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  1. posted a quote
    January 1, 1970 12:00am UTC
    This quote does not exist.

  2. MySweetEscape MySweetEscape
    posted a quote
    November 9, 2011 4:23pm UTC
    Just keep commenting
    Just keep commenting
    Just keep commenting
    Just keep commenting
    Just keep commenting
    Just keep commenting
    Just keep commenting
    Just keep commenting
    ...until i get a top quote.

  3. teeninlove_stories teeninlove_stories
    posted a quote
    October 27, 2011 8:00pm UTC
    This Story Has ATwist
    chapter two;
    It was raining out. Everything was gray and dreary, and big, fat water droplets poured from the sky. As she stepped out, she could hear thunder rumbling off in the distance. Her car was off to the side of the lot, and she headed towards the sickeningly cheerful red bug. She didn’t really care about the rain coming down, how it soaked her hair and her leotard. She ripped the elastic out of her hair and decided she was better off without it before climbing in her car. She sat there for a moment, wondering where to go. The passenger seat and the backseat were littered with random clutter: CD’s, tapes, books, papers, pens, empty soda cartons, paper bags, almost everything you would expect in a normal teenagers car. Except Mello wasn’t a normal teenager. Where to go?
    She started the car, and headed down to the old train tracks. Yeah, she knew it was a cliché place for her and her new friends to hang out. But it was the best she had, and she was going to roll with it. Within the past six months, everything had changed. Everything in her life had been crumpled up into a little ball and thrown away. And Mello couldn’t take it. She drifted away from her family, first, and then her friends; the only reason she was still taking ballet was to assure her mom that she was fine, even though she was very not fine at all.
    "She can paint a lovely painting but this story has a twist-
    her paintbrush is her razor and her canvas is her wrist." ♥

  4. posted a quote
    January 1, 1970 12:00am UTC
    This quote does not exist.

  5. posted a quote
    January 1, 1970 12:00am UTC
    This quote does not exist.

  6. posted a quote
    January 1, 1970 12:00am UTC
    This quote does not exist.

  7. posted a quote
    January 1, 1970 12:00am UTC
    This quote does not exist.

  8. posted a quote
    January 1, 1970 12:00am UTC
    This quote does not exist.

  9. kristinbaabyy kristinbaabyy
    posted a quote
    October 25, 2011 7:04am UTC
    if i could punch anyone in the face right now, it would be you...
    and yes, you should feel lucky!

  10. teeninlove_stories teeninlove_stories
    posted a quote
    October 25, 2011 7:58pm UTC
    This Story Has ATwist
    chapter one;
    Mello balanced on her toes, eyes closed, praying she didn’t fall. Except, maybe – maybe it would be better that way. Falling. You know, the rush of air, a loud crash, pain shooting up her spine, through her head, enveloping her, and a split second later – just nothing. Nothing at all. Ever again. What if it was better that way? She didn’t understand why – at least, that was what she told herself. Secretly, beneath it all, she knew why she kept thinking like this. It was the pressure. It was bearing down on her, like the ceiling was crashing, crushing her slowly. She closed her eyes. The balance beam was sagging under her weight. It was old, slightly brittle. Whenever she got up on it, she could see the instructors biting their lips, praying it didn’t break and they didn’t get a lawsuit filed against them.
    Swallowing, she lifted herself up, onto the tip of her toes; arms outstretched gracefully, head tilted up at an arrogant angle. Her mouth went very dry. The pain in her toes was slowly blooming, creeping its way up her ankles and into her calves. And, all at once, she collapsed, her body falling off the beam, and resting on the hard blue mat underneath it. There was a collective intake of breath from the many people in the room. Sharp pain shot through her feet, but she embraced it almost lovingly. She peeled herself off the ground and got back onto her feet. "Again," ordered her instructor, and so Mello hoisted herself back onto the beam. She repeated the step four times before the instructor had finally had enough. Mello had set her face in stone. She wouldn’t give the instructor the satisfaction. Though really, it was just adding to the brick wall of pressure set horizontally on her shoulders. Maybe that was why she was so short.
    "She can paint a lovely painting but this story has a twist-
    her paintbrush is her razor and her canvas is her wrist." ♥

  11. xoalicecullenxo xoalicecullenxo
    posted a quote
    October 25, 2011 2:20pm UTC
    Her Witty Is
    full of the things she's afraid to say a l o u d ♥

  12. halfempty halfempty
    posted a quote
    October 18, 2011 3:49pm UTC
    For every 200 people you meet on the street everday, 2 of them are ghosts.
    - Reader's Digest. ♥

  13. ninjaturtles17 ninjaturtles17
    posted a quote
    October 25, 2011 5:49pm UTC
    It's Not The Fall That Kills You,
    It's the sudden stop at the end.

  14. ijustneedaplacetovent ijustneedaplacetovent
    posted a quote
    October 25, 2011 6:09pm UTC
    I've fallen for a boy in a band
    They always say stay away from those bad boys in bands & here I am getting closer , falling harder , I'm such a rebel.

  15. posted a quote
    January 1, 1970 12:00am UTC
    This quote does not exist.

  16. KendallJTeam KendallJTeam
    posted a quote
    October 24, 2011 5:49pm UTC
    i looked in the mirror today;
    & realized i wasn't that little girl that would wear
    ribbons in her hair. i wasn't that little girl that
    daddy would pick up in his arms and spin
    around the room. i'm no longer that little girl
    that would dream of being a [princess], in a pink
    castle. i wasn't the little girl that thought boys
    were disgusting, and gross. i'm no longer
    that little girl. but it's that little girl, who
    made me who i am today.

  17. JupiterDr0ps JupiterDr0ps
    posted a quote
    October 23, 2011 10:52pm UTC
    This is for the girls who
    have the tendency to stay up all night listening to music that reminds them of their current situation. Who hide their fears, hurt, pain and tears under their smiles and laughs on a daily basis. The girls who wear their hearts on their sleeve. The girls who pray that things will workout just once and they will be satisfied. The girls who scream and cry into their pillows because the rest of the world fails to listen. The girls who have it hard but dont' let anyone know that. The girls who may never have it easy. The girls that have so many secrets but will never tell a soul. The girls who have regrets and mistakes on a daily moral. The girls who don't always win, who may never win. The girls who stay up all night wondering if he'll ever notice her. The girl who get what they get and don't throw a fit. The girls who take life as it comes and hopes it gets easier down the road. The girls that love with all their heart but always gets broken.
    This is for the real girls♥

  18. maybaby12 maybaby12
    posted a quote
    October 24, 2011 7:03pm UTC
    Even if you looked, hard, you wouldn't be able to see her. Not through the mirror, or the glass. Not a living soul can see this creature - except for Lilliana.
    Lilliana Deltore came out of her mother's stomach screaming, but not because she was a baby and that's what babies do. It was because she opened her eyes to this horrible thing, that was staring at her. It's eyes were dark, very dark - pitch black. It's skin was white like fresh snow on the winter trees. It had fuming red hair, and red lips that matched. It's finger nails were black, along with the cloak it was wearing. It stared at Lilliana, and didn't stop. When Lilliana claimed that there was this thing just stalking her like a fox waiting on a rabbit, people talked as though she was crazy. Lilliana lived in her own horror story. She named the thing Insiana.
    Favorite / Comment / Follow

  19. Lovelybry123 Lovelybry123
    posted a quote
    October 23, 2011 7:41pm UTC
    &When I Say I Want To Be Left Alone
    I'm staying with you<3

  20. SimpsonFan4Life SimpsonFan4Life
    posted a quote
    October 23, 2011 9:30pm UTC
    I wonder what its it's like
    to be the prettiest girl in school


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