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Member Since: 30 Apr 2010 11:17pm

Last Seen: 5 Oct 2012 12:24am

user id: 107721

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here is a little story of a girl who fell too hard ;;
samantha.marie.nardone ;; but call me sam [:

 im fourteeenn  , 15 march 2 &im a freshman
 i absolutely love:
buildabear.chocolatemilk.glitter.playdough.fuzzysocks.chinesefood.animalcrackers.spykids.cigarettes.crayons.coloringbooks.thezoo.swings.trampolines. notwearingpants.blacklights.applejuice.hellokitty. findingnemo.alcohol.&suchh

\Been there*;
FUCKED that up.

    && i've become that girl i never wanted to be as a kid.
remember when we used to stay
up until 2 in the morning texting

yeah, I kinda miss that..

  1. ssammxo97 ssammxo97
    posted a quote
    October 24, 2010 10:53pm UTC
    && i remember that night perfectly
    me and you were at our friends house watching a scary movie
    i was scared so you put your arm around me
    and held me while i put my head against your chest,
    we were whispering cute things to each other throughout the whole movie
    while our friends were getting annoyed with us
    then i got really scared so you started tickling me
    in that one special tickle spot only you knew about,
    the movie ended and it was time for everyone to leave
    but you told me you didnt want me to leave
    so when everyone else went outside,
    you kept holding me and stared into my eyes
    finally i had to leave and you held me and kissed me goodbye
    but you said that it wasnt a good enough kiss so you kissed me again
    then you walked me outside holding my hand
    the next weekend you had told me you moved on
    true story
    i miss you brandon </3

  2. ssammxo97 ssammxo97
    posted a quote
    October 19, 2010 9:38pm UTC
    && her morning
    she wakes up with her makeup all smudged
    why? because she fell asleep crying last night
    her ipod is dead
    why? because she fell asleep blasting their song</3
    she picks out a big sweatshirt
    why? because she needs to cover up the scars on her wrist
    she cakes on that makeup and burns her hair to straighten it
    why? because she feels ugly without it
    she spends time practicing her fake smile
    why? because she just isnt happy anymore
    she spends about 7 minutes convincing her mom that she isnt hungry and doesnt need breakfast
    why? because she thinks shes fat so she starves herself e v e r y d a y
    she is depressed
    because last night she saw that her ex was in a relationship.

  3. ssammxo97 ssammxo97
    posted a quote
    October 9, 2010 12:17pm UTC
    && everyone always asks me why finding nemo is my favorite movie
    well whenever im about to scream and cry because of him or drama or whatever,
    i watch that , and dory always reminds me to
    [ [ just keep swimming ] ]

  4. ssammxo97 ssammxo97
    posted a quote
    October 9, 2010 12:07pm UTC
    && me and my friends are in eighth grade
    we made a list of things to do before the year ended
    one of the things on that list
    was to scream I LOVE YOU ___ then say the person you likes name
    at one of the football games
    we did that last night and then
    he spinned me around and said i love you too<3

  5. ssammxo97 ssammxo97
    posted a quote
    September 26, 2010 1:37pm UTC
    && last night ,
    i had 142 messages in my inbox
    i looked at the clock when he texted me ;;
    it was 11:11 when he texted me and i got
    my 143 rd message where he finally said
    i love you<3
    i 4 3 <3

  6. ssammxo97 ssammxo97
    posted a quote
    September 22, 2010 8:04pm UTC
    life goes on ;;
    so drop the knife
    turn off your phone, close your laptop,
    grap your ipod and teddy bear,
    just take a night to sit and cry.
    when your finally done,
    take a look in the mirror,
    you are b e a u t i f u l.
    no matter what just happened,
    everything will get better and
    life goes on.
    it cant always be perfect
    and when you feel like nothings going right,
    just smile and remember
    that to get to your rainbow in life,
    you have to get through the storm.

  7. ssammxo97 ssammxo97
    posted a quote
    September 8, 2010 5:10pm UTC
    +& do you remember all of our times together?
    do you remember all of our hugs , and kisses , and just holding each other?
    do you remember tickling me and making me smile?
    i bet you dont even care.
    i bet you dont know
    how many tears ive cried for you
    or how much i doubt myself everday for being pretty enough
    ill never forget all of those times
    you made me smile , my real smile
    ill never forget you

  8. ssammxo97 ssammxo97
    posted a quote
    September 7, 2010 12:26am UTC
    [ [ so this is how its going to end? ] ]
    i gave up so much for you
    i fell for you and i thought you were there to catch me
    well i guess you are to busy catching h e r
    you say you still want to be friends?
    well sorry i dont like having d-bags as friends.
    but let me tell you one last thing
    next time you see me ,
    im going to be the most beauiful girl
    you have ever seen
    and you are going to realize that you lost me
    /// and you cant get me back ///

  9. ssammxo97 ssammxo97
    posted a quote
    August 31, 2010 1:13am UTC
    in life
    there are always going to be rainbows ;; and thunderstorms
    the rainbows are the good happy things in life
    the thunderstorms are the bad depressing things in life
    to get to the rainbows, you will always have to get through the thunderstorms
    sometimes , when your thunderstorms are longer then others ,
    that just means that your rainbow will shine 10X more and be 100X better then you thought

  10. ssammxo97 ssammxo97
    posted a quote
    August 22, 2010 2:50am UTC
    stop dreaming, start believing.
    start living, stop fighting.
    stop thinking, start laughing.
    start loving, stop trying.
    not mine, credit for the edit(:

  11. ssammxo97 ssammxo97
    posted a quote
    August 21, 2010 1:36am UTC
    click to see this quote

  12. ssammxo97 ssammxo97
    posted a quote
    August 19, 2010 2:01pm UTC
    &+ you know you are best friends when ;;
    you ask him creepy questions that she wants to know
    and he ends up thinking you like him.
    but you dont care

  13. ssammxo97 ssammxo97
    posted a quote
    August 15, 2010 6:08pm UTC
    bottom of the 6th
    one out
    bases loaded
    tied game
    and matt hosman hits a walk off grand slam
    and peabody massachusetts is going to williamsport
    peabody western colors<3

  14. ssammxo97 ssammxo97
    posted a quote
    August 13, 2010 3:01am UTC
    click to see this quote

  15. ssammxo97 ssammxo97
    posted a quote
    August 11, 2010 1:27am UTC
    && i wonder ;;
    do you ever think of me ?
    cause i think of you all the time.
    do you ever talk about me to your friends ?
    because my friends are deffinately sick of me talking about u.
    do you ever want to text me , but your just a little scared ?
    cause i know i am.
    do you ever just want to hold me in your arms ?
    cause id love to be held close by you.
    do you love me ?
    cause i love you.

  16. ssammxo97 ssammxo97
    posted a quote
    August 8, 2010 6:03pm UTC
    && what hurts more then knowing your not mine?
    my sunburn =\

  17. ssammxo97 ssammxo97
    posted a quote
    July 27, 2010 12:01am UTC
    why are you so jealous
    that i like your best friend ?
    you know i still like you
    but do you like me ?
    it doesnt seem like it
    so dont be jealous and lie .

  18. ssammxo97 ssammxo97
    posted a quote
    July 22, 2010 5:24pm UTC
    && sometimes in life,
    god puts us in tough situations
    but that just means,
    that god knows we are strong enough
    to get through whatever happens
    // <3 //

  19. ssammxo97 ssammxo97
    posted a quote
    July 18, 2010 11:01pm UTC
    in life ;;
    you cant keep worrying about the past
    all you can do is move on
    because in life,
    there are no mistakes,
    only lessons learned.
    so learn from ur mistakes and the only thing you should regret
    is what you didnt do when you had the chance,
    so live life to the fullest
    because you never know whats gunna happen next,
    [ [take chances] ] ;;
    and if you dont , you will never have known what would have happened
    it could be good, it could be bad just learn to live with what happens
    and make the best outta it.
    always remember that with something bad that happens, there is always something good that happens with it.
    if something bad happens, remember it cant rain forever,
    and someday, a rainbow will come out of the rain that will be made specifically for you
    speak your mind, that why theres freedom of speech ;;
    if it gets you in trouble
    say oh well and move on.
    live life. laugh lots. and love like you've never been hurt before
    lifes too short to live with regrets
    mineee dontt jockk<3

  20. ssammxo97 ssammxo97
    posted a quote
    July 18, 2010 1:37pm UTC
    &+ have you ever had one of those days
    where one thing goes wrong , then suddenly
    it seems like your whole world is crashing all at once ?
    witty messed up spacing sorrryyy :(


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