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  1. Hale_Storm18 Hale_Storm18
    posted a quote
    September 14, 2012 2:42pm UTC
    Wanna hear what would be extremely terrifying?
    If you walked into class late and your Witty was up on the projector

  2. smluvsart smluvsart
    posted a quote
    August 8, 2012 4:15pm UTC
    Chamber of Secrets. Snitch. Sorcerer’s Stone. The Deathly Hallows. Dumbledore. Harry Potter. Quidditch. Severus Snape. Marauder’s Map. Fred and George. Aragog. Sword of Gryfindor. Wands. Moony Wormtail Padfoot and Prongs. Hogmead. Honydukes.. Remus Lupin. Tonks. Butterbeer. Molly Weasely. Hedwig. Ron Weasely. Hermione Granger. Chocolate Frogs. O.W.L.s. Divination. Nimbus 2000. Expecto Patronum. Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Hipogriffs. Pheonix feathers. Whomping Willow. Crookshanks. The Half-blood Prince. Professor Mcgonagall. Accio broom. Hungarian Horntail. Harry Potter. the Twiwizard Tournament. Potions class. Neville Longbottom. Lumos. Godric Hallow. Stupify. Gryfindor Slytherin Hufflepuff Ravenclaw. The Hogwarts Express. Scabbers. Dobby. S.P.E.W. Fang. Fluffy. Gringots. Ollivander’s. Galleons. The Black Lake. Griphook. Basilisk. Always. Fudge. Privet Drive. The Minister of Magic. Firebolt. Sirius Black. Thestrals. Gilderoy Lockheart. Luna Lovegood. Crumple Headed Snorkbacks. Seeker. Nifflers. The Forbidden Forest. Pensieve. The Great Hall. Moaning Myrtle. Tom Riddle. GinnyWeasely. Burtybots Every Flavor Beans. Werewolf. Stag. Doe. Time Turner. Platform 9 3/4. Rememberall. Dumbledore's Army. The Order of The Pheonix. The Shreeking Shack. The Night Bus. Azkaban. The Tales of Beedle the Bard. The Three Brothers. The Cloak of Invisibilty. The Reserection Stone. The Elder Wand. The Sorting Hat. Flying Car. James and Lily Potter. Polyjuice Potion.Chamber of Secrets. Snitch. Sorcerer’s Stone. The Deathly Hallows. Dumbledore. Harry Potter. Quidditch. Severus Snape. Marauder’s Map. Fred and George. Aragog. Sword of Gryfindor. Wands. Moony Wormtail Padfoot and Prongs. Hogmead. Honydukes.. Remus Lupin. Tonks. Butterbeer. Molly Weasely. Hedwig. Ron Weasely. Hermione Granger. Chocolate Frogs. O.W.L.s. Divination. Nimbus 2000. Expecto Patronum. Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Hipogriffs. Pheonix feathers. Whomping Willow. Crookshanks. The Half-blood Prince. Professor Mcgonagall. Accio broom. Hungarian Horntail. Harry Potter. the Twiwizard Tournament. Potions class. Neville Longbottom. Lumos. Godric Hallow. Stupify. Gryfindor Slytherin Hufflepuff Ravenclaw. The Hogwarts Express. Scabbers. Dobby. S.P.E.W. Fang. Fluffy. Gringots. Ollivander’s. Galleons. The Black Lake. Griphook. Basilisk. Always. Fudge. Privet Drive. The Minister of Magic. Firebolt. Sirius Black. Thestrals. Gilderoy Lockheart. Luna Lovegood. Crumple Headed Snorkbacks. Seeker. Nifflers. The Forbidden Forest. Pensieve. The Great Hall. Moaning Myrtle. Tom Riddle. Ginny Weasely. Burtybots Every Flavor Beans. Werewolf. Stag. Doe. Time Turner. Platform 9 3/4. Rememberall. Dumbledore's Army. The Order of The Pheonix. The Shreeking Shack. The Night Bus. Azkaban. The Tales of Beedle the Bard. The Three Brothers. The Cloak of Invisibilty. The Reserection Stone. The Elder Wand. The Sorting Hat. Flying Car. James. Lily. All Was Well.

  3. _BadLuckBrian_ _BadLuckBrian_
    posted a quote
    August 8, 2012 3:45pm UTC
    999,999TH CUSTOMER.

  4. carolineh carolineh
    posted a quote
    August 8, 2012 3:05pm UTC
    Don’t make decisions when you’re angry;
    Don’t make promises when you’re happy.

  5. WhisperInTheDark WhisperInTheDark
    posted a quote
    August 8, 2012 3:45pm UTC
    Boys don't realize how lucky they are.
    While they go out with all their friends, having a good time, we're at home, cuddled up on the sofa in sweats & hoodies, stuffing our face with chocolate, complaining about how much life sucks, & getting stabbed by thousands of tiny ninja's inside us.

  6. syd70 syd70
    posted a quote
    August 8, 2012 1:03pm UTC
    My friend Amanda:
    what if you met a boy online and fell in love with him and then you met him in real life and he was really a moth that had spent hours upon hours on a keyboard flying from key to key to convince you to love it what would you do
    kill it

  7. youonlyliveonce17 youonlyliveonce17
    posted a quote
    August 8, 2012 9:06pm UTC
    There is this kid at my school name Luigi.
    I jokingly asked him one day if his brothers name is Mario.
    His response
    "Yes and my dogs name is Yoshi."
    Best. Parents. Ever.

  8. imaginationgirl imaginationgirl
    posted a quote
    August 8, 2012 1:04pm UTC
    Dear CleaningProducts,
    Whenever my dog comes inside all muddy and splatters mud all over, causing me to throw my red juice in the air, my brother to spill his orange juice and my dad to make the toaster explode my mom does not smile, clean the mess with your product then bake me cookies.
    Currently cleaning the mess with my dog, brother and dad.

  9. Bravosierra* Bravosierra*
    posted a quote
    August 8, 2012 12:32pm UTC
    Someone asked me what my favorite letter was.
    Of course its elemeno . ;)

  10. xxLonelyLoverxx xxLonelyLoverxx
    posted a quote
    August 8, 2012 6:16pm UTC
    I don't stalk,
    I investigate.

  11. SockMonkey423 SockMonkey423
    posted a quote
    August 8, 2012 3:34pm UTC
    Here's to the kids who:
    remember Lola Martinez, not Tori Vega.
    remember That's so Raven, not A.N.T. farm.
    remember Phil , before he went back to the future.
    remember Megan Parker, not Carly Shay.
    remember Zack & Cody, before they lived on a boat.
    remember when T.V. was good.

  12. AustinH AustinH
    posted a quote
    August 7, 2012 9:49pm UTC
    It's been 9 months, 6 days, 21 hours, 36 minutes and 15 seconds since I was diagnosed with OCD.
    Wait 16 seconds, 17 seconds, 18 seconds.. crap.

  13. Laylalinnchica Laylalinnchica
    posted a quote
    August 7, 2012 9:08pm UTC
    I have never seen
    A Grave stone that said "died from not fowarding text message."

  14. LandonIsWitty LandonIsWitty
    posted a quote
    August 5, 2012 9:19am UTC
    hold your cursor over this quote if you think you're beautiful.
    landoniswitty's format. leave credit!

  15. RainbowMarshmellows RainbowMarshmellows
    posted a quote
    August 5, 2012 2:23am UTC

  16. AustinH AustinH
    posted a quote
    August 5, 2012 1:40pm UTC
    Today someone asked me if I knew you.
    As a million memories flashed before my eyes,
    I replied, "I used to..."

  17. jesusismylovexox jesusismylovexox
    posted a quote
    August 4, 2012 10:34pm UTC
    Me and a friend went to a restaurant yesterday and this is what happened:
    me: *flirts with waiter*
    friend: he's way out of your league, the guy's like 21!
    me: i know but a girl can dream!
    waiter brings us our bill: make sure i got all the numbers right
    me: looks at bill, sees he wrote his number down
    friend: *priceless face*
    me:what were you saying again?
    < 3

  18. Cassidy_Skye10 Cassidy_Skye10
    posted a quote
    August 4, 2012 11:07pm UTC
    What I think im going to do over the summer; hang with friends, have a party, go swimming, go to the beach.
    What I did; Internet

  19. Jade672 Jade672
    posted a quote
    August 5, 2012 3:52am UTC
    I didn't choose,
    (( it just happened. And now you're a part of me. You're a piece that won't ))
    FADe AWaY.

  20. staystrongandstaybeautiful staystrongandstaybeautiful
    posted a quote
    August 4, 2012 10:28pm UTC
    This quote won't get noticed .
    because it's ugly .
    Just like our society .


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