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  1. trishafaye819 trishafaye819
    posted a quote
    March 24, 2015 11:31am UTC
    Personality Quiz
    Girlish (4)
    [] I like at least one shade of pink
    [x] I don't like being messy (depends....)
    [x] My belongings are organized
    [] I don't like rock music
    [] I hate black
    [] I go to the salon once a week
    [x] I comb my hair almost all the time
    [x] I bring my phone with me everywhere
    Boyish (8)
    [x] I like Akon
    [x] I like wearing jackets with hoods
    [x] I'm too lazy to do chores
    [x] I don't like shopping unless it's for me
    [x] I would go bungee jumping
    [x] I like being sweaty(if it’s after a workout...)
    [x] I'm a big fan of marvel heroes
    [x] I always wear perfume/cologne
    Nerdy (3)
    [] I always carry a pen in my purse or pocket (for my writing)
    [] I enjoy studying
    [x] I wear glasses (contacts)
    [] I'm a straight-A student
    [] I've never skipped any class in my whole life.
    [x sometimes] I like my shirt tucked in
    [] One of my favorite subject is science
    [x] I like reading mystery books
    Emo (7)
    [x] I am crazy about the color black (not crazy, but I like it....)
    [x] I like heavy metal/rock music
    [x] I have a lot of problems in my life
    [x] I don't talk much
    [x] I don't have that many friends
    [x] I barely have fun
    [x] I barely go out with my Parents or friends
    Childish (2)
    [x] I love to stare at the ceiling for ten minutes
    [x] I sleep with a stuff toy/pillow.
    [] I sleep with a night light
    [] My parents are the ones who choose my outfit.
    [] I'm scared of roller coasters
    [] I like being with my family relatives

  2. gooddeeds gooddeeds
    posted a quote
    March 23, 2015 8:59am UTC
    Most people like to watch the Olympics, because they only happen once every 4 years, but I'd rather talk to you cause the chance of meeting someone so special only happens once in a lifetime.

  3. gooddeeds gooddeeds
    posted a quote
    March 23, 2015 3:57pm UTC
    You are so beautiful, my darling,
    Your delightful, angelic grace is sparkling.
    Your smile lights up my day,
    Like the sun rising in the morning.
    You are so beautiful, I do say.
    Kiss me now, baby, gently one more time,
    So my heart will sing with fluttering chime.
    Hug me now, lightly and caressingly,
    My love is yours, incessantly.
    Your beauty is unique, untouchable,
    Charming, invincible, unbeatable,
    Exquisite, adorable, unrepeatable.
    You are so beautiful to me,
    I love you dearly.

  4. I am single but crushing!!* I am single but crushing!!*
    posted a quote
    March 24, 2015 11:35am UTC
    I can't change the direction of the wind, but,
    I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination


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