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  1. posted a quote
    January 1, 1970 12:00am UTC
    This quote does not exist.

  2. xometrostation xometrostation
    posted a quote
    December 10, 2010 10:42pm UTC
    you make it impossible to hate you
    and that makes me want to hate you even more

  3. xometrostation xometrostation
    posted a quote
    November 27, 2010 12:10pm UTC
    bestfriend: (n)
    the person thats there when no one else is.

  4. xometrostation xometrostation
    posted a quote
    November 27, 2010 10:16pm UTC
    its more than a hobby,
    its a way of life.

  5. xometrostation xometrostation
    posted a quote
    November 30, 2010 6:31pm UTC
    mom: have you seen that alcoholic whipped cream?
    me: yeah
    mom: i gotta get me some of that!
    oh mom <3

  6. xometrostation xometrostation
    posted a quote
    December 2, 2010 9:53pm UTC
    i miss the old you so much;
    and i would like to push the new you
    off a cliff.

  7. xometrostation xometrostation
    posted a quote
    December 4, 2010 1:49pm UTC
    "i hate 98 percent of my school. i have like 2 friends."
    - my big sister.

  8. truegurl09 truegurl09
    posted a quote
    November 4, 2010 4:20pm UTC
    Boys are Stronger Than Girls?
    Can you bleed for a week and survive?
    Can you squeeze 14 inch baby from a 9 centimeter hole?
    Can you carry a 7 pound baby in your stomach for 9 months?
    Can you take care of a child, cook, clean, and talk on the phone atonce?
    Can you carry 10 8 pound s.h.o.p.p.i.n.g b.a.g.s?
    Can you go a [[week]] only eating [[salad]]?
    Can you --->face heartbreak?
    Can you watch the (love of your life) be with someone else?
    Can you burn your forehead with a straightener and not complain?
    Can you wear a thin piece of s t r i n g in your a s s all day?
    Can you walk all day in 4 inch stilletos?
    Can you cry all night then wake up the next morning like everythings okay?
    I Didn't Think So.

  9. xometrostation xometrostation
    posted a quote
    November 3, 2010 3:33pm UTC
    girl: i saw a shooting star!
    boy: i saw it too!
    girl: did you make a wish?
    boy: no, all my wishes have already come true babe(:
    true story;
    i love him:)

  10. xometrostation xometrostation
    posted a quote
    November 3, 2010 3:43pm UTC
    &it was when i saw him waiting at my
    locker at the end of the day to say
    goodbye that i realized that
    this really is happening.

  11. xometrostation xometrostation
    posted a quote
    October 30, 2010 11:55am UTC
    the guy i've liked for two years asked me out yesterday.
    don't lose hope.

  12. posted a quote
    January 1, 1970 12:00am UTC
    This quote does not exist.

  13. beautifulbreakdown_x beautifulbreakdown_x
    posted a quote
    October 28, 2010 11:30pm UTC
    * Girl Brought Boy to meet her
    parents for the first time. *
    Boy is having a talk with girl’s father.
    Father: So.., what are your plans for the future? What do you think
    you’ll be in about 10 year’s time?
    Boy: Your daughter’s husband, and father to your grandchildren, sir.
    Father: *Laughs. You can’t be serious?
    Boy: Sir, I dont know if you consider this ‘talking back’, but the thing is,
    i’ve never been more serious in my life as of right now.

  14. xometrostation xometrostation
    posted a quote
    October 21, 2010 4:32pm UTC
    we were in class
    and he threw a piece
    of paper at me
    i unfolded it and it
    said "guess what"
    i turned around and said what
    he replied with
    "i love you"

  15. supercalafragalisticexpialadocious supercalafragalisticexpialadocious
    posted a quote
    October 26, 2010 3:43pm UTC

    I want a boy who will move the hair away from my eyes, and then kiss me. Who will hold my hand in line at the mall and make all the girls jealous. A pretty boy, but not so pretty that I feel awkward. A boy who thinks I'm beautiful. A boy who will sing to me at random moments. Who lets me sleep on his chest. I want a boy who will tell his mother I have beautiful eyes, a boy who will bring me orange juice when I'm sick, who writes songs about me because he doesn't know any other way to tell me how he feels. I want a boy who is more goofy than romantic, but knows the right things to say at the right times. I want a boy who will call me 3 times a day if he went away. A boy who will apologize for calling too much, and no matter how many times I tell him its okay, he'd still do it. A boy who will let me gossip to him and just smile and agree with everything I say. A boy who will throw stuffed animals at me when I acted dumb and then jump on me and kiss me a million times. I want a boy who will write me notes in class, and give me flowers every once in a while for no real reason at all. Who will bet kisses on who could beat who on at game. Who makes fun of me just to make me laugh. A boy who will surprise me with 25 cent ring and we could have contest of how far we can spit our gum. Who will take me to the park, put his hands around my waist and give me big bear hugs all the time. A boy who will kiss my neck, just to have a reason to tell me how much he loves my new perfume. I want a boy who, at night, who will dance in his pajamas with me. A boy who will take pictures in photo booths with me, someone who will never turn down a trip to the lake and who will play tag on the beach with me. Who will tell all his friends about me and smile when he does it. A boy who could sit with me on the kitchen floor and eat sandwiches. Who will make out with me in the pouring rain and will tell me when he doesn't think something looks good. I want a boy who would try to teach me how to play the guitar, even if we just end up laughing at each other. I want a boy who will run his fingers through my hair, share his lollipops with me, and get along with all of my friends. Someone who would never be afraid to say I love you in front of his friends and someone who would argue with me about silly things just to make up. I want a boy who will take me to Target to just make fun of some of the stuff there. Someone who will kiss me at midnight on New Years and who will make funny faces at me when I'm on the phone. I want a boy who will count stars with me and be friends with my family. I want a boy who will stay home with me on a Friday night just to help me make dinner and watch movies together under the same blanket. Someone who will squirt water guns at me in the house after I've got him soaked. A boy who will tell me I'm beautiful but not too often. I want a boy who looks me the eye and tell me something serious, that was also funny and make me promise not to laugh. A boy who could make me laugh like no one else can. I want a boy who will hold me closer than normal when I'm sick, and would play with my hair. But mostly I want a boy who is my best friend and will always be there for me.

  16. xxLOveToDAncExx3 xxLOveToDAncExx3
    posted a quote
    October 26, 2010 9:36pm UTC
    i am not the kind of girl who sould be rudley barging in on a white veil occasion but, you are not the kind of boy who should be marrying the wrong girl

  17. Kirstyx33 Kirstyx33
    posted a quote
    June 20, 2010 1:48am UTC
    'I hate my mother'
    long but worth reading.
    My mom only had one eye, I hated her...
    she was such an embarrassment.
    She cooked for students and
    teachers to support the family.
    There was this one day during
    elementary school where my mom
    came to say Hello to me.
    I was so embarrassed. How could
    she do this to me?
    I ignored her, threw her a hateful
    look and ran out.
    The next day at school one of my class mates
    said "EEEE, your mom only has one eye!"
    I wanted to bury myself. I also wanted my
    mom to just disappear.
    SO i confronted her that day and said, "If
    you're only gonna make me a laughing stock,
    then why don't you just die?!!!"
    My mom did not respond...
    I didn't even stop to think for a second
    about what i had said, because
    I was full of anger.
    I was oblivious to her feelings,
    I wanted out of that house, and have
    nothing to do with her.
    So i studied real hard, got a chance to go
    to Singapore to study.
    Then. i got married. I bought a house of my
    own. I had kids of my own.
    I was happy with my life, my
    kids and the comfort.
    Then one day, my mother came to visit me.
    She hadn't seen me in years and she didn't
    even meet her grandchildren.
    When she stood by the door, my children
    laughed at her, and i yelled at her
    for coming over uninvited.
    I screamed at her, "How dare you come to my
    house and scare my children!"
    "Get out of here now!!!"
    And to this, my mother quietly answered
    "Oh, im so sorry. I may have gotten the
    wrong address." and she
    disappeared out of sight.
    One day, a letter regarding a school
    reunion came to my house in Singapore.
    So i lied to my wife that i was going on
    a business trip. After that reunion, i went to
    the old shack which was my childhood home
    just out of curiosity.
    My neighbours said that
    she had passed away.
    I did not shed a single tear.
    They handed me a letter that she had
    wanted me two have, it read:
    My dearest son,
    I think of you all of the time, I'm sorry that
    i came to Singapore and scared your children
    I was so glad when I heard you are
    coming for the reunion.
    But i may not even be able to
    get out of bed to see you.
    I'm sorry i was a constant embarrassment
    to you when you were growing up.
    You see... when you were very little you got
    into an accident, and lost your eye.
    As a mother, i couldn't stand watching you
    having to grow up with one eye.
    So i gave you mine.
    I was so proud of my son who was seeing
    a whole new world for me, in my place,
    with that eye.
    With my love to you.
    Your mother ♥
    -newspaper story

  18. carlynicole97 carlynicole97
    posted a quote
    October 24, 2010 4:12pm UTC
    when guys wear
    American Eagle.♥

  19. Purpleslurpee Purpleslurpee
    posted a quote
    October 20, 2010 4:47pm UTC
    click to see this quote

  20. posted a quote
    January 1, 1970 12:00am UTC
    This quote does not exist.


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