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  1. NiallHOranFacts_01 NiallHOranFacts_01
    posted a quote
    April 21, 2012 3:38pm UTC
    Niall thinks he is the ugliest out of the boys.

  2. shannen_xlove shannen_xlove
    posted a quote
    April 23, 2012 5:56pm UTC
    Harry Styles is the only person who can tweet
    everything grammatically correct
    and still not make sense..
    :) xx

  3. paigiegurl paigiegurl
    posted a quote
    April 22, 2012 7:33pm UTC
    Never make fun of someone for liking a band. They could be the reason they're still living.

  4. pleasespeaktomyface pleasespeaktomyface
    posted a quote
    April 22, 2012 12:22pm UTC
    Me: OMG this Kony guy in Africa is really bad! You need to watch this video and tell everyone on Facebook!
    My Brother: Sorry, but if I wanted to spend 30 minutes watching children's lives be destroyed, I'd watch an episode of Toddlers and Tiaras.

  5. posted a quote
    January 1, 1970 12:00am UTC
    This quote does not exist.

  6. hannah143 hannah143
    posted a quote
    April 24, 2012 5:50pm UTC
    One Direction
    One Direction Nutrition Facts
    % Variety *
    Talent 100 %
    Ugly 0%
    Humor 100%
    Stripes 20%
    Nipples 120%
    Attractive 100%
    British 90%
    Pigeon 1%
    *Percents may vary depending on who you are.
    WARNING: Too much at a time may lead to extreme fan-girling, excessive screaming, and you can become addicted.
    Not my font, just came up with this idea.(:

  7. nicoleypoleyoley nicoleypoleyoley
    posted a quote
    April 21, 2012 3:02pm UTC
    I hated my grandma
    Oh so very much
    She always tried to kiss me
    Always tried to touch
    One day I wanted to go out
    Party hard, without a doubt
    But grandma said I couldn't
    Because something was very wrong
    She got us reservations for a resturaunt
    And bought me my favorite song
    I yelled at her and called her names
    Told her I was through with her games
    Tears went down her wrinkled face
    I hated her, what a disgrace!
    She told me I could finally go
    And she was sorry she didnt know
    That friends where more important than
    Another night with my grandma Lenn
    I went to the party it was cool
    I remembered what grandma said
    No alcohol, so drink a red bull
    But I disobeyed and drank instead
    And she would never know
    She's probobly in bed
    The next morning I came home
    But I couldn't find her in her room
    I saw a note on her bed
    I opened it and read with dread
    "Alli, I'm sorry. I know I was a pain. I know you had to live with me for all these years and you couldn't stand it. Last night I was going to tell you I had cancer and they had to pull the plug because it was so bad this morning. I didn't tell you because I didn't want you to worry. You can handle it. I don't know if you're relieved or sad, but just know I love you, I always have."
    I threw down the note in tears
    Regretting the hate
    Regretting the beers
    If I could go back I'd change it all
    Always been nice, and answered her calls
    But now I can't because she's gone
    She left a card, and my favorite song
    nothing left but a few bones
    And the biggest regret
    Is that I let her die alone
    always think about what you say, those could be your last words to someone
    I wrote this. It did NOT happen to me. But these things happen all the time. Just thought I'd get the point across. Hope you liked it♥ nicoleypoleyoley

  8. thatonegirl45 thatonegirl45
    posted a quote
    April 15, 2012 8:32am UTC
    *Asking my mom to get me One Direction 2013 Tickets*
    Me: Mom my happiness is at stake.
    Mom: Why?
    Mom: Okay.
    Me: Wait what?
    Mom: You can go. I know how much you love them.
    Me: *Crying*
    Mom: Are you okay?
    Me: I'm better than okay. *Screams into blankets*
    Mom: I'm getting you some nerve pills. *Leaves*

  9. posted a quote
    January 1, 1970 12:00am UTC
    This quote does not exist.

  10. volleyballgirlxxx volleyballgirlxxx
    posted a quote
    April 15, 2012 9:26am UTC
    me: *home alone singing*
    dad: *comes home early*
    me: um i was singing.
    me: its a one direction song.
    dad: do you do this every time youre home alone?
    me: pretty much yeah.
    dad: ill be right back.
    me: where are you going?
    dad: im going to apologize to the neighbors.

  11. 伤* 伤*
    posted a quote
    March 22, 2012 1:43pm UTC
    One Direction Fact #2
    Whenever the boys are being mobbed by fans,
    The first thing that zayn does look for niall because
    he knows he would feeling a bit claustrophobic.

  12. 伤* 伤*
    posted a quote
    March 26, 2012 2:04pm UTC
    One Direction Fact #7
    Harry and Louis once had fight over the TV remote,
    Louis didn't talk to harry until harry said he
    loved him

  13. 伤* 伤*
    posted a quote
    April 2, 2012 12:23pm UTC
    Louis: KEVIN!
    Liam: TOY STORY!
    Harry: CATS!
    Niall: NANDOS!
    Zayn: why do i even talk to these people?
    - OneDirection♥
    format credit to OneDirection

  14. 伤* 伤*
    posted a quote
    April 4, 2012 7:46am UTC
    "Girls who dont wear make-up
    are more beautiful"
    - Niall horan♥
    format credit to OneDirection

  15. 伤* 伤*
    posted a quote
    April 4, 2012 12:58pm UTC
    ❒ Concert tickets
    ❒ Boyfriend
    ✔ Concert tickets to see
    my boyfriends
    Format credit to OneDirection

  16. 伤* 伤*
    posted a quote
    April 5, 2012 6:12am UTC
    "Hello girls who are beautiful
    and don't know it
    heads up, your beautiful."
    - Niall Horan♥
    format credit to OneDirection

  17. 伤* 伤*
    posted a quote
    April 6, 2012 6:34am UTC
    "Being single doesn't make you weak
    it means that you're strong enough
    to wait for what you deserve"
    - Niall Horan♥
    format credit to OneDirection

  18. 伤* 伤*
    posted a quote
    April 8, 2012 11:42am UTC
    Why i love One Direction...♥
    “Directioners. One Direction fans. whatever you call us, whatever you think about us, we are one direction family, we will be always an one direction family.We love One Direction, we love that 5 guys because they care about the fans and they can always cheer us up when we are feeling sad and they really make us feel beautiful. We love One Direction because they were put together as complete strangers and became best friends, and look at them now they make this BIG family, they make us friends for life. We love One Direction because they are themselves. Because they are the people we look up to everyday & make us feel so much better about ourselfs. We love them for who they are, and who cares if they are on Nickelodeon now? We know who they are, we know what we feel for them. They gave us a reason for smile every single day.They are who they are, random, funny, talented, sweet,kind, caring, amazing, inspirational, and at end every reason it's not good enough to show them how much we love them, how much we are proud of them, this only happened we don't have words to describe this feeling, but of one thing we are sure, we can love them more than this. Once a directioner, always a directioner, and we never forget that, because most than a phrase, this a type of life style.
    We love One Direction, no matter what." ♥
    - OneDirection
    format credit to OneDirection

  19. posted a quote
    January 1, 1970 12:00am UTC
    This quote does not exist.

  20. MsEmilyHoran MsEmilyHoran
    posted a quote
    January 2, 2012 10:20pm UTC
    One Direction Fact Number Twenty:
    Harry walked into a glass door in LA and Niall couldn't stop laughing at him. Then Niall ended up walking into it anyway.


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