Witty Profiles

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  1. justdoyou justdoyou
    posted a quote
    April 5, 2012 7:57pm UTC
    click to see this quote

  2. justdoyou justdoyou
    posted a quote
    April 4, 2012 3:59pm UTC
    -MARK’S POV-
    I woke up the next morning not knowing where I was, or what I was doing there.
    Suddenly, everything came back to me.
    Addison getting sick, then the party, then Maria approaching me, the countless beers, and look where I was now.
    I sat up, pulling the soft, light blue covers off of me, and crawled out of Maria’s bed. She was still sleeping next to me, an innocent look on her face. her black hair was spread across the green pillow she was sleeping on, all tangled and knotted. As much as I hated to say it, I was starting to think that I liked Maria.
    I shook that thought out of my head, realizing again that I had a girlfriend.
    Not for much longer, if she finds out what happened last night.
    I searched around Maria’s room looking for a piece of paper and a pen, and eventually found them hidden inside her desk. I picked up the pen, setting the notebook in my lap, and wrote her a sloppy letter before dashing out the door to meet Addison.
    What a horrible boyfriend I am.
    I woke up the next morning still groggy, but none the less expecting to see Mark next to me. When I found myself in bed alone, I panicked, quickly pulling the covers off of me and trying to figure out what had happened. was last night all just a dream?
    My questions were answered when I found a note taped to my mirror, written in Mark’s rushed handwriting. I wonder where he had to go so early.
    Still curious what the note said, I peeled the tape off of my mirror and sat down on the edge of my bed, reading the first words.
    Dear Maria, I’m sorry I had to leave so early, but this was all a mistake. I have a girlfriend, and none of this was supposed to happen. she’s never going to forgive me for this, and I might not forgive myself either. But the biggest problem isn’t that, it’s that I love Addison, but not as much anymore. I think I might have feelings for you. which is so stupid, because I know you’re probably already over me by now. Either way, I just thought you should know. I’m sorry. -Mark
    I read the letter a few times over, trying to take it all in. most of the guys I wasted my time on were just that – a waste of time. Mark was different, though.
    He actually might care about me. At least I hope he did.
    This might have been my biggest mistake yet. Not only did I sleep with a guy who has a girlfriend, but I let myself get attached to him. I was just setting myself up for another heartbreak. Then again, he might like me back.
    We have ourselves a full blown love triangle here.
    keep it up with the faves guys? i love you all. 16 more followers til i reach my goal (; comment , follow , fave .. i really want to know what you guys think. thanks so much :D sorry, i know the letter is a little bit hard to read. hopefully you guys can still see it.

  3. justdoyou justdoyou
    posted a quote
    April 3, 2012 12:40pm UTC
    click to see this quote

  4. justdoyou justdoyou
    posted a quote
    April 2, 2012 10:06am UTC
    click to see this quote

  5. justdoyou justdoyou
    posted a quote
    April 1, 2012 11:30am UTC
    this week had been one of the most stressful weeks in a long time. With the endless tests and exams, the added pressure with my parent’s restaurant, and the constant flirtation from Jake, I was beyond tired.
    That’s why, when I got home from school on Friday, I dragged myself upstairs and took a nap, completely skipping my after-school shift.
    I was woken up by a buzzing sound and a stiff vibrating in the pocket of my old, ripped jeans.
    From : Mark
    You going to Cole’s party tonight? I’m picking Addison up at 7:30.
    I had totally forgotten all about the party, the one that I had already told Cole that I would be going to.
    I sighed, wishing I was still asleep, and stumbled across my room and to my closet, opening up the light pink doors that lead to my not-so-impressive wardrobe.
    I pulled out the first dress I saw, which happened to be uncomfortably tight fitting and black party dress, which I paired with black pumps with hot pink lining.
    I checked my profile in the full-body mirror, to find that the dress actually looked good on me, despite it being a few years old.
    I didn’t even bother to fix my hair, hoping that the bedhead look would pass off as sexy instead of careless.
    “hey, Addison, you almost ready to go?” I asked, entering Addison’s room without warning. While I was expecting to see Addison standing in front of her mirror applying makeup, already wearing a perfect party dress, instead I saw her curled up in bed wearing sweats.
    “I guess not…?” I said, but it came out more like a question.
    “I feel super sick. You should still go, I need someone to keep an eye on Mark for me,” she tried to laugh, but her nose was too stuffed.
    “um, okay. Well feel better,” I told her, closing the door quietly behind her. I had never been to a party without Addison, and I really didn’t know what I would do all night. Hopefully I would find someone I knew..
    I emerged from my room a few minutes later after fixing up the mascara that had smudged under my eyelids as I slept.
    I walked down the stairs just as I saw Mark pull into my driveway in his dented jeep. He honked the horn impatiently even though he had only been waiting for a few seconds. I pushed my way out the door, receiving a quizzical look from Mark when he noticed that Addison wasn’t behind me.
    “sick,” I told him as I climbed in the front seat, tossing a box of tissues and a ketchup stained sweatshirt into the back of the car to make room for me to sit.
    “aah, I see. Well you ready to go?” he asked, seeming unphased by Addison’s absence. “yeah, sure.” I told him, turning up the radio.
    I watched the road ahead as he made a right on my street and a left on the next one, until eventually we were parked in front of Cole’s house. There were already dozens of cars lined up and down the street, and even from a block away you could hear the party.
    Cole threw the best parties out of anyone I knew, but somehow I wasn’t very excited for this one.
    so i guess 20 was too much to ask. please tell me if you don't like the story, because i want to know. thanks to anyone who is still reading, love you (:

  6. justdoyou justdoyou
    posted a quote
    March 31, 2012 8:02pm UTC
    "i'm cold," Addison whined, whipping her long, dark brown hair from her face.
    she tucked her balled up fists inside the long sleeves of her light green sweatshirt. I sighed, taking in a deep breath of the cool, smoke filled air that surrounded us.
    Addison kicked a twig from the maple tree above us into the small fire in front of us. flames danced across the night sky, and i shivered, suddenly noticing the temperature. i scooted over on the bench where i was sitting, repositioning myself next to the marshmallows and hersheys chocolate bars that were placed on a glass table next to me. i unwrapped the bag of marshmallows, taking one out and putting it on the metal skewer i had picked up from the damp grass under our feet.
    "s'mores anyone?" i asked, motioning towards the set up that i had placed next to me. "actually, i've gotta run," Mark said, checking the time on his phone, "i'm supposed to meet Cole and Jake at Cole's house in five," he explained, lifting his arm from it's reserved spot across Addison's shoulders and standing up.
    "Jake?" i asked, confused. the same Jake who gave me his number a few days ago? "yeah, sure, he's on my baseball team. we're kind of friends now," Mark said. feeling the need to defend himself, he added "he's a really great guy, for your information," and with that, he left.
    "thanks for hosting, Callie!" he called, as he stepped into his rusty, red jeep.
    i gave him a thumbs up with my free hand, still roasting a marshmallow with the other one. "so, Mark and Jake, huh?" i asked Addison, handing her the bag of Jet Puffed's i had seen her eyeing. "did you know about that?"
    "well, yeah.. but you make it sound like such a big deal," she said, gratefully taking the bag and assembling a s'more, with the marshmallow uncooked.
    "um, have you ever made a s'more before?" i joked, swatting at a mosquito that was hovering over my head.
    she just rolled her eyes and ignored me, my cue to continue with our previous conversation.
    "and Mark and I may possibly be doing a little matchmaking for the two of you.." Addison said, winking at me.
    "no, you haven't. have you?" i asked, hoping for her to apologize for such a cruel joke. but her expression stayed serious.
    "Addison! how could you?!" i cried, possibly a little bit too dramatically.
    "you know you want it.." she joked, shoving me.
    i was reminded of this the next day at school when Jake came and sat by Mark, Cole, Addison and I at lunch. "hey guys, hope i'm not intruding," he said, flashing a perfect smile, probably noticing my suddenly flat expression when he approached us. "nah bro, you're good," Cole said, assuming that he was speaking for all of us.
    i sat in silence during lunch, picking at my overcooked mac and cheese while the rest of the table talked about yesterday's football game and tomorrow's rumored pop quiz in science.
    when it was finally time for dismissal to the next class, i discarded my tray and headed for my locker with no hesitation.
    "hey, Callie, wait up!" a voice called from behind me.
    oh god, Jake.
    so i stop shoutouts & boom, no comments. this makes me worried.. i hope you guys liked this chapter better than the last few. is 20 faves too much to ask..? thanks for reading, love you all :D

  7. justdoyou justdoyou
    posted a quote
    March 30, 2012 9:39pm UTC
    ever since i was a little girl, i've had my whole future planned out ahead of me.
    i've known what i want to do with my life since before i can remember.
    while most people decide early on that their goal in life is to be an actor or maybe even president of the United States, i've always known that i want to be a writer.
    kids at school have always thought of me as the shy girl. the one that might make it through high school, but will have no future after that.
    maybe that's why i want to prove them all wrong.
    i turned around in my chair to face my desk, and picked up the little black book stacked on top of my countless textbooks and stacks of notes that i was supposed to study this weekend.
    that tattered, torn and stained black book was my everything. it was my life, literally.
    in that book was everything i hoped to do, see, and be.
    i had been writing in it ever since i had learned to write, and it held all of my hopes, dreams and plans for the future.
    you could only imagine what would happen when things don't go as planned.
    fortunatley, that hasn't happened. at least not until now.
    falling in love was never part of the plan.
    i apologize for the short & boring chapter. they will get better, i promise. i'm done with shoutouts, sorry lovelies. 12 faves last chapter? i think you guys can do better than that. my goal is to get 100 followers by july. you guys wanna help me out? :) i thought so. i love you all.

  8. theboywholoved theboywholoved
    posted a quote
    March 28, 2012 4:18pm UTC
    I want to be blown away <3
    I want to be swept off my feet <3
    I want to meet the one who makes it hard for me to breathe <3
    I want to be lost in love <3
    I want to be your dream come true <3
    I want to be scared of how strong I feel for you <3

  9. justdoyou justdoyou
    posted a quote
    March 27, 2012 10:47pm UTC
    "do you realize what this means?" Addison asked me, excitement ringing in her voice.
    "what does this mean?" i asked her, playing along with her childish game.
    "he totally likes you. i mean, you know, Jake really isn't that bad of a guy. he seems super nice. OH MY GOSH. we can go on double dates and everything. i bet Mark will get along with Jake perfectly, and then they can be best friends. this is so perfect, Callie-" and that was only the beginning. once Addison starts talking, theres practically no way to stop her.
    when i turned around, my sublte attempt to escape Addison's dream world, Jake was staring at me.
    I felt hot shivers run up my body, from my toes to the top of my head. did the most popular guy in school actually like me? there was no way.
    there's nothing special about me. i'm just Callie, the most boring and least popular girl in the tenth grade.
    I returned my gaze to Addison, trying to cloud my mind from thoughts of Jake. but of course, she was still talking about him.
    I stood up, ready to turn my apron and go upstairs to think, when i felt the piece of paper in my back pocket. I quickly stood up, feeling the same hot shivers, and made my way across the room, tossing my apron at the front podium.
    "Callie, where are you going?" Addison called after me, but i just ignored her. she could figure it out for herself. i just needed some time to think.
    I jogged up the spiral stairs that lead to our main floor, and continued up another flight until i reached our upstairs, where my bedroom was. Addison's room, neat and perfectly organized, made mine look like a tornado had just passed through in comparison.
    I entered my room, when the last specks of sunshine were still lighting up the sky. The sunset was the color of my curtains, a peachy orange.
    Before i had even settled down on my bed to begin my thinking process, Addison burst into my room, quietly closing my door behind her.
    "what are you doing," each word sounded monotone, slower and harsher than i had intended.
    "i have to tell you something. super important." she began, sitting down on my bed right next to me.
    i crossed my legs the way we had always practiced in kindergarten, picking at my unraveling socks. "i'm listening," i mumbled, lifting up my head to face her, and brushing my stringy, blonde hair out of my face.
    "so," she said, before taking a big breath, the way she always does when she starts a story, "right after you left, somehting big happened downstairs.." she paused, waiting for a response from me, but i just kept quiet, waiting for her to go on. Addison had always been the gossipy type, when i frankly couldn't care less about other people's lives, especially since the rumors always made me realize how uninteresting and uneventful my own life was.
    "Jake broke up with Jessica, he said he liked someone else." she said, emphasizing the someone else part, when i thought the emphasis should be on the fact that the most popular couple in school had broken up after being together for two years.
    i sighed deeply, collapsing onto the plush pillows behind me.
    my life was about to get much more interesting.
    SHOUTOUT TO rupertgrintluvr & igorawr15 & neonlanterns & baileyreid & ChloeCaples ! whoever leaves a comment on my story will get a shoutout on my next chapter :) it's on my bucket list to get 100 followers & i've got 26 left to go. wanna help me out? ;D thanks for all the support you guys, 16 favees & 5 comments on the last chapter? that just about made my life. think you guys can make it happen again? i love you <3

  10. justdoyou justdoyou
    posted a quote
    March 26, 2012 8:38pm UTC
    I felt my cheeks turn the color of the roses that were carefully placed in the hanging baskets above our heads. Jake quickly stuck his hand in his pocket, and i put mine on the door handle.
    "well, was that all you had to tell me?" i asked, nudging the door open with my hip.
    "yeah, i guess that's it," he said, shrugging off what had just happened, and following me back inside.
    i watched as he rejoined his table and all of his friends asked him questions. they were probably wondering what he had been doing outside talking to a lowlife like me.
    "what was that all about?" Addison asked as i reentered the kitchen, eyeing me suspiciously.
    "nothing," i told her, but she would not accept that answer, "i don't know."
    she sat on the fake leather bar stool and placed her elbow on the cool granite countertop, settling her chin on the palm of her hand and staring at me, waiting for the whole story.
    once i had squeezed every last detail out of my conversation with Jake, Addison gave me some interesting feedback.
    "oh, he totally likes you!" she said, "why else would he take time out of his day to talk to you?" wow, thanks.
    Jake obviously didn't like me. we had never liked eachother, from the moment we met in sixth grade. we just weren't compatible. i knew that, Addison knew that, but did Jake know that?
    Addison interrupted my worried thoughts when she chimed in, "looks like table two is waiting for the check,". instead of going over there and giving it to them herself, of course she had to make me do it. she just loves making me suffer.
    "is that all for you guys?" i asked, setting the check on the table, practically answering for them.
    they all nodded, watching as i stacked all their plates in a pile, ready to take them back to the kitchen.
    when i came back, the little black booklet was closed and waiting for me. i picked it up and walked to the register in the back of the restaurant. a small, torn up slip of paper floated to the ground when i opened the book, and i bent down to pick it up.
    call me sometime. 541-988-1773
    i sighed and tucked the piece of paper in my back pocket, wondering if what Addison had said actually could be possible.
    do not call the number written up there, i totally just made it up & i have no idea who's it is. SHOUTOUT TO baileyreid ! whoever leaves a comment on my story will get a shoutout on my next chapter :) if you guys have any suggestions for my story, or for my next stories, please let me know, i'd love to hear your ideas (: it's on my bucket list to get 100 followers & i've got 32 left to go. wanna help me out? ;D thought so. thanks for all the support you guys, you mean the world to me. tell me what you think, i love feedback <3

  11. justdoyou justdoyou
    posted a quote
    March 1, 2012 7:07pm UTC
    I was woken up by the constant beep of my alarm clock, which was sitting on my night stand. I rolled over, wrestling with my navy blue & hot pink comforter, to see the bright red numbers on the screen.
    The sun was already making its way through the tiny cracks in my curtains as I dragged myself out of bed, stumbling across the hall into the bathroom. My feet hit the cool, tile floor and I cringed.
    I walked over to the sink and turned on the faucet, letting ice cold water splash into my hands and then onto my face, waking me up entirely.
    Now I was ready to face the day.
    I left the bathroom after brushing my teeth, and washing my face. I carefully unraveled the french braid I had put in the night before, and my long, blonde hair fell across my shoulders in wavy clumps.
    From there, I shuffled back into my room and to my dresser, where I pulled a light blue v neck t-shirt and some dark wash denim shorts. I slipped on some brown leather flip flops and fastened my special locket around my neck.
    I had been wearing that locket every day since Addison, my very best friend, had given it to me. I gave her one too, except hers was gold, and we both wore them wherever we went.
    I checked my alarm clock again. 6:47. That meant I had thirteen minutes until Addison came to pick me up, but I still had to eat breakfast.
    I made my way downstairs and into the kitchen, where I poured myself a bowl of rice krispies and grabbed a spoon. I listened to the grains pop and crackle while I walked to the table, and I sat down in my usual spot.
    Right when I had finished washing my bowl, as if on cue, Addison rang the doorbell. I quickly grabbed my backpack and headed out the front door, locking it behind me.
    “what took you so long?” Addison asked me, twirling a strand of her dark brown hair, “I’ve been waiting for like, five minutes,”
    We walked to her car, which was practically falling apart. But oh well, it’s the only ride I can get, so I deal with it. Addison only lives a block down from me, so it’s easy for me to catch a ride. Which, sadly, I still have to do, even though I’m a junior. I have a summer birthday, and I don’t get my license until this summer. So, for now, I have to rely on my friends for rides.
    Addison and I made small talk on the way to school, just like we always do. Mostly about Mark, Addison’s over-protective boyfriend & also my best guy friend. That’s pretty much all Addison likes to talk about these days, but I’m fine with that. He treats her well.
    We pulled up to our over-crowded high school two minutes before the first bell rang, so we had to lock the car and run inside to make sure we got to class on time.
    Swarms of people were walking through the hallway, and I pushed my way past the crowd, attempting to make it to homeroom before Mr. Johns closed the door.
    It was a new year, and everyone was frantically searching for their first class. But I had Mr. Johns for math last year, so I knew exactly where to go.
    My only worry now was who was in my class.
    All of my fears were standing right in front of me as I opened the door and entered the classroom. Because sitting right in the middle of the half-empty room, was the person I was hoping to avoid.
    i hope you guys liked itt <3 could i get some faves? it would mean a lot :D make sure to check out the character pictures, they're on my profilee! i love all my readers, thanks so much :)

  12. hopelessromantic33 hopelessromantic33
    posted a quote
    March 26, 2012 11:28pm UTC
    Imiss us. I miss,

  13. xXxRandomizerXxX xXxRandomizerXxX
    posted a quote
    March 25, 2012 11:52pm UTC
    You put on all that makeup..
    You burn your hair because you think that will get him to notice you. But really, all he wants if for you to be YOU. Trust me when I say this: You don't have to be perfect, to be loved.

  14. LeA_HeRe LeA_HeRe
    posted a quote
    March 23, 2012 3:34pm UTC
    i wonder if a boy
    ever looks at me and thinks "wow, she's beautiful"

  15. halfempty halfempty
    posted a quote
    March 24, 2012 12:45am UTC
    Not being able
    to go anywhere in town without thinking of him,
    because you've been to each and every place
    with him by your side, in the past.

  16. fer12 fer12
    posted a quote
    March 18, 2012 9:54pm UTC
    You Lost Me.

  17. posted a quote
    January 1, 1970 12:00am UTC
    This quote does not exist.

  18. sexybeast23 sexybeast23
    posted a quote
    March 18, 2012 11:09pm UTC
    This is for the girls who have the tendency to stay up at night listening to music that reminds them of their current situation. Who hide their fears,hurt,pain and tears under the smiles,laughs and giggles on a daily basis. The girls who wear their heart on their sleeves. The girls who pray things will work out just once and they'll be satisfied. The girls who scream and cry to their pillow because everone else fails to listen. The girls who have so many secrets but won't tell a soul.The girls who have mistakes and regrets as a daily moral.The girls that never win.The girls who stay up all night thinking about that one boy and hoping he'll notice her one day. The girls who take life as it comes, to the girls who are hoping it will get better somewhere downt he road.For girls love with all their heart although it always gets broken.To girls who think it's over.To real girls, to all girls: You're beautiful.
    -Zayn Malik

  19. heythere09 heythere09
    posted a quote
    March 18, 2012 12:23am UTC
    And what if ,
    He felt the same way
    about you?♥
    Format by Sandrasaurus

  20. LoveHopeDream LoveHopeDream
    posted a quote
    March 18, 2012 12:44am UTC
    I miss you but, you seem fine without me.


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