Witty Profiles

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  1. soccerloverx03x soccerloverx03x
    posted a quote
    March 15, 2012 6:19pm UTC
    *Opens pack of gum"
    BAM! Everyone is your best friend.

  2. Kalliefornia Kalliefornia
    posted a quote
    February 8, 2012 6:34pm UTC
    Guys have a fight, there's a punch, it's over.
    Girls don't fight fair. ---------------------
    They gang up, keep secrets, plot. <<<<<
    They can cut you down with a look.
    - Pretty Little Liars

  3. FunZy0x4 FunZy0x4
    posted a quote
    February 8, 2012 8:46pm UTC
    The Boys Who #13
    are proud to be with you and don't try to hide you.

  4. J I L L I A N ; )* J I L L I A N ; )*
    posted a quote
    February 8, 2012 7:04pm UTC
    Click the ♥
    if you love Jesus,
    and your
    not ashamed to
    say so.

  5. chocolate_monsterx3 chocolate_monsterx3
    posted a quote
    February 8, 2012 8:44pm UTC
    Format By chocolate_monsterx3
    to my boyfriend in the hospital
    with a severe case of non-existence
    not my quote-tumblr

  6. abigaylemichele abigaylemichele
    posted a quote
    February 8, 2012 8:09pm UTC
    I'm finally over him!
    I know right! Ahahaha. (:
    Brb, gotta pee..
    He used to pee...

  7. ily312 ily312
    posted a quote
    February 1, 2012 3:33pm UTC
    hannahlovesxox fade
    I -DA -HO?
    No sweet heart U-DA-HO.
    fAV IF GET IT.♥

  8. posted a quote
    January 1, 1970 12:00am UTC
    This quote does not exist.

  9. posted a quote
    January 1, 1970 12:00am UTC
    This quote does not exist.

  10. tonilicious3000 tonilicious3000
    posted a quote
    January 25, 2012 8:49pm UTC
    who else remembers...
    Junie B. Jones
    The B stands for Beatrice,
    but I just like the B.
    format credit-jimmy365

  11. soccerloverx03x soccerloverx03x
    posted a quote
    January 25, 2012 8:04pm UTC
    I don't care how
    many warnings I get I am still going
    to eat raw cookie dough.

  12. xXTheBrokenGirlXx xXTheBrokenGirlXx
    posted a quote
    January 20, 2012 5:29pm UTC
    My Talents:
    speed texting,
    talking back,
    & the ability to completely zone out in class
    n m f

  13. nikkiparentrox nikkiparentrox
    posted a quote
    January 20, 2012 4:08pm UTC
    What the author wrote: The girl sat down in the black chair
    What your english teacher thinks it meant: The author clearly is using symbolism here. The chair was black to show the girl is in a dark place, a place of desperation. She is sitting on the chair for support, since she is physically and mentally unstable.
    What the author means:The girl sat down in the black chair
    The gigtttttt
    blathe girl sat

  14. tswiftforever13 tswiftforever13
    posted a quote
    January 18, 2012 8:13pm UTC
    In class: 1+1=2
    Exercises: 1+2+1=4
    Test: John buy 4 oranges. He eats one and gives another to Ted.
    Calculate the sun's mass.

  15. FunZy0x4 FunZy0x4
    posted a quote
    January 14, 2012 8:34pm UTC
    Crazy around my friends.
    c l a s s y a r o u n d g u y s .
    a freak around my family, but a
    comeplete loss for words around you.

  16. JustDropItLikeItsHot JustDropItLikeItsHot
    posted a quote
    January 10, 2012 4:44pm UTC
    Have you ever,
    walked up to people and realized they were just talking about you?

  17. hermione23katniss hermione23katniss
    posted a quote
    January 6, 2012 3:39pm UTC
    It takes only a minute to get a crush on someone, an hour to like someone, and a day to love someone. But it takes a lifetime to forget someone. ♥
    My mom forgot me in a parking lot once

  18. DamnnTaylerx DamnnTaylerx
    posted a quote
    January 6, 2012 4:22pm UTC
    Oh, so
    you have a new
    best friend?
    nice to know you
    replaced me.

  19. BreeM123 BreeM123
    posted a quote
    January 6, 2012 3:59pm UTC
    What if rappers rapped
    about nice things?
    give them to that homeless person because he's cold.."

  20. nameyou2468 nameyou2468
    posted a quote
    January 5, 2012 10:52pm UTC
    There are two things
    an average girl wishes;
    to find the perfect guy
    & to eat without getting fat.
    nameyou2468 format♥


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