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  1. wackiejackiex14 wackiejackiex14
    posted a quote
    October 11, 2009 11:15pm UTC
    16 things
    To Say When Someone Calls YouCrazy
    1. say, Um,no!The voices only come once a week now
    2. "Quite frankly, my imaginary friend just said he disagrees."
    3. Tomarrow, at 6 a.m dont go on the bus! I feel disaster in your future.
    4. Shhh... (and put you finger on their mouth, then run away while doing an interprative dance.)
    5. Twich and blink exsesivly while you disagree.
    6. Act like you can't understand them and scream, " no speak-ey english-ay"
    7. Punch them in the face and say that your anger managment classes are useless.
    8. Ask if crazy is a new drug and look around frantically while you ask how much they charge.
    9. Stare at them without blinking for 20 seconds and lean in close to their face before you answer them.
    10. Blame it on the wolf pack that raised you.
    11. Don't answer, than when they leave jump on their back and threaten that you will sacrifice them.
    12. Make a sexy pose and say, "do you find that attractive?"
    13. Act flahtered and tell them that you're already seeing someone.
    14. Burst into tears and file for harrasment.
    15. Scream at the top of your lungs before they finish what they're saying and run away.
    16. Explain you're just nervous and instead of bitting your fingernails, frantically bite your toenails.
    **Credit to blondejokes1234

  2. putasmileon33 putasmileon33
    posted a quote
    June 6, 2009 11:44am UTC
    click to see this quote

  3. als als
    posted a quote
    October 11, 2009 9:34pm UTC
    Shayla is four years old.
    Shayla: you have a fish?
    Me: Yes i do.
    Shayla: can i hold it?
    Me: um.. no.
    Shayla: ohh.
    haha. she is so awesome<3(=

  4. Supernaturalsam38 Supernaturalsam38
    posted a quote
    October 11, 2009 9:38pm UTC
    click to see this quote

  5. LaughOutLoudx19 LaughOutLoudx19
    posted a quote
    October 11, 2009 10:01pm UTC
    click to see this quote

  6. xflirTatiousBabEx xflirTatiousBabEx
    posted a quote
    October 11, 2009 8:16pm UTC
    Today my 4 year old cousins cat died. It was his first experience with death so my aunt and uncle were explaining heaven and God to him. My cousin is totally silent through all of this and when they are finished speaking he looks up at them very worriedly and asks "will God be mad if Norman pees on his carpet?e ". MLIA

  7. posted a quote
    January 1, 1970 12:00am UTC
    This quote does not exist.

  8. spinnychair spinnychair
    posted a quote
    October 11, 2009 8:37pm UTC
    Pon and Zi Quote #4
    "I'm secretly frying your brain cells."

  9. posted a quote
    January 1, 1970 12:00am UTC
    This quote does not exist.

  10. ccaalliiccoo ccaalliiccoo
    posted a quote
    May 31, 2009 5:48pm UTC
    M U S I C S H O U L D B E L I K E C A N D Y
    Throw out the rappers.
    Haha, not mine, different website.
    I do like some rap though, i guess :/
    thoguht it was funny though

  11. lavaeg lavaeg
    posted a quote
    May 29, 2009 8:52pm UTC
    Coca-Cola in Chinese means
    "To make mouth happy"
    Human hair and fingernails
    continue to grow after death
    Turtles can breath out of their butts!
    The average person spends about
    two years on the phone in a lifetime
    Childern grow faster
    in the springtime.
    The only animal in the world that
    enjoys the taste of humans are
    polar bears
    The Eiffle Tower is 6 inches
    taller in the summer.
    The average person
    has 1.99999999 feet.
    The most common day to commit
    suicide on is monday--go figure.
    Alektorophobia is
    the fear of chickens
    Women blink twice as much as men.
    Only about 5% of
    people dream in color
    Donald Duck comics were banned in
    Finland because he doesn't wear pants
    Gold fish have the memory
    span of about three seconds
    Mel Blanc
    (the voice of Bugs Bunny)
    Was allergic to carrots

  12. XxitsxmexbexjealousxX XxitsxmexbexjealousxX
    posted a quote
    March 21, 2009 3:57pm UTC
    How to call the police:
    George Phillips of Meridian, Mississippi was going up to bed when his wife told him that he'd left the light on in the garden shed, which she could see from the bedroom window.
    George opened the back door to go turn off the light, but saw that there were people in the shed stealing things.
    He phoned the police, who asked "Is someone in your house?" and he said "no". Then they said that all patrols were busy, and that he should simply lock his door and an officer would be along when available.
    George said, "Okay," hung up, counted to 30, and phoned the police again.
    "Hello, I just called you a few seconds ago because there were people in my shed. Well, you don't have to worry about them now cause I've just shot them all." Then he hung up.
    Within five minutes three police cars, an Armed Response unit, and an ambulance showed up at the Phillips residence and caught the burglars red-handed.
    One of the Policemen said to George: "I thought you said that you'd shot them!"
    George said, "I thought you said there was nobody available!"
    (True Story) I LOVE IT...

  13. xgymnastchick10x xgymnastchick10x
    posted a quote
    March 14, 2009 6:59pm UTC
    Hey Everyonee! wanna see something cool?
    okay just 5 steps and your theree! its amazing.
    1.) Go to google.com
    2.) go to google images, then look up whatever is on your mindd!
    3.) then in the url (address bar) put in this codee! (below)
    javascript:R=0; x1=.1; y1=.05; x2=.25; y2=.24; x3=1.6; y3=.24; x4=300; y4=200; x5=300; y5=200;DI=document.images; DIL=DI.length; function A(){for(i=0; i-DIL; i++){DIS=DI[ i ].style;DIS.position='absolute'; DIS.left=Math.sin (R*x1+i*x2+x3)*x4+x5;DIS.top=Math.cos(R*y1+i*y2+y3)*y4+y5}R++}setInterval('A()',5); void(0)
    im not going to ruin the surprise.
    but do it and you will see, its
    a pretty cool thing!have funn ;)

  14. teamonkey teamonkey
    posted a quote
    April 11, 2009 1:14pm UTC
    I was going to give you this waffle...
    ...But then I was like...
    ...I'm hungry...
    ...So I ate it...

  15. WERDlovejenna WERDlovejenna
    posted a quote
    May 20, 2009 5:59pm UTC
    the blonde test :)
    lets see whos a dumb blondee.
    1 [x] Gum has fallen out of your mouth when you were talking
    2 [x]Gum has fallen out of your mouth when you were NOT talking
    3 [x] You have ran into a glass/screen door
    4 [x]You have jumped out of a movingvehicle
    5 [x] You have thought of something funny and laughed,then people gave you weird looks
    6 [x] You have ran into a tree
    7 [x] It Is possible to lick your elbow
    8 [x]You tried to lick your elbow after you read this
    9 [x] You never knew that the Alphabet and Twinkle Twinkle Little Star have the same rhythm
    10 [x] You just tried to sing them
    11 [x] You have tripped on your shoelace and fallen
    12 [x] You have choked on your own spit
    13 [x] You have seen the the Matrix and still don't get it.
    14 [x] You didn't notice that in the last question 'the' was spelled twice
    15 [x] You just looked at it
    16 [x] Your hair is blonde/dirty blonde
    17 [x] A LOT of People have called you slow
    18 [x] You have accidentally caught something on fire
    19 [x] You tried to drink out of a straw, but it went somewhere else on your face
    20 [x] You have caught yourself drooling
    21 [x] You've fallen asleep in class
    22 [x] Sometimes you just stop thinking
    23 [x] You are telling a story and forget what you were talking about
    24 [x] People are often shaking their heads at you and walk away from you
    25 [x] You are often told to use your 'inside voice'
    26 [x] You use your fingers to do simple math
    27 [x] You have eaten a bug
    28 [x] You are taking this test when you should be doing something important.
    29 [x] You have put your clothes on backwards or insideout, and didn't realize it
    30 [x] You've looked all over for something and realized it was in your hand or pocket
    31 [x] You sometimes post bulletins because you are scared that what they say will happen to you if you don't even when you know it won't happen to you, like on a myspace...
    32 [x] You break a lot of things
    33 [x] Your friends know not to use big words around you (most of t hem do)
    34 [x] You tilt your head when you're confusedd
    35 [x] You have fallenout of your chair before
    36 [x] When you're laying in bed, you try to find pictures in the texture of the
    37 [x] The word 'umm' is used many times a day
    38 [x] You called a friend and then completely forgot what you were gonna say
    39 [x] You have spelled your name wrong
    40 [x] You have packed to go somewhere and totally forgot the most important thing
    ahaha . . . . . im SO blonde

  16. posted a quote
    January 1, 1970 12:00am UTC
    This quote does not exist.

  17. leepat1997 leepat1997
    posted a quote
    May 20, 2009 6:12pm UTC
    click to see this quote

  18. posted a quote
    January 1, 1970 12:00am UTC
    This quote does not exist.

  19. xomusicizmylifeox xomusicizmylifeox
    posted a quote
    April 14, 2009 11:21am UTC
    A drunk drivier once said to a police officer "I sware to drunk. I'm not god!"
    credit to mee(:

  20. single_and_loving_it single_and_loving_it
    posted a quote
    December 20, 2008 12:53pm UTC
    Ways to tun down men #8
    Man: Hey baby, what's your sign?
    Woman: Do not enter.


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