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  1. f0r3v3rm0r3x3 f0r3v3rm0r3x3
    posted a quote
    November 6, 2009 10:22pm UTC
    Just as she sat on those bleachers, in that park where they had their first kiss, she softly whispered "What happened? He said he loved me." She couldn't believe it was over. She thought it was supposed to last forever like he said it would. It started to rain. She barely noticed. All she could try to focus on were those memories of them running around like lovers should, young and happy. Then she realized it was raining. She slowly put on his sweatshirt, scared she might break down crying. She didn't. Instead she just screamed his name. No response. A few minutes passed by as she just sat there hoping a miracle would happen. She shut her eyes saying: "God give me strength, help me live through this." When she opened her eyes she saw a boy walking towards her. He was a boy who everybody thought was absolutely gorgeous, she had always secretly been crushing on him and if she ever wants a chance with him he really can't see her like this. With just her luck, he sees her on the bleachers by herself, now crying. He proceeds to walk to her.
    "Hey what's wrong?"
    [[Whoah did he just talk to me?]]
    ((of course he did, Stupid, now stop drooling and reply!!)
    "Oh, well, nothing really... I just like to come to this park, it helps me think, but then it started to rain so I just put on this sweatshirt." She said, thinking each word carefully.
    He just sat there looking at her, so she spoke again. "Why are you here?"
    He replied: "I like coming here, it helps me through rough times."
    She said: "What rough times are you going through?"
    He explained: "Well there's this stunningly gorgeous girl, when she walks past me with her beautiful, curly, brown hair, her amazing smelling perfume, and her heart shaped silver necklace, I feel like I'm in heaven. I thought I had a chance with her, but lately I've been feeling really negative about things."
    She sits there for a minute, trying to process what she just heard. [[Is he talking about - no he can't be, I'm simply going crazy.]]
    He looked at her for a few seconds, you know "that look" the look where someone is just staring into your eyes, but instead of seeing your eyes, they see right into your heart. That crazy in love look. She didn't say anything, she just stared, trying to understand.
    She whispered: "You probably have a chance with her, you're just afraid."
    He whispered back: "I don't think I deserve someone that special. But I'm feeling pretty lucky now. I'm going to go get her, wish me luck."
    Her heart dropped. "O-Okay, good luck."
    She watched him walk away...
    Two minutes later she feels a tap on her shoulder.
    "I love you, I always have. Ever since I saw you walk into that classroom two years ago with your hair looking the most beautiful I've seen any girls look ever, and that beautiful silver necklace on, I knew I was going to love you forever. Would you like to be my girlfriend?"
    She sat there, shocked. All she could say was: "Yes of course. I've always kind of liked you too, but then I got caught up my other boyfriend and I kind of tried to forget about how much I liked you because I thought I had no chance with you."
    He simply laughed, kissed her on the lips, and whispered: "You've always had a chance, it was me who didn't have one."
    She didn't reply, she just wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him once more in the pouring rain.
    fixed up an old quote[:

  2. Away_Messagesx0 Away_Messagesx0
    posted a quote
    November 6, 2009 9:32pm UTC
    click to see this quote

  3. iljtfe96 iljtfe96
    posted a quote
    November 4, 2009 6:50pm UTC
    It's Amazing.
    How you can break up with a guy one day ...
    and the next day he's already got a new girl.

  4. WOW123 WOW123
    posted a quote
    August 26, 2009 1:30pm UTC

  5. crazier_ crazier_
    posted a quote
    August 18, 2009 10:42am UTC
    & IT'S CraZY;
    & it's mixed up. and
    about nine outta ten
    times the thing you
    want isn't the thing
    you get.& absolutely
    nothing makes sense,
    ever. but it's all we got.
    IT'S LiFe.

  6. crazier_ crazier_
    posted a quote
    August 21, 2009 5:32pm UTC
    well i know you have a girlfriend,
    but i just can't seem to get you out of my head. when you smile
    at me my whole face lights up and i don't even realize it. when we make eye
    contact the butterflies errupt in my stomach. the fact that you let me tease you is adorarble,
    and when you tease me i just wanna melt. i'll confess that sometimes i re-read our texts
    and that i replay some scenes with you over and over in my head.
    so i just gotta ask you;
    do you feel anything for me at all, or do you make every girl feel this special?

  7. AwakenedLove AwakenedLove
    posted a quote
    August 21, 2009 6:10pm UTC
    words can never replace

  8. posted a quote
    January 1, 1970 12:00am UTC
    This quote does not exist.

  9. heyyitslexixo7 heyyitslexixo7
    posted a quote
    December 13, 2008 2:24pm UTC
    People that say cheerleading isn't a sport , are SO wrong •
    Cheerleading isn't just looking pretty in the uniforms shouting "Go team get the ball! Woo!" No, cheerleaders don't woo. And secondly, cheerleading isn't just dancing, it's throwing girls almost 25 feet in the air, hitting every single motion, conditioning, running, waking up early in the morning to go to practice, the tumbling, the competitions, and learning the routine all in about 2 months. Cheerleading is one of the most difficult sports. Don't believe me, then you try it, see how EASY you think it is.
    Girls rate high if you agree if you don't agree then don't rate (:

  10. posted a quote
    January 1, 1970 12:00am UTC
    This quote does not exist.

  11. goaeagles146 goaeagles146
    posted a quote
    August 13, 2009 11:05pm UTC
    This was the perfect n i g h t.
    we had a school dance. just a regular one, almost e v e r y o n e there.
    but i didn't care that everyone was there, i just wanted my [ crush ] that
    i've liked for y e a r s to show up.half way through the night and he
    still hadn't showed. 10 minutes left till it ended.
    "obviously he isn't going to come." i thought to myself.
    right when the dj was about to say goodbye and goodnight, he showed up.
    but it wasn't just a regular guy walking naturally through the doors,
    it was much different. He busted open the doors with such might
    that everyone had to look. He came in with a nice collared shirt on.
    But no one had noticed that. His g o r g e o u s hazel eyes were glowing,
    his hair was gelled back [ perfectly ] that you could see every feature
    of his amazing face. he had the most beautiful flowers in his hand.
    he stormed over to me with tears in his eyes. i asked him what was wrong.
    he looked me directly in the eyes and it felt like everyone else in the room
    just fanished and it was just us.
    but everyone was watching.
    "whats wrong you ask?" he dropped the flowers and took both my hands and said
    to be so deeply,"look, i wasn't planning on coming tonight. But i just had to. I missed you.
    i miss you whenever i am not with you. i know you have liked me for a while,
    and i'm sorry it took me forever to realize that. i wanna be with you.i wanna be
    with you forever."i looked at him amazed. i started to cry. "are you serious?
    is this a dare?are you going to get paid or something to completely break my heart?
    cause it will work.."
    he looked at me with his big deep eyes.
    "sweetie, i swear i'm telling the truth. i love you"
    starting to get a little mad i said,
    "oh really? prove it."
    He looked my in the eyes and pulled my forcefully towards him and
    kissed me like it was going to be his last. it was the best kiss that i could ever
    imagine and it felt like we were five feet off the ground. i finally believed him and said,
    "i love you too"
    This was the perfect night.
    sadly this was just my dream last night.
    and sorry this sooo long..
    but if you read this, love you!!

  12. musicgirly13 musicgirly13
    posted a quote
    June 21, 2009 11:01am UTC
    Don't fall too deep into her arms,
    one day she'll say no
    and I'll be ready to never let go <3


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