
    "Of course."
    I giggled.
    I tried my best to dance with a cast on but i did the best i could. It hurt my foot a little but it was worth it.
    "Kayla, you're an amazing girl, you're cute, sweet, nice, and most importantly, beautiful."
    "Thankyou Josh."
    He smiled down at me and then kissed me on the forehead.
    "C'mon, let's go."
    Josh Said.
    "Go Where?"
    I said confused.
    "Just follow me."
    Josh replied.
    So i followed him, onto this big rock. it was flat on the top so it was easy for me to stand on it, but hard to climb it.
    "Kayla, I know i just met you a few weeks ago, but I've already fallen for you."
    Josh said as he got on one knee and pulled something out of his pocket. It was a beautiful ring with a shiny diamond in it.
    "Josh I feel the same but I'm too young to get marri-"
    "I know Kayla, I'm too young too!"
    "OK good."
    I sighed in relief.
    "Kayla Schmidt, will you be my girlfriend?"

  9. xxcoolgirlxx xxcoolgirlxx
    posted a quote
    July 15, 2012 1:49am UTC
    lexidanielle_xo format. hannahlovesxoxfade
    .b Better than my dreams.
    (!Read the bottom!)
    Chapter 6
    Kayla's POV~
    For some reason, i have a bad feeling about saying yes to Josh. I really do like him but there's just something holding me back.
    "Yes, Yes! A million times, Yes!"
    I shouted in excitment.
    Suddenly i was lifted off my feet and spun around in the air, I landed back down gently, and Josh slowly kissed me right smack on the lips. Even though i thought there was something stopping me, this just felt so right. Josh then invited me over his house to spend the night. I texted my mom saying i was staying over at Aleyna's and that i'll be back home in the morning. We drove to his house and we went straight up to his room and i got changed into one of his t-shirts.
    "You look adorable in everything you wear."
    Josh said, smiling at me.
    "Thankyou Josh"
    I replied back blushing and giggling.
    I hopped to the bathroom and washed my face. I took off all my makeup then walked back into his room. He smiled at me then said,
    "Even without makeup you're beautiful."
    "Oh shutup"
    I giggled.
    Josh took off his shirt and shorts, so he was just wearing boxers. His 6 pack was so hot.
    He got into his bed and hogged up the whole thing.
    "Sorry Kayla, no room for you, guess you're gonna have to sleep on the floor."
    "We'll see about that!"
    I shouted and jumped onto him laughing.
    Then I went to kiss him and he leaned in and then I pulled away.
    "You're gonna have to move over or no kiss goodnight!"
    I giggled.
    "Aw do i have to!"
    Josh whined like a 5 year old.
    "Oh just grow up"
    I laughed.
    He finally moved over.
    "That's better."
    I said, smiling. I laid down next to him and hugged him tight. I stayed as close to him as possible then rested my head on his chest.
    "You know, I never knew my chest was a pillow."
    Josh joked.
    "Deal with it."
    I replied laughing.
    Suddenly i didn't want to fall asleep, because i knew, that reality, is finally better than my dreams.
    I've decided to change the title because the old title didn't really fit the story now, because i changed the whole plot. Please fave if you're reading! comment if you want to be notified for the next chapters! hope to have the next chapter up by tonight, if not tomorrow~xxcoolgirlxx.

  10. xxcoolgirlxx xxcoolgirlxx
    posted a quote
    July 15, 2012 2:15am UTC
    click to see this quote

  11. xxcoolgirlxx xxcoolgirlxx
    posted a quote
    July 15, 2012 1:47pm UTC
    lexidanielle_xo format. hannahlovesxoxfade
    .b Better than my dreams.
    Chapter 9
    (P.S in the last chapter, 'Oh stuff' was supposed to be 'Oh sh/t.' sorry for the typo!)
    Kayla's POV~
    "Um, Zach? Can i talk to you outside for a sec."
    I said suspiciously.
    Zach Replied.
    I shut the door tight behind me so Josh wouldn't hear anything i said.
    "Look, Zach. I lost my memory in a jetski accident and i don't recall being your girlfriend. I don't exactly remember anything before two weeks ago."
    I said, gulping.
    "Oh, so you don't remember all your friends in Maryland?"
    Zach said.
    Maryland? I lived in Maryland before this?
    "Not really."
    I said with sorrow.
    Zach said.
    Could he be thinking i'm lying? Because i can bring Josh and everyone here to tell him i'm not.
    Zach's POV~
    Could she just possibly be lying to cover up the fact that she's cheating on me? No. Kayla wouldn't do that. This was not according to my plan.
    Guess I was going back to Maryland earlier than i suspected.
    Kayla's POV~
    I walked back into the house, still having the picture in my mind of Zach's teared up eyes. I feel sorry but i don't remember being his girlfriend, and it could all just be a scam.
    "Kayla? What happened?"
    Josh said sternly.
    "Oh it's nothing, Josh."
    "OK as long as you're OK. Hey there's a party tonight at Justin's, wanna go?"
    Josh asked.
    "I'm not too sure that's a good idea."
    I said, worried.
    "C'mon babe, it'll be fun!"
    Josh said in excitment.
    "Fine, I'll go."
    "OK, I'll be back here at 7 to pick you up. Be sure to look beautiful, but I'm sure that's not too hard."
    Josh said, sweetly.
    "Aw thanks, cya soon!"
    I giggled.
    As soon as Josh walked out the door, I quickly called Haley and Aleyna and told them what happened with that Zach kid. Then i asked them if they were going to Justin's party, even though i already knew the answer. I hung up the phone then got into the shower. I got out and blow dried my hair. Then i brushed through it. I decided to keep it natural. I then went into my closet and picked out a pink flowy top and white shorts, a white bag to match.(http://www.polyvore.com/chapter_outfit/set?id=53373510) I put on my pink gladiators then went into the bathroom. I did my makeup light to match, and i put on light pink eyeshadow. I went downstairs and the clock read 6:54. I grabbed my keys and my phone and went downstairs as i heard a car beep.
    "Bye mom! i'm going out with my friends!"
    I shouted as i opened the front door.
    "OK sweety see you later!"
    She shouted back.
    I walked outside and opened the door to Josh's mustang. I pecked his lips but he wouldn't stop staring at me.
    I said with a little bit of an attitude.
    "Oh, you just look.. amazing."
    Josh said, blushing.
    "Hehe thankyou."
    I giggled.
    When we opened the door to Justin's house, the smell of alcohol and smoke filled my nose.
    "Are you sure this is a good idea?"
    I asked Josh. It didn't seem such a good idea to me.
    "Yea, trust me it'll be fine, just grab a drink."
    I promised myself my first drink would be my last, i guess everyone breaks promises.
    Sorry that it's a short boring chapter, a few more will be up today! pleease fave if you're reading and comment if you would like to be notified!~xxcoolgirlxx♥.

  12. xxcoolgirlxx xxcoolgirlxx
    posted a quote
    July 15, 2012 2:20pm UTC
    lexidanielle_xo format. hannahlovesxoxfade
    .b Better than my dreams.
    Chapter 10
    Josh's POV~
    One drink down, then another, then another. After three, however, I lost count.That's how many it took me and Kayla to each drink to end up like this. Making out half-naked in Justin's bedroom. Sure, we weren't totally wasted, but we were just drunk enough.
    "Joshhhh." Kayla moaned between kisses.
    "Yea?" I questioned back.
    Kayla pulled away, gently, and looked at me with her emerald green eyes.
    Even though she was partially drunk, making her eyes dialated, i still managed to get lost in them.
    "We should leave." She said, sighing.
    I could tell, that just like me she didn't want to stop.
    "But babe-" I began, but Kayla cut me off.
    "My mom might get suspicious and worried if I'm not home soon."
    Sadly she was right, as usual.
    Feeling defeated i stumbled off Justin's bed, and started searching for my shorts.
    After finding them and looking through the pockets i found my phone.
    2:15?! How did it get so late?!
    I groaned, and began pulling on my shorts.
    Noticing my actions, Kayla did the same.
    After we were both fully dressed again, we began to walk out the door.
    I unlocked and opened the door, and we were blocked off by a couple making out.
    I turned to Kayla, as i felt her hand slip away from mine, only to see her struggling to hold in her laughs. I, too, began laughing, until i noticed who was standing there.
    It was Ashely Maddison making out with that kid Zach, Kayla's 'boyfriend' from Maryland.
    My eyes widened in fear as i turned to Kayla, slamming the door shut in the process.
    "Josh, what the hell?!" She snapped at me, raising her voice.
    "Kayla that's Zach." I said flatly.
    Kayla laughed, obviously not believing me. She walked over to the door, and opened it, only to close it seconds later.
    She turned to me, her eyes wide in fear, just like mine were before.
    "How do we get outta here without him seeing us together?" Kayla asked, worried.
    Truthfully, i didnt have a plan. Kayla groaned as a shrugged.
    "Really Josh?" she asked, slightly annoyed.
    I sighed and rolled my eyes, then turned back to her.
    I had an idea. A stupid one, but an idea.
    A smirk curled on my lips as I began speaking.
    "We can make-out again?" I asked hopefully.
    Darcy laughed and casually walked over, wrapping her warm hands around my
    "I like that one." she said, ending that note with a kiss, smack dap on the lips.
    Next thing I knew, we were finishing what we started.
    kinda borrowed an idea i really liked from a story i read in the past, i had writers block so i thought it was a good idea

  13. xxcoolgirlxx xxcoolgirlxx
    posted a quote
    July 15, 2012 2:33pm UTC
    click to see this quote

  14. xxcoolgirlxx xxcoolgirlxx
    posted a quote
    July 16, 2012 3:20am UTC
    lexidanielle_xo format. hannahlovesxoxfade
    .b Better than my dreams.
    Chapter 12
    Kayla's POV~
    I stepped out of the bathroom, still in shock. I kept looking back at the stick to make sure i wasn't just imagining things. How am i going to tell Josh? I asked myself that a million times. I finally had the guts to call up Josh to tell him. After the second ring, he picked up.
    "Hey, Josh I have something important to tell you." I mumbled.
    "Oh my gosh Kayla I was just about to call you! I have something important to tell you too!" Josh shouted in excitement.
    "You go first." I said, smiling.
    "OK well I chosen to study a broad, in india. And I'm going there for 6 months!" Josh said, in excitement.
    "That's wonderful! When are you leaving?" I said.
    "In 3 months, the last day of summer!" Josh replied.
    "That's great, babe!" I said.
    "Now what did you have to tell me that was so important?" Josh questioned.
    "Oh it's nothing." I choked.
    "Are you sure?" Josh asked.
    "Yes, I'm sure. It's not important." I said, lying between my teeth.
    "Aright, see ya later." Josh said.
    I quickly hungup and started crying into my pillow.
    I woke up the next morning with tear stained eyes. This is a great way to start my summer.(sarcastic.)
    Sorry for such a short boring chapter..fave if you're reading. had writer's block but i'm back on track!(: I know what the next chapter's gonna be, but any ideas? Comment if you want to be notified when the next chapters come out(:~xxcoolgirlxx<3.

  15. xxcoolgirlxx xxcoolgirlxx
    posted a quote
    July 16, 2012 11:19pm UTC
    lexidanielle_xo format. hannahlovesxoxfade
    .b Better than my dreams.
    Chapter 13
    Kayla's POV~
    The second to last day of summer, the day before Josh leaves.
    *At a restaurant.*
    "I'm going to miss you so much, babe." Josh said.
    "I'm going to miss you too." I stumbled on my words.
    "Is something wrong?" Josh asked, obliviously.
    "No, why do you ask?" I asked.
    "Oh, just wondering.. You don't seem yourself.. Are you sure?" Josh asked once again.
    "It's nothing, OK? Just let it go." I replied in a b/tchy tone.
    Suddenly i see his eyes widen, staring at me in shock. Next thing i know, Josh threw his napkin down, then slammed his two hands down onto the table, in anger, as he rose from his seat. Before i knew it, he was walking towards the door. I quickly got up and followed him. I reached for his arm but he pulled away vigorously, releasing his arm from my grasp.
    "Just don't talk to me until you're ready to speak up and tell me what's going on." Josh said regretting every word as he spoke.
    "But babe-"I began, but Josh cut me off.
    "I'm sorry, Kayla, but i just can't handle the fact that you can't just tell me what's wrong." Josh said, slowly, as he turned the door handle and walked out the door.
    "Josh wait!" I shouted.
    "What, Kayla." He said stopping in his foot steps, but not turning towards me.
    "I'm pregnant." I said mumbling under my breath.
    i know you guys didn't want them to fight but i had to add some pazazz. LOL. Sorry for such a short chapter..fave if you're reading. had writer's block but i'm back on track!(: any ideas for the next chapter, what do you guys wanna hear?(: Comment if you want to be notified when the next chapters come out(:~xxcoolgirlxx<3.

  16. kiannaxx413 kiannaxx413
    posted a quote
    May 19, 2011 2:38pm UTC
    click the [♥]
    if you ever felt bad for being mean to your mom

  17. badwolf* badwolf*
    posted a quote
    September 29, 2011 4:34pm UTC
    ♥ this and your nose will automatically

  18. wittygirl2010 wittygirl2010
    posted a quote
    January 14, 2011 4:39pm UTC
    ‎3 yrs old "Mommy, I love you."
    13 yrs old "Mom, whatever!"
    16 yrs old: "My mom is so annoying!"
    18 yrs old "I wanna leave this house."
    25 yrs old: "Mom, you were right"
    30 yrs old "I want to go back to my Mom's house".
    50 yrs old: "I don't want to lose my mom."
    70 yrs old: "I would give up EVERYTHING for my mom to be here.....with me."
    You only have 1 mom.
    Fave this if you appreciate
    & love your mom!
    text message*

  19. TheBrokenSmile TheBrokenSmile
    posted a quote
    June 12, 2011 9:54am UTC
    Favorite this quote if..
    You're in the middle of heartbreak.
    You're battling cancer.
    You've lost a friend.
    You've changed this year.
    You think you're ugly, worthless, and imperfect.
    You've been bullied this year.
    You've been cheated on.
    Someone in your family has died.
    Something has happened this year that has changed things forever.
    You've gotten major surgery this year.
    You're depressed.
    Favorite this quote if..
    you're going through something that no one could
    ever understand and you feel so alone sometimes, and
    so worthless. Favorite this quote, and I'll be there for you.

  20. ilovemycraziess ilovemycraziess
    posted a quote
    May 15, 2011 9:24pm UTC
    I bet I know you.
    You're a teenage girl, anywhere from 11 to 18. You're in Middle school or High school, but secretly all you want is to go back to Kindergarten. You love rain, deep conversations with your friends, and you flip your pillow to the cold side. You have a crush on a boy, who you think about every minute of every day. You think you love him. You take showers, not to get clean, but because you need to think. You use Facebook a lot, but Witty is your real home. Your legs are crossed and your computers on your lap, your sitting with a hair tie on your wrist and your left hand on your face. You're not the most popular girl in your grade but honestly you don't care. You love Taylor Swift and you have at least one song that describes your life. There's one girl that you dsperately wish you could look like, even if it's a celebrity or a girl in your school, even though you're beautiful. &Right now, you're scrolling through these Witty quotes, reading this one and nodding, even though the one thing that's on your mind is...
    fave if any of these apply to you♥


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