Witty Profiles

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  1. kto_123 kto_123
    posted a quote
    June 11, 2013 5:15pm UTC
    HEY GUYS, its kto_123.. my laptop hasnt been working and well ugh. im so sorry i didnt let you guys know and i left youhanging with The little things .. but i cant continue writing on witty without my laptop.. so atleast for no, im done on witty im so sorry! but i will be writing (; ill be on instagram on 1dwrite
    ive already started a new fanfic so please check it out!!!
    i hope to be back on witty soon):

  2. kto_123 kto_123
    posted a quote
    January 9, 2013 9:39pm UTC
    The Little Things
    ~Chapter 12~
    I hum to myself quietly, playing with my hair in yet another hotel room mirror. My phone vibrates and I answer it quickly, "Liam, hey." I smile just saying his name. "Hello Beautiful," I can hear the smile in his voice, too. It's been hard, being away for three weeks so far, and not seeing his face except in magazines. I try to keep myself busy, but it's not always easy. We chit chat for a bit, not really saying anything important. A knock on my door makes me cut the conversation short, "I'll call you later, bye Liam," I make a kissing sound into the phone and hang up, in a good mood after speaking to him. I walk over to the door and peer out the peephole. It's a kid around my age, but I don't know who he is. "Who is it?" I shout from behind the door. "I won't kill you," He laughs. I shrug, and open the door. "I'm Clark," He sticks his hand out. I take it, "Valarie," I nod, giving him the name all my fans and everyone except Liam knows me as. "I know," He smiles cheekily, showing off two adorable dimples. "Um, an I help you with anything?" I look away from his smile, feeling guilty for finding him attractive. "Well, I was wonderin if you;d fancy me showing you around tomorrow?" He smiles at me, his blue eyes shining. "Um, I'm not sure, actually," I mumble. Tomorrow is actually one of the two days I have off. I had planned on walking around town, getting to know the area as much as I could. But with him.. I don't know.
    "C'mon, it'll be fun," He pokes me in the arm, and I shy away from his touch. He takes his hand away quickly, "Sorry," He mumbles. He smiles at me, "Hey, don't worry about it, you're busy, I understand," He shrugs before turning away. Before I can stop myself I grab his wrist, "I'd uhm, I'd love to," I say quietly. His face brightens, "I'll pick you up at ten," He smiles before walking away. I watch him walk away before closing the door and falling on my bed.
    I quickly fall asleep. Without ever thinking to call Liam back like I promised.
    I wake up the next morning and knock on Mom's door, the one that seperates the two rooms of your suite. "Yes?" She calls from the other side. I open the door and walk in, completely dressed and ready to go. "Well you look nice, what's the occasion?" She smiles lazily, still in bed. "Well, you know what Mr. Manson says, I have eyes on me at all times," I giggle, trying to not tell her the truth. "You're going out, then?" Mom says, drifting off to sleep. "Yeah," I nod. "By yourself?" She asks, eyes opening quickly. "Someone offered to show me around." I mumble. "A boy?" She whispers. I nod, "You're dating Liam. You know that and now so does the whole world, so remember that." She says before closing her eyes, officially dismissing me. I roll my eyes and leave the room, angry at her accusation. When I walk out of the room I walk right into Clark, the boy from last night. "Sorry," I mumble, he laughs. "Ready?" He asks, showing his dimples again. I nod, "Let's go."
    After a couple of hours of simply walking around, Clark pointing out specific buildings, good places to eat, or fun places to hang out, we get tired and stop at a local coffee shop. "Now this place, isn't that good," He admits. "But it was the closest," He adds. I shrug, "Doesn't matter to me," He smiles before getting me a hot chocolate and a muffin. I pick at the muffin slowly. He just drinks his coffee slowly, sometimes looking out the window and sometimes at me. "You're beautiful, you know that?" He smiles. "Thank you," I whisper, not meeting his eyes. "You're welcome," He says quietly. I feel his gaze holding on my face. I look up quickly, "I have a boyfriend." I blurt out without thinking. To my surprise, his smile doesn't falter. He simply says "I know."
    * * * * *
    Hey! So what do you guys think? Is Clark a little too friendly? Should Val think twice about what she's doing? Lemme know(: More tomorrow!

  3. ThatsSoMeee ThatsSoMeee
    posted a quote
    January 16, 2013 4:31pm UTC
    I’m afraid
    I’ll end up alone.
    I’m scared that I’m always gonna be the
    ‘sister’ or ‘friend’ or the ‘confidant,’
    not quite somebody’s everything.
    I’m scared that I’ll never find a guy that will love me
    as much as I love him...

  4. strawberry_skittles strawberry_skittles
    posted a quote
    January 11, 2013 9:24pm UTC
    ✼ ✼ ✼ ✼ ✼ ✼ ✼ ✼ ✼ ✼ ✼ ✼ ✼ ✼ ✼ ✼
    Go ahead,
    Pass me in the halls and pretend I don't exist.
    I hope every single time we make eye contact,
    You relive every memory we've ever had.
    And I hope it hurts.
    ✼ ✼ ✼ ✼ ✼ ✼ ✼ ✼ ✼ ✼ ✼ ✼ ✼ ✼ ✼ ✼

  5. strawberry_skittles strawberry_skittles
    posted a quote
    January 15, 2013 9:15pm UTC
    Fine. Whatever. I'll just date myself.

  6. strawberry_skittles strawberry_skittles
    posted a quote
    January 10, 2013 9:05pm UTC
    Have you ever broke down sobbing after so long of being strong?
    Crumbled to the floor, hands by your face.
    Your face scrunches up and you let out that first gasp.
    You try to be quiet but eventually it becomes loud,
    heartwrenching sobs.
    You cry and cry, so much you can't breath.
    You ask whoever's up there,
    "Why? Why me? Why this?"
    You sob, trying to gasp breaths in between.
    Eventually, you completely collapse on the floor after,
    and you just lay there, numb.

  7. kto_123 kto_123
    posted a quote
    January 8, 2013 8:08pm UTC
    The Little Things
    ~Chapter 11~
    I jump as I sit on the couch as the front door slams open. "Mom?" I shout, nervous. Then, Liam's face appears and I relax. "Oh, Liam," I sigh. He sits next to me, grabbing my hands tightly. The warmth radiates from his skin and I have the urge to snuggle up close to him. "Was it all true? Everyone you sang in 'Where'd You Go?'" He asks, searching my eyes for an answer before my mouth can produce one. I just nod, words failing me. Liam drops my hands and takes my face instead, bringing it to his, kissing me with too much force before finally becoming gentler. My hands wrap around his neck, keeping his lips on mine. When we finally pull away, I smile up at his face. My smile widens as I see he's smiling too.
    "Liam, I don't want to leave," I whimper. I'm leaving for my first tour and I'm beyond terrified of living on a bus and in hotels. And without my boyfriend. Liam Payne. Sigh, I love saying it, even if it's in my head. "You'll be great, don't worry," He brushes hair out of my face and kisses my forehead. "I'm scared," I mumble, leaning into his chest. He rubs my head, "Everything will be fine. Call me whenever, okay?" He says. I nod, hugging him tighter. "You neea go now, love," He mumbles. He kisses my lips before letting me go. I stare at his face for a few seconds before letting go. I grab my carry on bag and get in the big tour bus. Since I'm by myself, Mr. Manson said it'd be okay to have my mom come with me. But only this once. I hold her hand the whole ride, long after I've fallen asleep, listening to One Direction's new album.
    I go through my last minute calming stratigies before walking on stage. I look at all the faces in the crowd and smile. But most of the time, I just see Liam. I blink once and they go back to being a million people I've never met before. A million people who paid to see me perform. I shout greetings into the microphone, finding it easy to talk to them. As if we've known eachother for years. Then the band comes out and they start to play, signaling the start of my performance. I sing and dance and laugh and joke for three hours before finally leaving the stage and finding my way to Mom backstage.
    "You were perfect," She says, tears in her eyes, hugging my tightly. "Thanks Mom," I say as Mr. Manson hugs me. I grab my phone from my moms bag, and to my surprise, the text I see makes me impossibly happier.
    "I've never watched anything so beautiful in my entire life. You exceed the meaning of perfect. I love you. Liam xx" I smile at the phone, missing him already.
    I fall asleep quickly, knowing I need all the sleep I can get before my next show. I dream about Liam, about Liam watching my show, and the other guys, what they thought. I wonder if they thought I was as good as Liam did, if Liam is just biased. I dream sweet and happy dreams, content with my life.
    I'm shaken awake far to soon by Mom, "C'mon, gotta get ready baby girl," And even though I've never been a morning person.. I can't help but smile, knowing I get to relive last night all over again.
    * * * * *
    Hey! So they're dating! What do you guys think?! Last chapter for tonight ! More tomorrow. Love you all so much <3

  8. kto_123 kto_123
    posted a quote
    January 8, 2013 7:10pm UTC
    The Little Things
    ~Chapter 10~
    I did get in trouble for the scandal. I'm not allowed to go party for awhile. There are worse things to deal with, though. Like Liam going back to ignoring me. It's early on a Sunday morning so I get dressed and walk over to Liam's to surprise him. Basically so he can't get away from me. "Liam, wake up." I shake him in his bed. "Dan-" His eyes widen, "Oh, Val.. Valarie," He mumbles. I try not to show how much it stung that he thought it would be Danielle. "Happy birthday," I mumble. "Thanks," He mutters, sitting up, rubbing his eyes. "Danielle was supposed to come over," He shrugs. "Yeah well you got me instead," I sigh. He smirks. "Look, maybe this was a bad idea, I should go." I stand up to leave, he grabs my wrist. Volts of electricty sting up my arm and I close my eyes, loving the warmth of his hand. The sudden cold when he lets go makes my heart hurt. "Wait, what's up? Why'd you come?" He asks, confused. I turn slowly, and smile a little.
    "We made a promise, remember?" His face lights up as he remembers and he gets out of bed to get dressed, excited.
    As we sit on the swings, eating our icecream, mine chocolate and his vanilla, I sigh. "What's wrong?" He asks. "Well.. It was a lot more fun when we could fit in the jungle gym," I chuckle. "Hey, you promised," He rolls his eyes. And he's right, we did. When we were little, we spent every birthday together. And when he got big and famous, we were scared to let that go. So we promised that no matter where we were or who we were with, we'd make time for eachother. Maybe a long phone call or video chat, or on lucky occasions like these, spending the day. "Remember the year you turned 5?" Liam mumbles, kicking sand with his feet. "Uh huh," I mumble. "You broke your wrist," He laughs. I squint my eyes at him, trying to figure out why it's funny. "I still didn't leave, I spent the whole day at the hospital." He laughs. I laugh, too. "Liam," I sigh, but not to him, more to the Liam I remember. "Where did you go?" I whisper. He stares deep into my eyes, his are sad, and instead of answering, he just sticks out his hand, "It's getting late, let's get back," I grab it and we walk home.
    We stop at my stairs. "Wanna come in?" I breathe, hoping he says yes, and kind of hoping he says no. He shakes his head, "I have something I need to do," He smiles a little. "Me too," I whisper, meaning it. Before he goes, he leans in hesitantly, kissing my cheek lightly. My cheek bursts into flames. I watch him leave then run inside and get out a pen. I write and write and write.
    Then I call Mr. Manson and meet him in the studio. I sing him the song I wrote and he promises to get it out as soon as possible. I thank him and go home to go to bed.
    I wake up the next morning to hear my song playing on the radio and scream with excitement. I sing along with my favorite lines, the ones especially inspired by Liam. At the end, the radio man tells how I literally wrote it last night, and I dance a little victory dance for myself. Suddenly, One Direction is being interviewed. "How'd you like it guys?" They all comment except for Liam. "One line asks 'Oh you, where did you go?' " The man says quietly, "What do you think about that heartbreaker?" The man jokes. Liam speaks up, "I'm right here, Val."
    * * * * *
    Hey guys, I'm so beyond sorry that I haven't posted in such a long time. My laptop hasn't been working and I wasn't able to upload, but thank you for staying with me! However, when I was waiting to get the laptop fixed, I lost my notification list.. So I don't think I'm going to notify anymore:/ But I'm posting more chapters tonight, I'm trying to get this one finished so I can write a new one.. So sorry loves, love you all !<3

  9. posted a quote
    January 1, 1970 12:00am UTC
    This quote does not exist.

  10. Dollyxx Dollyxx
    posted a quote
    May 6, 2012 1:37pm UTC
    Follow your heart,
    Take your brain with you.

  11. Dollyxx Dollyxx
    posted a quote
    May 6, 2012 1:43pm UTC
    Dont worry if you're single.
    God is looking at you right now saying:
    "Im saving this girl for someone special"

  12. Dollyxx Dollyxx
    posted a quote
    May 6, 2012 1:53pm UTC
    I guess Im just
    Too hot to handle and too cold to hold .

  13. Dollyxx Dollyxx
    posted a quote
    May 6, 2012 1:45pm UTC
    Dont play hard to get
    Play hard to forget

  14. Dollyxx Dollyxx
    posted a quote
    May 6, 2012 1:57pm UTC
    I relate to people on Witty
    so much more then I relate to people in real life.
    Anyone else?

  15. Dollyxx Dollyxx
    posted a quote
    May 6, 2012 2:00pm UTC
    There's always...
    A little truth behind every
    "Just Kidding"
    A little knowledge behind every
    "I dont know"
    A little emotion behind every
    "I dont care"
    and a little pain behind every
    "Im okay"

  16. Dollyxx Dollyxx
    posted a quote
    May 14, 2012 1:04pm UTC
    now would be a good time to swallow me.

  17. Dollyxx Dollyxx
    posted a quote
    June 3, 2012 1:15pm UTC
    I didnt say it was your fault,
    I said I was blaming you.

  18. Dollyxx Dollyxx
    posted a quote
    June 3, 2012 2:08pm UTC
    You almost feel
    that someone
    could be that important,
    that without them
    you feel like

  19. Dollyxx Dollyxx
    posted a quote
    June 3, 2012 2:16pm UTC
    We fear REjection
    Want at tention
    c rave af f ection
    dream of perfection

  20. Dollyxx Dollyxx
    posted a quote
    June 12, 2012 4:40pm UTC
    That near death experience
    when your food goes down the wrong way.


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