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Status: :) love life

Member Since: 9 Nov 2011 08:11pm

Last Seen: 13 Nov 2013 05:43pm

Gender: F

user id: 236322

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  hey guys the names livvy!! i am so energetic and love to make people smile i love ice hockey footbal golf cross country basketball lacrossse swimming and skiing!!! i am in love with the ocean and sand!!! im loving my life so talk to me!!!!!  
  1. running2756 running2756
    posted a quote
    May 14, 2012 6:37pm UTC
    Its okay to be a bit weird ;)

  2. running2756 running2756
    posted a quote
    May 6, 2012 8:19pm UTC
    girls who are naturally skinny are lucky
    girls who have to fight to be skinny are strong

  3. running2756 running2756
    posted a quote
    May 6, 2012 8:17pm UTC
    today i played lacrosse untill i went to catch the ball and i dove for it and i i missed so i never got back up :)

  4. running2756 running2756
    posted a quote
    May 5, 2012 6:45pm UTC
    i love doing something others say i cant and watch mouths fall open :)

  5. running2756 running2756
    posted a quote
    April 14, 2012 11:32pm UTC
    click to see this quote

  6. running2756 running2756
    posted a quote
    April 12, 2012 11:02am UTC
    i search for

  7. running2756 running2756
    posted a quote
    April 12, 2012 10:57am UTC
    i search for

  8. running2756 running2756
    posted a quote
    April 11, 2012 5:50pm UTC
    'psssttt, Hey you. Yeah I mean you. If you have taken a minute to read this. The angels have seen you struggling with something. The angels say its over. A blessing is coming your way. If you believe in angels send this message on. Please don't ignore it. You are being tested. The angels are going to fix two (big) things in your favour. If you believe in angels. Drop everything and re-post x'

  9. running2756 running2756
    posted a quote
    April 6, 2012 7:06pm UTC
    Look For The LOWER Case 'L' And You Will Be Kissed tomorrow: LLLLLLLLLLlLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL . Now Look For The Q And Your Wish Will Come True! OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOQOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. Now Look For The 'N' This Is Really Hard! MMMMMMMNMMMMMMM. Now Find The Mistake: abcdefghijklnmopqrstuvwxyz Now Wish For Something You Really Want After The Countdown! 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Now Close Your Eyes And Make A Wish! ****** *** *** ****** *** ****** Now post this again. Your Wish Will Come True! You Have 19 Minutes! Or What You Wished For Will Be The Opposite

  10. running2756 running2756
    posted a quote
    April 4, 2012 5:44pm UTC
    SHe SmiLeS JuST To KeeP the TeArs FrOm F

  11. running2756 running2756
    posted a quote
    March 16, 2012 8:30pm UTC
    I love you.
    - Boy:
    Yeah I know everyone does!
    ... ... ... ... ...
    - Boy:
    Yeah...everyone of my friends that are girls tell me that everyday.
    - Girl:
    Oh...but am I only your friend?
    - Boy:
    No...you're my girlfriend...why?
    - Girl:
    So when I say I love you I really do mean it.
    - Boy:
    Yeah I know you do mean it...its just that you dont need to tell me that you love
    anymore cuz I know you love me since the day we been together and i love you more
    each and everyday.
    - Girl:
    - Boy:
    So wanna go somewhere tonight for our 7th anniversary?
    - Girl:
    - Boy:
    I dont know...maybe movie then dinner?
    - Boy:
    Ill pick you up after I get off and get ready ok?
    - Girl:
    Ok. What time do you get off?
    - Boy:
    In 2 hours and then I gotta go home and yeah get ready which takes about 15-20
    hey...I thought you didnt have work today...
    - Boy:
    One of my co-workers called in sick.
    - Girl:
    Oh okay! So ill see you around 7:30 then?
    - Boy:
    Yeah! and babe?
    - Girl:
    - Boy:
    I love you.
    - Girl:
    I love you too!
    - Boy:
    Ok my manager is like looking at me so yeah.... i gotta go.
    - Girl:
    Ok bye.
    - Boy:
    2 hours later...
    The guy drives to his girlfriends house and walks up to the door and rings bell.
    - Girl:
    Hey! (gives a kiss to her boyfriend)
    - Boy:
    Wassup...you ready?
    - Girl:
    Um...wait...let me get my bag and we can go ok?
    - Boy:
    They both watched a movie and ate dinner...once they were done eating they head
    to the car but before she got into the car...
    - Boy:
    Wait! Can I blind fold you?
    - Girl:
    - Boy:
    Its a suprise.
    - Girl:
    What kind of suprise?
    - Boy:
    A big one.
    - Girl:
    Okay but only if you promise me that you will hold my hand while we're driving.
    - Boy:
    I promise.
    - Girl:
    Ok blind fold me...
    So they drove off...........and then they stoped.
    - Boy:
    Ok we're here!
    - Boy:
    Wait let me walk you to the place!
    - Girl:
    What place?
    - Boy:
    Somewhere! (and gives a kiss to her on the lips)
    - Girl:
    The boy walks her to the place.
    - Boy:
    Ok...let me take the blind fold off.
    - Girl:
    Where are we?
    He takes it off her and she opens her eyes and sees the view of the city and at
    same spot...that's where he first asked her to be his girlfriend....
    - Girl:
    Omg...(tears come down)
    - Boy:
    Why are you crying?
    - Girl:
    This is where you first asked me out...
    - Boy:
    What are you doing the rest of your life? (he asked on his knees and after he says
    that...behind him...in the air it says "Will you marry me?" in fireworks)
    - Girl:
    (tears come down faster)
    - Boy:
    I wasnt at work when you called me...I was planning this whole thing!
    - Girl:
    Get up!
    - Boy:
    - Girl:
    (kisses him)
    - Boy:
    Is that a yes or a no?
    - Girl:
    If you don't repost this you will have the loneliest life!
    If you do repost this, you will have a relationship that will last as long as you
    want it to!
    You have 3 mintues to repost this

  12. running2756 running2756
    posted a quote
    March 10, 2012 8:30pm UTC
    1. Do you pinky promise to answer all the questions honestly? Yep
    2. When is your birthday? july 21
    3. Do you like ice cream? my fav thing everrr
    4. Do you prefer frozen lemonade or normal? normal :P
    5. Are you eating anything right now? i was
    6. What is your favorite color? orange
    7. Why is your favorite color your favorite? bright and tropical
    8. Are you getting bored yet? nooo
    10. Did you notice I skipped 9? ahah nope
    11. Didn't you realize there was supposed to be only 10 facts? oops :)

  13. running2756 running2756
    posted a quote
    March 10, 2012 8:22pm UTC

  14. running2756 running2756
    posted a quote
    March 8, 2012 7:38pm UTC

  15. running2756 running2756
    posted a quote
    March 3, 2012 5:36pm UTC
    FAVE if you love witty :)

  16. running2756 running2756
    posted a quote
    March 3, 2012 2:39pm UTC
    sometimes i just need to walk away

  17. running2756 running2756
    posted a quote
    March 3, 2012 2:26pm UTC

  18. running2756 running2756
    posted a quote
    March 3, 2012 2:16pm UTC
    I am 22% obsessed with my looks
    I use:
    [x] hair straightener
    [] curling iron
    [] mousse
    [x] hairspray
    [] gel
    [] other sprays
    [x] bobby pins
    [x] hair clips
    [x] hair ties
    [x] round barrel brus
    ] blow dryer
    [x] mirror
    [] I have dyed my hair
    [] I have/had highlights
    TOTAL: 8
    Eyes: I own
    [ black eyeliner
    [] other color eyeliner
    [] eye shadow
    [] mascara
    [] fake eyelashes
    [] eyelash curler
    [] eye shimmer
    [] contacts
    [] stunna shades
    [] eye makeup remover
    TOTAL: 6
    Lips/Teeth: I own
    [] clear lip gloss
    [x] red or pink lip gloss
    [] lipstick
    [x] chap stick
    [] lip plumper
    [x] electric toothbrush
    [] teeth whitener
    [] more than 15 lip glosses
    [x] toothpaste
    TOTAL: 6
    Complexion/Overall Face: I own
    [] blush
    [] moisturizer
    [X] face wash
    [] bronzer
    [] makeup remover
    [] face wipes
    [] powder
    [) cover up
    TOTAL: 8
    []nail polish/varnish
    [] filer
    [] nail clipper
    [] nail buffer
    [] cuticle remover
    [] nail hardener
    [] nail brush
    [] fake nails
    [] nail scissors
    TOTAL: 5
    Now multiply your number by 2
    Then repost as I am % obsessed with my looks.

  19. running2756 running2756
    posted a quote
    March 1, 2012 7:11pm UTC
    success is measured by effort

  20. running2756 running2756
    posted a quote
    February 29, 2012 7:52pm UTC
    what are some signs that a guy loves you?? witty helpp!


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