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  1. mybeautifulrescue mybeautifulrescue
    posted a quote
    September 5, 2012 10:35pm UTC
    I want to live, not just

  2. BananaPinkytoes BananaPinkytoes
    posted a quote
    September 5, 2012 11:24pm UTC
    Eventually everything becomes a memory.
    Unfortunately, we can't choose which ones we forget.
    nmf *

  3. Alexlovesu Alexlovesu
    posted a quote
    September 6, 2012 12:05am UTC
    The past can hurt.
    But the way I see it,
    you can either run from it,
    or learn from it.
    - The Lion King

  4. ReneeLisaaa ReneeLisaaa
    posted a quote
    September 6, 2012 12:35am UTC
    life isn't about how to survive the storm, it's about learning to dance in the rain <3
    - taylor swift

  5. meganvictoria2013 meganvictoria2013
    posted a quote
    September 6, 2012 12:57am UTC
    Having alot of friends
    means nothing to me.
    I'd rather have
    4 quaters
    100 pennies.

    Format by Sandrasaurus

  6. posted a quote
    January 1, 1970 12:00am UTC
    This quote does not exist.

  7. HateGrenade HateGrenade
    posted a quote
    June 11, 2012 8:44am UTC
    Telling someone with depression to 'Just get over it and be happy'
    Is like telling someone with a broken leg to run to the hospital.
    Telling someone with an eating disorder to 'Just eat'
    Is like telling someone with claustrophobia to get inside a small cupboard and lock the door.
    Telling someone who self harms to 'Just stop doing it'
    Is like telling a drug addict to sit in a room full of drugs and touch nothing.
    How can any of us judge, what we don't fully understand?

  8. iloveu0924 iloveu0924
    posted a quote
    June 11, 2012 8:47am UTC

  9. cheerfreak653 cheerfreak653
    posted a quote
    September 4, 2011 4:23pm UTC
    Fave if your a;
    soccer player
    softball player
    track runner
    karate player
    lacrosse player
    football player
    weight lifter
    cricket player
    basketball player
    mma fighter
    ice skater
    gymastic player
    tennis player
    volleyball player
    hockey plaer
    feild hockey player
    or if you just do nothing at all:D

  10. Lucas Lucas
    posted a quote
    October 5, 2011 1:28am UTC
    I dont want you to ever say your worthless or not pretty because
      every single one of you is beautiful  in many ways and

  11. Sandrasaurus Sandrasaurus
    posted a quote
    August 20, 2011 12:20am UTC
    Remember this:
    if you don't want me now,
    i don't want you later.
    NMQ, don't know the source, sorry.

  12. Sandrasaurus Sandrasaurus
    posted a quote
    August 27, 2011 12:44am UTC
    She's not broken
    she's just a baby ♥
    Alejandro by Lady Gaga
    Format by Sandrasaurus

  13. Sandrasaurus Sandrasaurus
    posted a quote
    October 2, 2011 5:38pm UTC
    I hate the way you make me feel,
    but i would also hate to see you go. ♥

  14. Sandrasaurus Sandrasaurus
    posted a quote
    October 2, 2011 5:57pm UTC
    Even though he doesn't believe in love,
    She's determined to call him bluff. ♥
    Remembering Sunday - All Time Low

  15. Kalas26 Kalas26
    posted a quote
    October 4, 2011 5:01am UTC

  16. trapped trapped
    posted a quote
    September 24, 2011 10:35am UTC
    Cinderella didn't have to take off her dress to get her Prince Charming, neither do you.

  17. dominiqueeewale dominiqueeewale
    posted a quote
    October 3, 2011 8:23am UTC
    I used to be love drunk,
    but now i'm hungover.

  18. hannahlovesxox hannahlovesxox
    posted a quote
    October 3, 2011 8:41am UTC
    Life would be perfect if;
    Sweatpants considered sexy.
    Junk food was healthy.
    Nothing was regrettable.
    Mondays were FUN.
    Guys weren't confusing.
    Drama didn't exist.
    Goodbyes were only meant until tomorrow.
    Wishes came true.

  19. XxprettixX XxprettixX
    posted a quote
    October 1, 2011 10:36pm UTC
    To Live
    xxx is the rarest thing in the world. Most people exist, that is all. xxx
    -Oscar Wilde

  20. Lucas Lucas
    posted a quote
    October 3, 2011 2:00pm UTC
    what i do know is that girls are alot stronger than guys.
    you go through so much each day and we barely notice. well i notice.


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