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  1. xXTwilightlvrXx1901 xXTwilightlvrXx1901
    posted a quote
    December 3, 2009 8:48pm UTC
    If a really fat man snatches you up
    and throws you in a bag, don't be afraid.
    It's just Santa collecting his Ho's for Christmas.
    Thats why your girlfriend just texted me from there.

  2. spinnychair spinnychair
    posted a quote
    August 28, 2009 12:31am UTC
    God saw you were getting tired,
    and there was not a cure to be,
    so he put his arms around you
    and whispered "Come to me."
    With tearful eyes we watched you,
    and saw you pass away, although
    we loved you dearly, We could
    not make you stay. A golden
    heart stopped beating, hard
    working hands at rest, God broke
    our hearts to prove to us that
    He only takes the best.

  3. posted a quote
    January 1, 1970 12:00am UTC
    This quote does not exist.

  4. selyna97 selyna97
    posted a quote
    November 29, 2009 3:22am UTC
    There really isn't a reason to cut yourself,
    I t ' s n o t t h e b r i g h t e s t t h i n g t o d o
    Yeah, I've thought about it, but I never had the actual guts .
    I ' m n o t w i l l i n g e n o u g h
    to cause myself pain in two ways rather than just one.
    A l t h o u g h , I h a v e n o t h i n g a g a i n s t
    people who do , I understand your pain , really I do .
    I j u s t f i g u r e d , m o s t o f t h e t i m e
    you could get rid of your pain yourself , rather than that.
    all mine*
    format credit to natwolfflove88

  5. carrrlyx carrrlyx
    posted a quote
    November 28, 2009 7:33pm UTC
    don't touch me
    - - ->there<- - -
    | this is my no-no square. |
    get the f*** away from me.
    cuz i don't want no STDs
    and 'specially not no HIV
    so do yourself instead of me
    Go F*** Yourself Instead of Me.
    *this is the way i learned it.

  6. get_away_x3 get_away_x3
    posted a quote
    November 28, 2009 10:46pm UTC
    Today, I saw an interview of 2 girls
    that are fans of the Twilight movies.They
    said that they would do anything
    to find out if Bella picks
    Jacob or Edward, and that the
    suspense for the next movies to come
    out is killing them. I wonder if they
    know they can accomplish this
    and solve their problems by
    reading the books.

  7. lautnerluver123 lautnerluver123
    posted a quote
    November 28, 2009 10:12am UTC
    & you know you're in love when
    -----> you don't respond to your own name
    but are instantly paying attention when someone says; <-----
    his name

  8. munchkin21197 munchkin21197
    posted a quote
    October 29, 2009 1:41pm UTC
    click to see this quote

  9. posted a quote
    January 1, 1970 12:00am UTC
    This quote does not exist.

  10. posted a quote
    January 1, 1970 12:00am UTC
    This quote does not exist.

  11. LiLAnGiExo09 LiLAnGiExo09
    posted a quote
    October 18, 2009 9:38pm UTC
    I love you more then words can say. Boy, everytime i see
    you i fall harder and harder. Your smile makes
    me insane. You make me have feelings i have never experienced before.
    Honey, why do you have to make me feel like this? I can't be
    without you for too long. When your gone, pieces of my heart miss
    you like crazy. I can't go more then two seconds without thinking about you.
    When I'm down, I see your face and it makes my life complete.
    Baby, i need you to fill this missing piece in my heart.
    You are my everything.

  12. dramaqueen61896 dramaqueen61896
    posted a quote
    April 27, 2009 4:51pm UTC
    Boys are Stronger Than Girls?
    Can you bleed for a week and survive?
    Can you squeze 14 inch baby from a 9 centimeter hole?
    Can you carry a 7 pound baby in your stomuch for 9 months?
    Can you take care of a child, cook, clean, and talk on the phone at once?
    Can you carry 10 8 pound s.h.o.p.p.i.n.g b.a.g.s?
    Can you go a [[week]] only eating [[salad]]?
    Can you --->face heartbreak?
    Can you watch the (love of your life) be with someone else?
    Can you burn your forehead with a straightner and not complain?
    Can you wear a thin piece of s t r i n g in your a s s all day?
    Can you walk all day in 4 inch stilletos?
    Can you cry all night then wake up the next morning like everythings okay?
    I Didn't Think So.
    **comment to add more if you like!**

  13. rawrxmonique rawrxmonique
    posted a quote
    September 4, 2009 10:38pm UTC
    Me: How come it's only the girls that start drama! The guys should do something too!
    Ben: Uh huh...
    Ben: cookie...WHO STOLE IT!?!
    this is my best friend. no doubt about it(:

  14. starxshine130 starxshine130
    posted a quote
    September 5, 2009 3:59am UTC
    & Am I the only one...
    who will spend forever working on a quote
    and the quote doesn't get many favorites,
    but then makes a quote that takes me two minutes
    and the two minute quotes get tons of favorites?
    hope you like it!
    favorite if you are the same way!

  15. Ashells24 Ashells24
    posted a quote
    August 31, 2009 2:03pm UTC
    We Are Just Two Friends That
    could really be sisters. People think we are crazy insane
    and that we hang outt too much. But its really just because we
    are such good friends. So one day me and my besttfriendd decieded
    to go to the beach! Itt was kind of cold. We just wore our sweatshirts and sweatpants
    and called itt good. We looked for seashells and all that wonderful stuff. It was really fun.
    We would have sand fights and chase any seagull that dared to land in our path. We
    would talk about the most random things. Food was a great topic.[; We would say hello
    to random strangers. Start running next to the joggers! And best of all;;;
    We would sing songs as loud as we could. We didn'tt care if we
    embarassed ourselves. We just didn'tt care. Being together
    was the best thing ever and it couldn't get any better.
    And when we said our goodbyes and my
    best friend had to go home.
    We said our
    Bye Babe, Love Youu![;

  16. xostinson97xo xostinson97xo
    posted a quote
    August 31, 2009 1:42pm UTC
    just because...
    im quiet - doesnt mean i dont have alot to say
    im sarcastic - doesnt mean i dont take it seriously
    im forgiving - doesnt mean i forget
    im stubborn - doesnt mean im not easy going
    i dont show my feelings - doesnt mean i dont have them
    im not like you - doesnt mean im weird
    i dont say i love you - doesnt mean i dont <3
    ( not mine <3)

  17. LiNKiNpaRKguRL LiNKiNpaRKguRL
    posted a quote
    August 30, 2009 11:18pm UTC
    &+ Today, while I was texting my best friend,
    she said someone had insulted her for being a sweaty mess.
    She has hyperhydrosis, which means she sweats more than normal people.
    She didn't come to me looking for sympathy,
    she told me that her confidence got the best
    of the person who insulted her.
    My best friend just walked away.
    I love her for her strenght,
    she could be crying about it right now
    or fighting with the person who insulted her,
    but she made the right decision.
    Walk Away.
    she taught me a valuble lesson today, so i thought i would share.<3

  18. Nicksmean13 Nicksmean13
    posted a quote
    August 30, 2009 11:17pm UTC
    I hope you lived your life how you wanted.
    'cause your done being in my life.
    (not my colors.)

  19. WHOAH_xo WHOAH_xo
    posted a quote
    August 30, 2009 11:18pm UTC
    Today I was in the car with my Mom
    & I wanted her to change the radio station
    so I said,
    "Mom, can you please change the station?"
    She replied with
    "Sure, but as soon as I hear about someone's Disco Stick, I'm changing it"

  20. xo12allieox xo12allieox
    posted a quote
    August 30, 2009 11:20pm UTC
    Be More Concerned About Your Character than your reputation
    because your [[character]] is who you are
    and your reputation is what everyone else
    thinks of you
    saw it somewhere else dont
    know if its here sorry if it is :)


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