Witty Profiles

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  1. idance idance
    posted a quote
    November 22, 2011 5:33pm UTC
    The awkward moment;
    when your sarcasm is so advanced that people actually think you're stupid.

  2. idance idance
    posted a quote
    November 22, 2011 5:25pm UTC
    my mom doesn't understand that;
    even though my room looks dirty to her,
    I know where my things are.

  3. HazelBBY HazelBBY
    posted a quote
    November 23, 2011 4:41pm UTC
    Honey, At your age
    I was loosing toys, not my virginity

  4. xNessx xNessx
    posted a quote
    November 16, 2011 10:47pm UTC
    You love the wind but you still close the window
    You love the sun but you still hide from a hot spot
    You love the rain but sill use your umberella.
    Thats why im afraid to tell you how much i love you ♥

  5. Jade672 Jade672
    posted a quote
    November 7, 2011 7:44am UTC
    Dear Boys,
    Your dick is not like pinocchio's nose.
    It wont get longer everytime you lie bout its size.
    Sincerly reality.

  6. AlNicholas AlNicholas
    posted a quote
    November 7, 2011 3:19pm UTC
    1,440 favourites in 1440 minutes
    (24 hours)
    if you hate cancer
    and wish it had a cure

  7. posted a quote
    January 1, 1970 12:00am UTC
    This quote does not exist.

  8. posted a quote
    January 1, 1970 12:00am UTC
    This quote does not exist.

  9. JustDropItLikeItsHot JustDropItLikeItsHot
    posted a quote
    November 5, 2011 2:33pm UTC
    Jeans. Hoodies. Bonfires. Uggs. Leaves. Cider. Haunted houses. Halloween. Jeans. Hoodies. Bonfires. Uggs. Leaves. Cider. Haunted houses. Halloween. Jeans. Hoodies. Bonfires. Uggs. Leaves. Cider. Haunted houses. Halloween. Jeans. Hoodies. Bonfires. Uggs. Leaves. Cider. Haunted houses. Halloween. Jeans. Hoodies. Bonfires. Uggs. Leaves. Cider. Haunted houses. Halloween. Jeans. Hoodies. Bonfires. Uggs. Leaves. Cider. Haunted houses. Halloween. Jeans. Hoodies. Bonfires. Uggs. Leaves. Cider. Haunted houses. Halloween. Jeans. Hoodies. Bonfires. Uggs. Leaves. Cider. Haunted houses. Halloween. Jeans. Hoodies. Bonfires. Uggs. Leaves. Cider. Haunted houses. Halloween. Jeans. Hoodies. Bonfires. Uggs. Leaves. Cider. Haunted houses. Halloween. Jeans. Hoodies. Bonfires. Uggs. Leaves. Cider. Haunted houses. Halloween. Jeans. Hoodies. Bonfires. Uggs. Leaves. Cider. Haunted houses. Halloween. Jeans. Hoodies. Bonfires. Uggs. Leaves. Cider. Haunted houses. Halloween. Jeans. Hoodies. Bonfires. Uggs. Leaves. Cider. Haunted houses. Halloween. Jeans. Hoodies. Bonfires. Uggs. Leaves. Cider. Haunted houses. Halloween. Jeans. Hoodies. Bonfires. Uggs. Leaves. Cider. Haunted houses. Halloween. Jeans. Hoodies. Bonfires. Uggs. Leaves. Cider. Haunted houses. Halloween. Jeans. Hoodies. Bonfires. Uggs. Leaves. Cider. Haunted houses. Halloween. Jeans. Hoodies. Bonfires. Uggs. Leaves. Cider. Haunted houses. Halloween. Jeans. Hoodies. Bonfires. Uggs. Leaves. Cider. Haunted houses. Halloween. Jeans. Hoodies. Bonfires. Uggs. Leaves. Cider. Haunted houses. Halloween. Jeans. Hoodies. Bonfires. Uggs. Leaves Jeans. Hoodies. Bonfires. Uggs. Leaves. Cider. Haunted houses. Halloween. Jeans. Hoodies. Bonfires. Uggs. Leaves. Cider. Haunted houses. Halloween. Jeans. Hoodies. Bonfires. Uggs. Leaves. Cider. Haunted houses. Halloween. Jeans. Hoodies. Bonfires. Uggs. Leaves. Cider. Haunted houses. Halloween. Jeans. Hoodies. Bonfires. Uggs. Leaves. Cider. Haunted houses. Halloween. Jeans. Hoodies. Bonfires. Uggs. Leaves. Cider. Haunted houses. Halloween. Jeans. Hoodies. Bonfires. Uggs. Leaves. Cider. Haunted houses. Halloween. Jeans. Hoodies. Bonfires. Uggs. Leaves. Cider. Haunted houses. Halloween. Jeans. Hoodies. Bonfires. Uggs. Leaves. Cider. Haunted houses. Halloween. Jeans. Hoodies. Bonfires. Uggs. Leaves. Cider. Haunted houses. Halloween. Jeans. Hoodies. Bonfires. Uggs. Leaves. Cider. Haunted houses. Halloween. Jeans. Hoodies. Bonfires. Uggs. Leaves. Cider. Haunted houses. Halloween. Jeans. Hoodies. Bonfires. Uggs. Leaves. Cider. Haunted houses. Halloween. Jeans. Hoodies. Bonfires. Uggs. Leaves. Cider. Haunted houses. Halloween. Jeans. Hoodies. Bonfires. Uggs. Leaves. Cider. Haunted houses. Halloween. Jeans. Hoodies. Bonfires. Uggs. Leaves. Cider.Jeans. Hoodies. Bonfires. Uggs. Leaves. Cider. Haunted houses. Halloween. Jeans. Hoodies. Bonfires. Uggs. Leaves. Cider. Haunted houses. Halloween. Jeans. Hoodies. Bonfires. Uggs. Leaves. Cider. Haunted houses. Halloween. Jeans. Hoodies. Bonfires. Uggs. Leaves. Cider. Haunted houses. Halloween. Jeans. Hoodies. Bonfires. Uggs. Leaves. Cider. Haunted houses. Halloween. Jeans. Hoodies. Bonfires. Uggs. Leaves. Cider. Haunted houses. Halloween. Jeans. Hoodies. Bonfires. Uggs. Leaves. Cider. Haunted houses. Halloween. Jeans. Hoodies. Bonfires. Uggs. Leaves. Cider. Haunted houses. Halloween. Jeans. Hoodies. Bonfires. Uggs. Leaves. Cider. Haunted houses. Halloween. Jeans. Hoodies. Bonfires. Uggs. Leaves. Cider. Haunted houses. Halloween. Jeans. Hoodies. Bonfires. Uggs. Leaves. Cider. Haunted houses. Halloween. Jeans. Hoodies. Bonfires. Uggs. Leaves. Cider. Haunted houses. Halloween. Jeans. Hoodies. Bonfires. Uggs. Leaves. Cider. Haunted houses. Halloween. Jeans. Hoodies. Bonfires. Uggs. Leaves. Cider. Haunted houses. Halloween. Jeans. Hoodies. Bonfires. Uggs. Leaves. Cider. Haunted houses. Halloween.Jeans. Hoodies. Bonfires. Uggs. Leaves. Cid
    fall ♥

  10. buubbly buubbly
    posted a quote
    November 5, 2011 2:31pm UTC
    When a girl says;"I'm so ugly."We get annoyed because we know they're not.- - -But when a girl says;"I'm so pretty!"We get annoyed because we think they're conceited.

  11. haleyw2000 haleyw2000
    posted a quote
    November 5, 2011 2:31pm UTC
    click to see this quote

  12. SuperPotateoSavesTheDay SuperPotateoSavesTheDay
    posted a quote
    November 5, 2011 2:26pm UTC
    Mom: Clean up you're room. We're having company over tonight for dinner.
    Me: Oh, sorry I didn't realize dinner was going to be held my room..
    Mom: Just do it.

  13. fallforyou22 fallforyou22
    posted a quote
    November 2, 2011 8:38am UTC
    they say a picture
    is worth a thousand words
    but that's a lie;
    because every time I look at a picture of him,
    I'm speechless.

  14. BlackButterflies BlackButterflies
    posted a quote
    November 2, 2011 12:11am UTC
    i met him when i was two years old.
    and we were instantly best friends.
    we went to kindergarten together, and were best friends until we were five.
    then, we went to different schools, and we kind of grew apart.
    five years after that, i started middle school and so did he.
    we were in the same class.
    we didn't know that we used to be best friends.
    we decided we had a lot in common and we started hanging out.
    it took a year for our parents to work out that we'd known each other before,
    for his mom to realise i was the girl who had pretended to be his wife,
    and for mine to remember the little boy who had been my husband.
    we got a lot closer.
    the next year we were in the same class, too, and the next.
    we were twelve years old and we were best friends.
    in high school, we only had one class together, but we made it count.
    he liked this girl, and i liked this guy, and we'd talk to each other about i.
    our teacher in that class thought we were going out,
    and all the kids in that class thought we should.
    that guy i liked broke my heart into pieces,
    and when he did, my best guy friend stroked my hair while i cried.
    he's always been there for me.
    now i'm beginning to think i might be a little bit in love with him.
    and i don't know what to do.

  15. taytayx311 taytayx311
    posted a quote
    November 2, 2011 7:32am UTC
    How long have you been dating him?
    Almost a Kim Kardashian!
    A Kim Kardashian is 72 days.

  16. hannahlovesxox hannahlovesxox
    posted a quote
    November 2, 2011 4:40pm UTC
    You must be my shooting star,
    everything i've wished for, is everything you are.★

  17. atddancer12 atddancer12
    posted a quote
    November 2, 2011 3:49pm UTC
    Do you think if I Click my combat boots together 3 times and say "There's no place like home" I'll end up in home again?
    Fave this for all the loved ones fighting for our country♥

  18. hannahlovesxox hannahlovesxox
    posted a quote
    November 2, 2011 4:24pm UTC
    Keep this in mind,
    one day, there's going to be a guy, who's going to love you, your body, your smile, the way you walk, the way you talk, the way you laugh, he's going to love you and you're going to feel confident and on top of the world. One day, you won't feel insecure. your day is coming, i promise.♥

  19. ThatsSoMeee ThatsSoMeee
    posted a quote
    November 2, 2011 3:40pm UTC
    Have you ever wanted to cry
    just because you know things will never be
    the same?

  20. ThatsSoMeee ThatsSoMeee
    posted a quote
    November 2, 2011 3:57pm UTC
    You know when you walk
    Into a room and forget why you went in there?
    That's God playing SIMS.
    He just cancelled your action.


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