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  1. drpepper drpepper
    posted a quote
    May 23, 2009 3:17pm UTC
    Life Is A Learning Experience
    you first learn how to walk
    then to t a l k
    you learn your abc's
    and how to count
    you learn who your true friends are
    and who are just using you
    you learn to be yourself
    and to not change for anyone
    you learn to l o v e
    and with that comes,
    how to cope with heart break
    you learn that your family may be
    the only people you can trust
    you learn that things change
    and nothing stays the same for long
    with that you learn to adjust
    you learn life is a r o l l e r c o a s t e r
    you have your ups and downs
    you have the sharp turns
    where things change for better or worst
    and you have the loops
    where things are u n e x p l a i n a b l e
    and you feel a total rush
    each step you learn is a step towards finding
    y o u r s e l f
    Life Is A Lesson To Be Learned
    im learning it all too well.

  2. webkinzpiggy webkinzpiggy
    posted a quote
    May 23, 2009 1:27pm UTC
    Shush girl shut your lips do the Helen Keller and talk with your hips

  3. posydolphin posydolphin
    posted a quote
    May 23, 2009 1:36pm UTC
    As 7th grade is coming to an end,
    I'm getting kinda scared. I'm scared of change.
    I'm scared that I will run out of time. We have only
    five more years left to convince that boy to like you back
    and five years left to figure out what we want to do with
    our lives. After that, we will be on our own. Middle School was great.
    It had its ups and downs but I would do it all over again in a heart beat.
    6th grade was fun. It was when I explored all the freedoms we had and
    when life was carefree. I lived by the quote 'Play now and work later.'
    7th grade was not too great. We had too much drama..and I mean TOO MUCH!
    8th grade will be fun, but also sad. because all year we will be thinking...Man, we
    are graduating...we might never see each other again...
    8th grade is going to be the best year ever. Hanging out with my best friends...and
    not caring what anyone else thinks of me. I have no clue what 8th grade and highschool
    will bring.
    Highschool seems like a chance to start over, but what happens if I mess up
    that chance? When the last day of 8th grade comes, I don't know
    how I will feel. Leaving my friends that I made over middle school
    will be hard because when we come back in September no one is
    going to be the same person.
    Class of 2010
    Not Mine
    This is the cutest!!!


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