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  1. Rae_Rae Rae_Rae
    posted a quote
    February 18, 2010 3:18pm UTC
    One day your texts are so sweet.
    One day your texts are so short.
    One day we talk the entire day.
    One day we dont talk at all.
    One day you tell me everything.
    One day you wont tell me anything.

    100% mine :)

  2. LucyChanDesu LucyChanDesu
    posted a quote
    February 18, 2010 7:37am UTC
    friends are like colours of the rainbow.
    ♥//unique and brilliant when alone. but absolutely beautiful when together.

  3. LucyChanDesu LucyChanDesu
    posted a quote
    February 18, 2010 10:46am UTC
    I love him but i cannot show it.
    I want him but he cannot know it. I need him but I know it'll never be.
    `·.¸¸.·´´¯`··._.· (i f o n l y h e n e e d e d m e .) `·.¸¸.·´´¯`··._.·

  4. Dreamless Dreamless
    posted a quote
    February 18, 2010 3:28pm UTC
    Sometimes, late at night, it just hits me.
    ( i can do whatever i want. )

  5. Sara_K Sara_K
    posted a quote
    February 18, 2010 10:28am UTC
    Please stop trying to be cool.

  6. HopelessNoey HopelessNoey
    posted a quote
    February 18, 2010 1:52pm UTC
    Why did i have to fall for him?
    »»»» out of the boys at my school; i had to fall for the biggest douche bag ever. wtf? ///

  7. loveisthe8thwonder loveisthe8thwonder
    posted a quote
    February 17, 2010 8:23pm UTC
    if God Answers Your Prayer,
    He is increasing your {[ faith ]}
    If He Delays, He is increasing you patience.
    ----->>If He .:Doesn’t:. answer
    he has something better for you
    i live by this.<3

  8. ForeverYoung_ ForeverYoung_
    posted a quote
    February 15, 2010 2:41am UTC
    "Kidz Bop Sings the Beatles!"
    ...oh please, no.

  9. ohhshanappp ohhshanappp
    posted a quote
    February 16, 2010 9:33pm UTC
    No one is afraid of heights,
    [ t h e y ' r e a f r a i d t o f a l l . ]
    N o o n e i s a f r a i d t o p l a y ,
    [ t h e y ' r e a f r a i d t o l o s e . ]
    No one is afraid of the dark,
    [ t h e y ' r e a f r a i d o f w h a t ' s i n i t ]
    No one is afraid to say "l love you"
    [ t h e y ' r e a f r a i d o f t h e r e s p o n s e. ]

  10. HopelessNoey HopelessNoey
    posted a quote
    February 16, 2010 4:30pm UTC
    »»»» more than he'll ever know & i'll ever show. ///

  11. xXLyke_LEGiTXx xXLyke_LEGiTXx
    posted a quote
    February 16, 2010 5:07pm UTC
    And Don’t You Just Hate It When
    you drop crumbs down your bra?

  12. omgizzleitsmaddie omgizzleitsmaddie
    posted a quote
    February 15, 2010 11:56pm UTC
    ---> wHY Do You Have To Be so <---
    You maKe IT reaLLY HarD To GeT over You.

  13. HopelessNoey HopelessNoey
    posted a quote
    February 15, 2010 8:14pm UTC
    I'm sick of this.
    I'm sick of dressing up in those "sexy" clothes.
    I'm sick of wearing those »»» push up bras.
    I'm sick of wearing those short shorts/skirts.
    I'm sick of waxing/shaving 24/7.
    I'm sick of caking on the eyeliner; mascara; and foundation/concealer.
    I'm sick of faking my voice; to make it sounds girlier.
    I'm sick of acting like i don't care when he never texts me "later".
    I'm sick of trying to impress the one boy that will never care.

  14. xosportgurl13ox xosportgurl13ox
    posted a quote
    February 15, 2010 8:49pm UTC
    Wake up in the mornin' gonna find a guido.
    A nice, juiced, hot, tanned guy; Who might look good in a speedo.
    Before I leave, tease my hair, put the [poof] in the back.
    && most importantly I gotta bronze my face with shellac.
    I'm talking;; Grab a pickle for the road/Get into the Jersey Mode/Get the poof it's own area code
    Little Italian flags on my toes.Got my signature guidette pose.Maybe today I won't get socked in the nose.
    Let's score in Jersey Shore///
    Ouch my hair's stuck in the door. Be as tan as I can, so that I can steal your man.
    >>>>When I walk down the block; All their heads will turn in shock.
    Oh oh oh oh.
    jersey shoree:)
    not my songg

  15. harryjamespotter harryjamespotter
    posted a quote
    February 15, 2010 9:34pm UTC
    you didn't love her.
    you don't destroy the people you love.

  16. Everlong Everlong
    posted a quote
    February 15, 2010 8:32pm UTC
    It's your fault.
    You're the one making me feel this way. You're the
    guy giving me fuzzy warm feelings; the reason
    for the f l u t t e r of butterflies in my stomach.
    You're the one with the power to make my face
    glow and my smile - -w i d e n- - You make my
    head spin and my heart beat fast. You make me
    laugh so much and put a sparkle in my eye.
    You are the only one making my
    heart beat♥

  17. omgizzleitsmaddie omgizzleitsmaddie
    posted a quote
    February 15, 2010 7:59pm UTC
    You Know You're In Love
    when just hearing his laugh makes you smile ♥

  18. omgizzleitsmaddie omgizzleitsmaddie
    posted a quote
    February 15, 2010 8:26pm UTC
    us teenage kids,
    we mess up, break up, lie, cheat, feel like the world
    is crashing down, and try to fill shoes way too big for us.
    but one thing we're pretty good at is hanging on.

  19. forever_plusonex3 forever_plusonex3
    posted a quote
    February 15, 2010 9:01pm UTC
    You've got a foot,
    &+ he's got balls.
    Girls; you know what to do.

  20. Dreamless Dreamless
    posted a quote
    February 14, 2010 4:14pm UTC
    t h e b a s t a r d w h o s t a r t e d a l l t h i s b u l l s h i t
    died a horrible, violent death.
    there, does it make you
    feel any better?


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