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  1. tallsmull16 tallsmull16
    posted a quote
    March 9, 2010 8:50pm UTC
    & theres always that one kid
    that you look at and go,
    Yep, there gonna blow us all up.
    No Credit.

  2. heyhiLOL10108 heyhiLOL10108
    posted a quote
    March 9, 2010 8:58pm UTC
    we were always friends.i got to close. maybe i thought of us more then friends. maybe i wanted to be more the friends.i guess u never wanted to be more then friends apprently u didnt love me the way i loved you. it just hurts me now to kno i let my self get to close and now that we are not friends anymore i cant let you go.... it may say im over you but deep down i really want you back. i want it to go back to the way it was in 6th grade always talking always hanging out but i guess u dont care for me anymore.......</3

  3. DietcolaXo1 DietcolaXo1
    posted a quote
    October 17, 2009 5:37pm UTC
    i actually can't wait
    until [ w i n t e r ] this year. usually i hate having to
    live in the ( freezing cold ) all season long, but now i
    have | a | boy | to | wrap | his | arms | around | me
    a n d k e e p m e w a r m <3
    By Chasing sunset She couldn't sbmit it

  4. i_thought_he_loved_me i_thought_he_loved_me
    posted a quote
    October 13, 2009 8:58pm UTC
    they all ask me
    why do u wear so many bracelets?
    i lie and say,
    because they're pretty,
    but they're really hiding
    all the scars
    the one's that show,
    how hurt she really is
    all minee no jockingg

  5. beclouger beclouger
    posted a quote
    October 13, 2009 8:59pm UTC
    & When I first met you
    I thought you were just one of those boys i might be good friends,
    but no i fell harder then ever because you pushed me down.</3
    *all mine

  6. xooses96 xooses96
    posted a quote
    October 13, 2009 9:15pm UTC
    so thanks.
    i tell you that i like you
    and you ask out my best friend.
    yeah, your nice. i can't believe that
    you have the nerve to do this to me.
    and for my best friend, so much
    for being a friend. you knew
    how i felt about him. so yeah
    venting /: sorry.

  7. jordannamaee jordannamaee
    posted a quote
    August 19, 2009 4:57pm UTC
    and to think i thought you were different...
    but you just t u r n e d out to be as fake as your next girlfriend.

  8. oxemmaox3 oxemmaox3
    posted a quote
    August 10, 2009 12:34pm UTC
    The treatment mentally challenged people get is awful.
    I recently saw some quotes, that were very rude toward
    mentally challenged people.
    Even if it was a joke, they shouldn't have said things like that.
    It raised my awareness toward the rudeness of some people.
    My 15 year old sister is mentally challenged.
    But, she has an amazing mind. She is in the highest
    history class possible at our school. She always gets an A.
    She has an phenominal sense of hearing that I can't
    even begin to explain. She can listen to a song, and play
    it seconds later on her piano. She taught me how to spell
    supercalifragilisticexpialidocious. She remebers almost
    drowning at the age of two. A year ago she and I attended a
    William's Syndrome Convention. She realized a couple
    minutes after we arrived that it wasn't just her imagination
    telling her she was different. She asked my dad,
    "Daddy, is there something wrong with me?"
    He looked at her for a minute and the replied,
    "Sweetie, you have a thing called Williams Syndrome."
    And he explained to her what it was. And she replied,
    "Does Emma have it too?" I then burst into tears and she gave
    me a big hug. They have the biggest, boldest personalities.
    At this convention they had to tell the kids to shake hands,
    because they were too loving towards eachtoher.
    As soon as you walk into the room, they make you feel better.
    They may look and act different, but that's just them.
    I am proud to call this teriffic person my sister.
    People may judge my sister and me for this, but I have learned
    amazing things from my sister. And, I couldn't be prouder.
    *True story.
    Please raise awareness of this. They are some amazing people.

  9. morganashley morganashley
    posted a quote
    August 4, 2009 2:08am UTC
    hey guys.
    my best friend was
    just diagnosed with lukemia... ):
    so, for every heart/favorite i get,
    i'm going to donate a dollar to
    any cancer foundation that i can.
    this is not a joke you guys...
    i wouldn't joke about this...
    i'm sort of trying to
    raise awareness as well.
    so please!
    favorite this quote?

  10. x5josielinnx13 x5josielinnx13
    posted a quote
    June 30, 2009 1:05am UTC
    your my bestfriend.
    so what if your a guy?
    your like the big brother i never had.
    i love you dearly with all my heart.
    i know i can trust you no matter what.
    i can tell you anything && everything.
    && know for sure you wont tell a soul.
    you always know how to make me feel better.
    when im at my lowest.
    you mean the absolute world to me.
    && it kills me that you think your worthless.
    what you havent figured out is that your not.
    you have a meaning to this world some how, some way.
    && its not just to be a psychiatrist for your friends.
    i dont want that.
    even though thats the only thing you think your good at.
    i want a best friend.
    && thats what you are.
    thats what your good at. i promise...
    lazyy on the colors.
    i love my bestfriend...
    total creditttt*


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