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  1. TearDropintheOcean TearDropintheOcean
    posted a quote
    July 9, 2012 5:05pm UTC
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  2. TearDropintheOcean TearDropintheOcean
    posted a quote
    July 5, 2012 8:20pm UTC
    Unbreakable Hearts ♥
    ~chapter 2~
    The next day I went down to the beach with Megan and I wore my Juicy Couture Regal Sailor Girl Triangle Bikini,Tory Burch Thin Flip Flop, and Ray-Ban Original Wayfarer Sunglasses. I know its fall but in Malibu it’s always beach weather. The day was beautiful, shining sun, no clouds, and 80 degrees out but then I saw him. Before I knew it I was running in the opposite direction to get away from him. Megan was running after me screaming my name, my full name and when I turned to see where he was, my name caught his attention. When I stopped to catch a breath Megan caught me, “Autumn Rose what are you doing?” She asked.
    “Running.” I said.
    “No duh! but why?” She asked.
    “From him.” I pointed at him and he saw me.
    “Oh my gosh Autumn I thought he moved to Los Angeles!” She said hiding me.
    “Yeah, I thought so too.” We ran back to our towels to tan and drink some water. I was running from my ex, Dylan. He was the worst boyfriend you could ever ask for. He cheated on me our whole relationship, beat me, and used me. I hated him for what he did to me, he was my first true love, kiss, boyfriend, and heartbreak. He then ran over to me and I was shaking from how scared I was of him, cant he just go away,doesn’t he know the pain and suffering he put me through? “Hello ladies.” He winked at me.
    “Hey.” I said with a total poker face.
    “Uhm I’m gonna go get a hot dog from the snack stand, Autumn you want one?” Megan asked.
    “Yes please.” I said to her and she was gone, leaving me and him alone.
    “I thought you moved to L.A.” I said to Dylan.
    “I did, but that can’t stop me from coming to the beautiful beaches of Malibu.” He said.
    “Well what do you want?” I asked.
    “Woah there someone has a attitude.” He said.
    “Well how do you want me to act, happy? Sorry but you don’t deserve to see me smile.” I said getting up.
    “What do you mean babe?” He said grabbing me.
    “Let go of me! and don’t call me babe.” I said walking away. Thank God I never want to see that as*hole ever again, lets see how happy he is when he finds out I found another guy.
    Commentfor notifications, leave feedback, and tell your friends!(:
    Outfit: http://www.polyvore.com/beach/set?id=52051523
    Teaser: But then I got a text from him, a text that would change everything.

  3. TearDropintheOcean TearDropintheOcean
    posted a quote
    July 2, 2012 10:31pm UTC
    Unbreakable Hearts ♥
    ~chapter 1~
    It was another night of field cheerleading being around sweaty football jerks was always fun! But this night was different. It was pouring rain out but it was a full moon and boy was it shining. After the game we all hung out since it was friday. It was me, Megan, Nicole, Summer, Tyler, Nick, Alex, and this new guy Sam. I didn’t know Sam which was strange because I know everyone and everyone knows me. He was one special kid too, blue eyes, blonde hair, and dimples. When we had eye contact for the first time it was amazing, we just stared into each others eyes until Megan pulled me away. Since everyone stuck with their boyfriend, I stuck with Sam to get to know him better. While everyone was making out with their boyfriend, Sam and I just stood around listening to music. Later in the evening when we were walking to my house to drop me and the girls off because we were having a sleep over Sam held my hand. I just giggled and held his hand just as tight. When we got to my house everyone kissed goodnight but Sam just kissed me on the cheek and asked for my number, just as he saw me walk into the door he texted me, “Did you make it in safe beautiful?(;” I knew this was gonna be the start of a great freshman year.
    Heyy! comment for notifications, leave feedback, and tell your friends!(:
    Teaser: Before I knew it I was running in the opposite direction to get away from him...

  4. TearDropintheOcean TearDropintheOcean
    posted a quote
    July 1, 2012 8:38pm UTC
    Unbreakable Hearts ♥
    Hey guys I’m Autumn Rose or you can just call me Autumn and I’m a Freshman in he*l. I’m 14 years young looking for prince charming. I live in Malibu home of the surfers and hotties. I’m in a group called the “Barbies” its four of us some call up the “Fake Fantastic Four” but whatever. I lived in a perfect house, rich parents and two sisters. I am a softball and cheerleading junkie. I know I sound like a total guy magnet, in the most popular group in my school, head cheerleader, what else do I need? But I’m the only single one in my group. I guess because no offense but everyone in my group is a total wh*re wearing ten pounds of make up to school everyday, all they talk about is how amazing they are in bed, and they wear no bra with every single outfit. Then I’m here with no makeup, still a virgin, and wear a bra. I guess being forever alone in a group of sl*ts is gonna be normal for me from now on.
    Dont judge if you think my idea of a lady of the night is not yours so yeah comment for notifications, leave feedback, and tell your friends!(:

  5. posted a quote
    January 1, 1970 12:00am UTC
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  6. TearDropintheOcean TearDropintheOcean
    posted a quote
    June 30, 2012 11:20pm UTC
    love is stronger than memories.
    Here it is the big day! The day that could change my life forever. I’m graduating! I’m going to Yale with my fabulous boyfriend. I’m gonna be done with this stupid, dramatic school and move on into the real world. I was sitting in my chair waiting for my name to be called. I was sweating buckets because since I was class president I had to give a long a*s speech to a whole bunch of strangers. A lot can go wrong. “Here is our Class President, Persephone Adams to give a speech for our graduating seniors” the man screamed out. I walked up to the podium to give my speech, Trevor game me a huge thumbs up and a heart, that helped a lot!
    “Hey guys I’m Persephone as you can tell. My name is after the greek goddess who is the daughter of Demeter, the goddess of agriculture because my mom was a farmer when she was pregnant with me. I know classy right?” They laughed, good start perse! “Remember when you guys went to high school? Remember how in middle school you couldn’t wait and thought it was gonna be the best years ever and you were way wrong? Well if I were you guys, I would be so proud of your kids because high school is a really tough four years for a teenager not only education but drama too. Heck, I’m surprised I even made it this far but I’m just gonna end this off with these kids or young adults sitting on those chairs wearing all blue are nothing but brave, courageous, and amazing people. Thank you for listening” I got a standing ovation and I saw my moms husband, Derek holding up my little Travis. Travis is the pride and joy in my life,he is what got me through these 2 years that he has been on this earth. Travis if you’re reading this mommy is so proud of you. But hey why would my 2 year old son be on Witty? Yeah Travis is Joshes because Josh forgot to use protection. But Trevor like the great boy friend he is didn’t care if, I’m happy he’s happy. Josh beating me up constantly really wasn’t amazing for the baby. But Travis made it out anyways. Now I’m going to graduate and live with the best family ever Travis and Trevor.
    Omg that's it guyss(,; you guys were such amazing readers! Well comment for a notification for when the prologue of my next story, (Un)breakable Hearts, and yeah!(:

  7. TearDropintheOcean TearDropintheOcean
    posted a quote
    June 29, 2012 7:24pm UTC
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  8. TearDropintheOcean TearDropintheOcean
    posted a quote
    June 28, 2012 3:08pm UTC
    love is stronger than memories.
    chapter 22.
    For lunch I had to sit with Josh and his group and that means Trevor sitting right next to me with Amber. So much fun! It went pretty well, Amber and I have plans to go to the mall next Friday and Trevor and I were talking. But Josh was always talking about us having sexx the night before. I guess he forgot to the say the part that my black eye and bruise on my arms are because of him punching and kicking me because I didn’t want to have it. Trevor picked something up though, I can tell when Josh started talking about it Trevor suddenly looked at me and stared at my eyes and he turned pale. Pale as a ghost,maybe he knew that my eyes were screaming “help me”. He always said that he could get lost in my eyes and they can say more than my mouth ever could. As I looked down and stared at my wrists dying to cut, he saw my scars, his jaw dropped. I got up to go to the bathroom because I knew I was gonna throw up and Trevor followed me.
    “Perse! Wait” He screamed. I just kept on running. Then he grabbed me by my wrist and that stung so much I fell to the ground. “Tell me what’s going on here, your cutting again and your eyes are screaming help, tell me everything.” I just started crying and hugged him, even though we weren’t going out anymore, he still understood me. Maybe he’ll stand up for me to Josh or tell the police, maybe he’ll figure out I broke up with him because of Josh threatening me and maybe get back together with me. I started crying more, not sad and broken tears but, tears of joy.
    hey guys! omg theres like 2 chapters left); You guys were such great readers! Well you know comment for notifications, leave feedback, and tell your friends!
    teaser: “What? Persephone, your boyfriend? The on you broke up with me for?” He asked with an attitude...

  9. posted a quote
    January 1, 1970 12:00am UTC
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  10. TearDropintheOcean TearDropintheOcean
    posted a quote
    June 27, 2012 7:45pm UTC
    click to see this quote

  11. TheMascaraSeries TheMascaraSeries
    posted a quote
    June 20, 2012 8:37pm UTC
    Girls Like me .
    Chapter 8.
    -Jake's POV-
    “Someone page Doctor Rene, stat!” A nurse yelled to a few by standard employee’s."
    “Bree, I’m so sorry.” I gripped her hand, squeezing my eyes shut tightly to avoid the tears.
    “Can any of you tell me what happened to her?” The nurse asked, observing Bree’s shattered leg.
    “S-she was on the jetski.” I muttered. “And we were about to hit a tree, so I pulled her off, and she hit the prop, and, and.”
    I broke down, how could I have been so stupid? I could have just pulled her off a little further to the left, and we wouldn’t be in this situation.
    “Hey, this isn’t your fault.” The nurse comforted me, patting me softly on the back. “The way I see it, you may have saved her life. Do you know what could’ve happened if she hit that tree?”
    “Well, n-“
    “She could’ve died.” The nurse cut me off. “But you saved her. And now, with the proper treatment, she’ll be fine again in no time.”
    “Bring her in!” A doctor yelled anxiously.
    Bree’s hand released from mine, and a few of the hospital employees cautiously rushed her to the operating room.
    I sat down in one of the waiting room chairs, burrying my face into my hands.
    -Bree’s POV-
    “Where am I?” I asked tiredly, slowly opening my eyes.
    I instantly felt a throbbing pain in my right leg, causing me to scream.
    “Bree, calm down. You’re going to be fine. We just finished stitching up your leg, so it’s going to hurt a little.” A nurse explained to me.
    As I reached to grasp my leg, but the nurse’s hand quickly restrained me from doing so.
    “That’s another thing.” She added. “Don’t touch it, we wouldn’t want the stitches coming open.”
    I rolled my eyes, resting my head back on my pillow.
    “What exactly happened to me? I mean, how did I get here?” I asked curiously.
    The nurse examined her clip board, looking for some type of identification.
    “Well.” She started. “It says here that a man named Jake Taylor brought you in. Do you know him?”
    I paused for a second, suddenly remembering everything that had gone down. The jet ski, the tree, Jake yelling. I should have listened when he told me to slow down.
    “Y-yes.” I said reluctantly. “I know him.”
    “Excuse me, nurse?” A lady poked her head through the door to my room. “Is she ready for visitors?”
    The nurse looked at me with wondrous eyes. I nodded my head slightly, letting her know I was ready. The woman then left the room, and shortly after, I was greeted by all of my friends.
    Everyone gave me hugs, telling me they were so scared, and glad that I was going to be okay, except Jake. He approached me slowly, with pain filled eyes.
    “Bree..” He whispered, hugging me softly.
    "I'm so sorry."
    You guys are so amazing, thank you for all the feedback (: Characters are up on my profile (:
    The number to reach for next chapter is 555 [:
    “So, it’s a date?” Jake asked hesitantly.
    I felt butterflies quickly enter the pit of my stomach. Even though this was all just meant to be a game of revenge, I couldn’t help but feel excited.
    -Bree's POV-

  12. posted a quote
    January 1, 1970 12:00am UTC
    This quote does not exist.

  13. TearDropintheOcean TearDropintheOcean
    posted a quote
    June 20, 2012 12:33pm UTC
    click to see this quote

  14. TheMascaraSeries TheMascaraSeries
    posted a quote
    June 19, 2012 7:50pm UTC
    Girls Like me .
    Chapter 7.
    “You tell him girl.” Zoe gave me an approving wink.
    I smiled back at her, pleased with Jake’s reaction.
    “Hey, look at that!” Jaycie pointed.
    We all look towards where she had pointed, seeing a jet ski rental place.
    “Anyone got 50 bucks?” Ryan asked, seeing the rental fees.
    I pulled out two twenties and a ten from my bag, handing them to Ryan.
    “It’s the least I can do.” I smiled.
    We paid for the Jet Ski’s, then placed our things in the rental lockers.
    “Who’s riding with who?” Zoe asked. “We only had enough to rent 3 Jet Ski’s for 2 hours.”
    Jaycie quickly clung to Noah, making it pretty clear who she would be riding with. Jaycie stepped over to Ryan’s side, which only left me with Jake. He gave me a small smile, and it only felt right to give him one in return. I didn’t want to make this anymore awkward than it had to be.
    “That settles that.” Ryan said, giving us each a Jet Ski key. “Let’s go!”
    We all rushed down to the jet skis, claiming the one we wanted. I picked out a bright neon green one, and being that Jake was a guy, he didn’t really mind the color.
    “Do you know how to work this?” I giggled, trying to put the key into the ignition.
    Sure, I was being a bit of a flirt, but it was all part of the plan, right? Jake laughed; helping me put the key in the correct way. I then climbed onto the Jet Ski, and Jake climbed on right behind me. His body was pressed up tight against mine, even though there was clearly enough room on the set.
    “Better hold on.” I turned around, smiling at him. Our lips nearly touched. “I’m a crazy driver.”
    “Whatever you say.” He teased, wrapping his arms around my toned waist.
    The gentle touch of his strong hands gave an instant flashback of all those memories 2 years ago. All the summer nights I had tried so hard to forget. No Bree, stop it. Just drive.
    I twisted the throttle, and the Jet Ski took off. We instantly became soaked as I made sharp turns and hit rapid speeds.
    “Slow down Bree!” Jake said in an almost serious tone.
    “Why?” I laughed. “You scared?”
    “Slow down!” Jake said more sternly.
    “Oh settle dow-"
    “Bree, lookout!” Jake screamed.
    As I looked ahead, the image of a large half broken tree trunk came into view. I tried to swerve, but I couldn’t. It was too late. Jake held my waist tightly, trying to pull me off of the Jet Ski, and save me from the collision.
    As he pulled me off of the slippery black leather seat, we plunged into the cold ocean water.
    I could taste the salty flavoring seep into my taste buds, and the sharp metal Jet Ski propeller,
    piercing into my leg.
    Yay, new chapter already :D haha, feedback? What do you guys think is going to happen? (: I always hate when people end chapters with cliff hangers..but i'm one of those people, sorry. (; Alao, I don't know how many times i'm going to have to repeat this:p , I WILL NOT give you notifications if you werent already on the list. i no longer do witty notifications.:p
    The number to reach for next chapter is 555 [:
    I broke down, how could I have been so stupid? I could have just pulled her off a little further to the left, and we wouldn’t be in this situation.
    -----Jake's POV----
    Format Credit: TheMascaraSeries/Th3Br0k3nBl0nd3

  15. posted a quote
    January 1, 1970 12:00am UTC
    This quote does not exist.

  16. TheMascaraSeries TheMascaraSeries
    posted a quote
    June 18, 2012 4:59pm UTC
    Girls Like me .
    Chapter 6.
    “Wake up Bree; it’s almost 10:30!” My mom shouted up the steps.
    I slowly opened my eyes, angry at the fact that my mom was waking me up so early. Normally, I would wake up around 11:30, even noon sometimes, but not today, apparently. I crawled out of bed, picking up my phone that had 1 new message from Jaycie, telling everyone to meet at the beach around 11:30.
    Letting out a tired sigh, I walked to my closet, deciding on something completely stunning to wear. Today was step 1 of plan ‘revenge of the ex-boyfriend.’
    Make Jake jealous.
    I wasn’t all that fond of the name, but I would think of a catchier one later.
    I pulled on my strapless white cover up over my newly bought Gucci rhinestone bikini, which I had been saving up for-for nearly a year. Each strap fell gracefully around all of my tan curves, that I had worked so hard the past 2 years to perfect. I then braided my naturally blonde hair down my back, letting my bangs fall in loose strands around my face.
    After that, I applied my makeup. Extra sparkly, of course. What’s a rhinestone bikini without glittery makeup?
    Once I had made myself presentable, I slipped on my flip flops, and began making my way towards the beach.
    “Are you sure you don’t want something to eat first, hunny?” My mom asked concerned. “You’ve barely eaten anything since you got here.”
    “I’m fine mom.” I assured her. “But thanks.”
    I quickly headed towards the door, before she began to question my eating habits. I wasn’t anorexic, or bulimic, or any of that. Sure, I didn’t eat very often, but I still ate healthy. You’d be surprised where a few apples and some exercise will get you.
    “Where did you get that bikini girl?!” Zoe shrieked, running up to worship my outfit.
    “I know a few people.” I examined my nails, pretending it was not big deal.
    “You have got to hook me up with one of those.” Jaycie said, scanning what she could see of my suit, that was still mostly hidden behind my cover up.
    “We’ll see.” I smirked. “They’re pretty hard to get.”
    Sure, I was telling a few little white lies. They were clearly impressing Jake though, so my guilt quickly faded. We all found an empty spot in the sand, and began preparing to go get in the water. I watched Jake’s eyes widen as I pulled of my white laced cover up. Little did I know, he wasn’t the only one watching.
    “Damn Barbie, when did you get a super model body?” Ryan gaped in amazement.
    I let out a sarcastic laugh, pulling my aviators down over my eyes. Jake’s face grew somewhat angry at Ryan’s comment.
    “Well.” I said calmly, starting to walking down towards the water.
    “The day Jake decided I wasn't good enough."
    Little bit of attitude(: Sorry for the delay guys, i've been kinda sick the past few days :( The next chapter will be exciting:D Also, to anyone being notified via text, I have begun to realize that only a few people have been getting them..stupid texting app..i'll fix itt(: I cannot thank you all enough for the amazing support you have been giving me, and this story. I love you all (:
    The number to reach for next chapter is 550 [:
    “Slow down!” Jake said more sternly.
    “Oh settle dow-"
    “Bree, lookout!” Jake screamed.
    -----Bree's POV----
    Format Credit: TheMascaraSeries/Th3Br0k3nBl0nd3

  17. TearDropintheOcean TearDropintheOcean
    posted a quote
    June 18, 2012 7:09pm UTC
    love is stronger than memories.
    chapter 18 part 2!
    I explained everything to Trevor. It was just the next day when he called me again. “Hello?” I answered.
    “Persephone, it’s me again. Can you do me a favor?” He asked.
    “Uhm, what if I say no?” I asked scared.
    “I’ll torture you before you die” That was a promise.
    “Then, sure, I guess.” I was so scared thank god Trevor was right next to me, holding my hand.
    “Walk outside on Trevors balcony.” He knows I’m at Trevors. I walked outside and saw nothing there.
    “Okay?” I said.
    “Look to your left.” he said. I looked to the left and I saw it, the scariest thing ever.
    Comment for notifications, leave feedback, and tell your friends!
    teaser: i was speechless and i couldn’t do anything to stop him, i was too weak...

  18. guitargirl13 guitargirl13
    posted a quote
    June 17, 2012 6:37pm UTC
    ► ll
    Up all night
    One Direction
    nmf-format credit to julietechoecho

  19. posted a quote
    January 1, 1970 12:00am UTC
    This quote does not exist.

  20. TearDropintheOcean TearDropintheOcean
    posted a quote
    June 17, 2012 5:18pm UTC
    click to see this quote


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