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  1. BeyondAnyWord BeyondAnyWord
    posted a quote
    July 11, 2012 9:31pm UTC
    Admit it.
    You're waiting for something that won't happen.

  2. zubair zubair
    posted a quote
    June 30, 2012 12:57pm UTC
    Sometimes....I Make Up Romantic Stories Of YOU and Me In My Head.. ♥

  3. ConverseLover ConverseLover
    posted a quote
    July 5, 2012 11:17am UTC
    Dear children,
    When you are young, choose your best guy friends wisely.
    Because one day, you will probably fall in love with him.

  4. pigglywiggly pigglywiggly
    posted a quote
    June 23, 2012 10:42pm UTC
    " i miss you "
    y o u s a y " t u m e m a n q u e s "
    ♥ {I LOVE THAT}
    you { are a part of me, you are essential to my being.
    o r a n o r g a n , o r b l o o d .

  5. Ralph* Ralph*
    posted a quote
    July 2, 2012 11:39pm UTC
    This teenage girl may have meltdowns, cry hysterically,
    try to self-harm, throw her phone across the room, get
    dolled-up for a guy who doesn't care, and won't have
    any real friends so she will sit in her room and listen
    to music all day long.
    To undo this terrible madness, somebody must find
    her and then tell her that they love her very much.
    They must mean it with all of their heart.

  6. justmyself justmyself
    posted a quote
    June 25, 2012 2:10pm UTC
    If fear didn't exist,
    I'd run up to you, kiss you, and tell you that I love you.

  7. JustAnotherWittyGuy JustAnotherWittyGuy
    posted a quote
    June 28, 2012 11:54am UTC
    ~ Did you know that ~
    cuddling literally warms and protects the
    ~ heart and reduces stress~
    ©Format by JustAnotherWittyGuy please leave credit or else I will be forced to hunt you down and pop you like a bubble!

  8. VintageParis VintageParis
    posted a quote
    June 16, 2012 2:04pm UTC
    God has no phone
    but I still talk to him

    God has no Facebook
    but he's still my friend

    God has no Twitter
    but I still follow him

  9. ThatsSoMeee ThatsSoMeee
    posted a quote
    June 24, 2012 11:31am UTC
    The worst type of crying
    Is when your lips start to shake
    and tears build up quickly and fall
    fast.You're bent over or crouched
    trying to suck it in and not make any
    noise but it hurts too much to hold it
    in so you let out a yelp and a cry then
    comes the loss of breath which sucks
    because not only you're crying out loud
    but you think you sound dumb for not
    breathing too.
    It's just a mess...

  10. posted a quote
    January 1, 1970 12:00am UTC
    This quote does not exist.

  11. Just_be_yourself Just_be_yourself
    posted a quote
    May 23, 2012 1:28pm UTC
    That horrible moment
    you suddenly wake up while having the most beautiful dream, you realise that all this was fake and you just feel like crying.

  12. hfox9 hfox9
    posted a quote
    May 23, 2012 5:17pm UTC
    I do self harm, but I don't cut myself.
    I go on Facebook, and check his wall, looking at all of the cute messages they send back and forth, count the "I love you"s and memorize every detail of their photos together. And I guarentee, it hurts more than any razor blade.

  13. 伤* 伤*
    posted a quote
    April 26, 2012 2:13pm UTC
    " It hurts seeing a girl cry,
    I want to comfort them as long as i can
    or i'll end up crying too."
    - Zayn Malik ♥
    format credit to OneDirection

  14. ThatsSoMeee ThatsSoMeee
    posted a quote
    April 5, 2012 3:10pm UTC
    I know how it feels
    To sit on the edge of your bed
    Head in your hands...
    Wishing it would all just end...

  15. LuvStruckTeen LuvStruckTeen
    posted a quote
    March 24, 2012 5:41pm UTC
    Different about yourself
    You're Lucky
    It's not a curse.
    - Taylor Swift.

  16. ssarahbearr131 ssarahbearr131
    posted a quote
    February 22, 2012 4:52pm UTC
    Fave if you;
    are wearing / should be wearing / wish to wear /
    once wore / hate wearing / miss your

  17. capsized* capsized*
    posted a quote
    February 22, 2012 5:24pm UTC
    I hate that moment when my anger turns to tears.

  18. babyimaddicteddd babyimaddicteddd
    posted a quote
    February 22, 2012 4:19pm UTC
    If we were meant to be
    we would be together.
    - t h e v o w

  19. alice4ever14 alice4ever14
    posted a quote
    February 21, 2012 10:29pm UTC
    no matter how
    shattered, broken, scarred, harmed,
    deteriorated, polluted, ruined, crushed,
    damaged, impaired, vandalized, hurt,
    corrupted, wrecked, abused, maltreated,
    injured, wounded, mutilated, spoiled,
    devastated, teared, bruised, tainted,
    trashed, deprived, or victimized,
    a heart is still a heart.

  20. teenqueen143 teenqueen143
    posted a quote
    February 22, 2012 3:24pm UTC
    Sometimes you just have to erase
    the messages, delete the numbers, and move on. You don't have to forget who that person was to you; only accept that they aren't that person anymore.


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