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  1. posted a quote
    January 1, 1970 12:00am UTC
    This quote does not exist.

  2. Kylah704 Kylah704
    posted a quote
    February 1, 2011 4:47pm UTC
    You say I look good...
    Why don't you agree?
    ♥ this if you think your camera's a b●tch

  3. posted a quote
    January 1, 1970 12:00am UTC
    This quote does not exist.

  4. NeverShoutBecca NeverShoutBecca
    posted a quote
    January 21, 2011 8:21pm UTC
    ● fear rejection
    ● want attention
    ● crave affection
    ● dream perfection

  5. erlele6969 erlele6969
    posted a quote
    December 24, 2010 10:41am UTC
    click to see this quote

  6. ChasingWind ChasingWind
    posted a quote
    December 24, 2010 10:24am UTC
    I want to be the girl who
    he is afraid to lose. i want to be the girl who he would risk everything for.♥

  7. livelaughlove756 livelaughlove756
    posted a quote
    December 22, 2010 7:34pm UTC
    A boyfriend and a girlfriend are cuddling while watching a movie at the girl's house.
    Boy: You know, this isn't like my other dates.
    Girl: Yeah?
    Boy: Yeah.
    Girl: Well, how's it different?
    Boy: Well, I guess usually my girlfriend and I just make out the whole time.
    Girl: Well. I'm so sorry but I'm not that kind of girl.
    Boy: No, no! I actually prefer it. Things are different will you.
    Girl: Oh yeah?
    Boy: Yeah. My other girlfriends are just pretty, that's it. You're beautiful, but on top of that you're smart and kind and considerate and the most amazing person I'll ever meet. When I saw them, sure, I was happy, but when I see you, it makes my whole day and it can turn an awful day into an amazing one. I can feel my heart beat harder every time I see you smile. It makes my day when I see that I've made you happy and I can feel my heart breaking whenever you're sad. Oh, and there's one more difference.
    Girl: What's that?
    Boy: I liked the other girls. I think I'm in love with you. ♥

  8. wissapooh wissapooh
    posted a quote
    December 22, 2010 4:35pm UTC
    To her classmates;
    She is a quiet girl.. who doesn't talk that much.
    To her friends;
    She is a funny, outgoing girl.. that always makes them laugh.
    To her best friend;
    She is a crazy, fun girl.. that's always there for her.
    To her boyfriend;
    She is an amazing girl.. that he loves more than anything.
    And to herself;
    She's completely worthless..

  9. lexiiieleax lexiiieleax
    posted a quote
    December 22, 2010 6:00pm UTC
    i can't wait until 2011.
    another year, another chance.
    favorite if you agree.

  10. posted a quote
    January 1, 1970 12:00am UTC
    This quote does not exist.

  11. xlostgirl08 xlostgirl08
    posted a quote
    August 18, 2010 7:55pm UTC
    having flaws
    is the true meaning
    of being beautiful. ♥

  12. sunshinethrothedark sunshinethrothedark
    posted a quote
    August 15, 2010 6:51pm UTC
    can we put them back in our shirt?

  13. LilaaBean LilaaBean
    posted a quote
    August 15, 2010 2:02pm UTC
    True story .
    I was just watching iCarly, and I sneezed .
    Right after I sneezed, Freddy said "bless you" to Spencer.
    Spencer said "I didn't sneeze."
    I smiled and said "I did."
    haha i'm such a dork. fav?

  14. xocutiepie7 xocutiepie7
    posted a quote
    August 13, 2010 10:30am UTC
    She is my best friend; <3
    of course i'm going to tell her everything you just said.

  15. posted a quote
    January 1, 1970 12:00am UTC
    This quote does not exist.

  16. asiarhea asiarhea
    posted a quote
    August 12, 2010 6:25pm UTC
    Witty Girls. Please Tell My Friend She's Beautiful. No Matter How Much She Weighs.
    press the heart. <3

  17. volleyball_spiker volleyball_spiker
    posted a quote
    August 12, 2010 8:48pm UTC
    Taylor Lautner

    posted a quote
    August 11, 2010 7:02pm UTC
    1 thing you can't photoshop?
    your ugly personality.

  19. posted a quote
    January 1, 1970 12:00am UTC
    This quote does not exist.

  20. i_never_forgotx3 i_never_forgotx3
    posted a quote
    August 11, 2010 10:57pm UTC
    There's just something about you
    I can't get over.


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