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teacup · 1 decade ago
I can't really assure you that things will be okay and work out the way you want them to, but life does this things where it somehow manages to kind of temporarily salvage things if even just for a bit. I can tell you the last time we spoke, I was in a very bad place where I thought I wouldn't turn to again--but I was wrong. It took a lot of time to get where I am now, and I still struggle sometimes, but I am just plagued. You learn to cope with things, even thought it gets tiring and frustrating and no matter how much you hate it, you just have to compromise. They always say after a storm comes a calm. I am patiently waiting for my calm.

I have definitely changed a bit and matured a lot in the last few months. I don't even use smileys anymore, which I should probably start using again.



teacup · 1 decade ago
I kind of feel disappointed, like being 18 would somehow be cooler. But perhaps it's my fault that I'm not going out to party every night and drinking until I can't even stand.
glenn, good luck. I'm sure you can do it and dig yourself out of your grave of grades.
Yes so much to do and be done. I barely have any free time, and when I do, it is extremely rare. So rare, that I choose to spend it alone and curled up in bed.

teacup · 1 decade ago
Ah, I know. It's weird to think about it and I don't want to think about it, much less think at all haha. I've been alright. Very tired, drained, blech. While school is fun sometimes, it can very awful at times as well.
So, how are you?

teacup · 1 decade ago
I despise this comment thing, I don't know why.
And I know, it's weird to think about. I don't want to think about it, much less think at all. I'm alright I suppose. Very tired and drained and I feel like I've had a leech attached to my neck for the past few months. While school is fun, it can be awful at times.
How are you?

teacup · 1 decade ago

teacup · 1 decade ago
I'm going to be dramatic and fling myself towards the vast land.
I don't want to shove all my negativity on you, glenn. This situation of mine has not only stressed me out physically but has taken a hold of me mentally and I find myself where I was a few years ago. I've fallen down the pit I dug and now I can't seem to get out.
Do you like anyone in that club? Because I feel like punching all of them, unless they're exceptions and you don't find them guilty of getting a knuckle sandwich.

teacup · 1 decade ago
Now that I think about it, it doesn't sound half-bad.
They're throwing out choices but it's mainly my fault. I'm just so indecisive and clueless on what I want to pursue that they're frustrated with me. I can't help but feel absolutely moronic and sh*tty at night when I pull the covers over my head.
Sounds like the club is pretty unorganized, if you don't mind me commenting. I'm sorry about that... have you discussed the issues as a group?

teacup · 1 decade ago
Haha, I would never.
If by progress you mean long nights of open discussion and leaving the dinner table angry and frustrated then yes. Progress all the way!
Why's that? Tell me all about it.

teacup · 1 decade ago
it has. :(
and ah, planning for the future i suppose? my parents and i have been discussing over things and such but i'm still not quite sure... bleh. i'm pretty stressed but it's alright. what about yourself?

teacup · 1 decade ago
glenn, hi! i miss you.

teacup · 1 decade ago
glennster! how are you? long time no talk. are you all better now? please tell me your sickness has left the building!

UPDATE ON RUBY'S LIFE: currently... nothing. really, nothing exciting has happened yet. i mean, i'm still working out the college ordeal with my parents and i'm still deciding and just... crappy postgraduate merde (that's french for sh*t! whoo, swearing!).

teacup · 1 decade ago
... *jumps out a window and in front of a passing bus down below*

Does it? Well, Australia is a pretty big place. Never underestimate a place just because of it's size on a map!

Could have been a genderless alien subspecies with purple gill-stricken skin and flappers for feet. Yep, that sounds just about right.
Ah, same. :/ If only we could freeze time... or something.

Holidays...? No. I know it's Thanksgiving in the States but we have nothing planned here. My family and I don't celebrate Thanksgiving (I don't know any Aussie that does) and the closest thing we have to Thanksgiving is Australia Day which is on the 26th of January. What about you?

teacup · 1 decade ago
Oh my god, seriously? I'm sorry, oiling!? That sounds horrendous. I can't stand a day without showering because I hate having greasy hair but dear god, OILING!? Kill me.

I live in Queensland, same place where Gold Coast is located, except it's 7 hours away from me.

Yes. :( I'm going to miss my high school years. Waaah. And poor you, only 10 guys in a class of 40 people? So I'm assuming the rest are girls?
Oh you, he's a mere friend of mine. :o

OH NO, glenn will be reaching the dark side before I do! :(

Aww, you're so kind. :D Hehe.

Yes, you do! And SHUCKS. I'm horrible at responding to compliments so I suppose I can only say: thank you. :)

teacup · 1 decade ago
That's good you're not that sick now but still, lets hope for that runny nose and sore throat to be gone! Ah, school. :( I'm sorry. Wish I could've taken you with me during schoolies week. I went to Gold Coast in Queensland and they have a beach there and it was really nice.

I did, it was fun to see everyone once more and party (because I rarely do that... rarely). My date was just really sweet but no, he is not my boyfriend. :P A good friend of mine though!

You're not old. I'm getting old, I'm almost 18. :(

"Most Likely to Star in a Movie!" Ahahaha, it was a cute little award.

Thank me in any way you see fit, I just thought it was a nice little gesture as you're someone who I frequently talk to on here. :) And you're a swell guy. I love you with all of my brain (that's where the emotion centres are)! :D

teacup · 1 decade ago
On another note: you're in my links on my page! Feel special!

teacup · 1 decade ago
glenn glenn glenn glennnnn
I have so much to tell you!
First off, hey! How're you? How have you been, are you any better? Ruby wants to know all the details, do tell. :)

As for prom and graduation... it was amazing. Literally the best days of my life. *sigh* Okay, picture time!

http://i1300.photobucket.com/albums/ag98/rubyphotography/preprom.jpg -- pre-prom selfie, eheheh
http://i1300.photobucket.com/albums/ag98/rubyphotography/prom.jpg -- prom 2012 set up!
http://i1300.photobucket.com/albums/ag98/rubyphotography/prom2.jpg -- my date and I :)
http://i1300.photobucket.com/albums/ag98/rubyphotography/prom3.jpg -- a friend and I
http://i1300.photobucket.com/albums/ag98/rubyphotography/PROM4.jpg -- I got an award, "Most likely to star in a movie" hahaha
http://i1300.photobucket.com/albums/ag98/rubyphotography/PROM5.jpg -- more friend pics
http://i1300.photobucket.com/albums/ag98/rubyphotography/PROM6.jpg -- even more friend pics
http://i1300.photobucket.com/albums/ag98/rubyphotography/PROM7.jpg -- MY OFFICIAL PROM PICTURE!
http://i1300.photobucket.com/albums/ag98/rubyphotography/graduation.jpg -- graduation day...
http://i1300.photobucket.com/albums/ag98/rubyphotography/schoolies.jpg -- then SCHOOLIES WEEK! it's basically like a week-long holiday at the end of our final exams.

So I was busy, busy, busy but I had so much fun. :)

teacup · 1 decade ago
No you haven't, but now I know!
AWW, of course. I would schoolwork for you any day, dear. :)

Ya kidding me?! I dislike veiny protruding muscles with a passion, I prefer boys tall and lanky and NORMAL. Bleech, I hate overly buff people they really remind me of bulls. D:

Aaah, thanks! I hate my handwriting. You're welcome, I love writing your name in cursive! OH MY GOSH GLENN, your handwriting is so adorable and frilly. :'> using the pink market probably doesn't help but I love it, thank you!!

Heheh, I need to send you a boat filled with all my 'good lucks'!

Ahh, I wish you went to school with me in Aussie! Because with jersey names, you're allowed to match and collaborate (for example, one person has "milk" printed on theirs and the other has "cookies" thus making "milk and cookies") and we could've totally matched! I would be Rubbiam and you'd be glennster! How cute would that of be? :)
Ah, well good thing we get to design our own jerseys like the color and such.

glenn's school system = so difficult for my Aussie brain to comprehend!

teacup · 1 decade ago
Why thank you!
Good luck, good luck, good luck. :( I can only hope you get better and do well! They better not buddy, haha. Yet you don't feel the need to let your sickness get in the way of talking to me? You doll, you.

I apologize! Well, lets be honest, I feel as if you're not a buff-headed jock and more of the lanky artistic guy in the corner!
Yes I can, I wrote your name ~ http://i.imgur.com/3ZIPm.jpg

THANKS MY FRIEND! I'm in Year 12! So I'm finishing up my final year. Then it's off to uni (don't ask me where, it's a touchy subject, eh)! Also in Aussie we get jerseys at the end of the year where we can print our names/nicknames on it and I'm not sure what I should put on mine. Any ideas?
Yes thank you glenn -- what do you call your years (grades/whatever)?

Sure thing! :)

teacup · 1 decade ago
I am so utterly bored. The kind where you just want to die slowly from the boredness? Yes, that's the kind I am suffering from now.
Ah, just as I was typing your name I realized how much I am in love with it. It's so simple and I really like it, a lot. When you do cursive, I bet it looks pretty. Or -- masculine? :) Bahaha sorry, I forgot... you're not... a... girl. AHEM.
Well, today's also my P-R-O-M PROM! Whoopie (not)! We shall see how this goes... I'll definitely send you pictures if you'd like.

teacup · 1 decade ago
For me, it could be different for you!

I'm awake... now, hehe.


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