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MissMicky754 · 1 decade ago

Tori-bird * · 1 decade ago
I do not know enough on the case to form an educated opinion. If you truly have educated yourself extensively on this, I am in aw. I think that it is amazing that you are standing up for your own ideas on a website that tends to be less then...understanding of other ideas. So random citizen, I think that you are pretty cool for sticking up for yourself regardless of the sh.t that people can give you for this:)

taylorspinspin · 1 decade ago

justice4jahar · 1 decade ago
That's terrible, I am very sorry. I am in no way "supporting someone who almost killed your mom". If I thought that he was the one that did it I would not be supporting him.
Victims like your mother deserve justice, and I don't think justice is throwing the blame at Jahar, despite all of the lies that the government has already been proven to have told, and the other ones they could be telling and most likely are.

I'll pray for your mother. I'm not a horrible person. I'm sorry to hear that she and your family were affected by this tragedy.
People just have a wrong idea about the people who support Jahar.


taylorspinspin · 1 decade ago

justice4jahar · 1 decade ago
Don't be sorry, it's easy to misunderstand. It's fine. I'm sorry that you and your family have to go through what you are going through. I pray and hope that your mother will get better soon.

taylorspinspin · 1 decade ago

justice4jahar · 1 decade ago
Oh, and ever heard of innocent until proven guilty? You and everyone in the media seems to have forgotten about it.

justice4jahar · 1 decade ago
What is going through my head? I'm thinking for myself and forming my own opinion instead of accepting what others tell me to believe.
Don't you dare tell me to "read." Do you know I have watched the news constantly every single day when I have the chance, I have done nothing but research and look at data and facts and reports and photographs EVER. SINCE. THIS. HAPPENED. Ever since April 15th. Ask me a question, I'll be able to answer it.

I am not 12. I know what I am talking about. I guarantee that I know way more about this case than you do. Considering it's taken a large part of my life ever since it happened. I come from an educated family. Majority of men in my family are military veterans.

Maybe you should know more about someone and about the situation before you go insulting them sweetheart.

And not to be arrogant, but your comment didn't exactly sound intelligent :) At least make a good argument :)

hermione23katniss · 1 decade ago
So i searched the freejahar tag for the first time in a couple weeks on twitter and there's a bunch of stuff about baudy and emrah? I know that they were friends with Jahar but do you know what their twitter/ask.fm or whatever is? I'm curious to know what they are saying about all of this.

justice4jahar · 1 decade ago
I too have heard of them. They don't seem to be actively involved, not too much anyways, in the case. Of course they care about what happens to Jahar, I'm not saying they don't care, but they don't want to be too open about what they think about it like Troy Crossley. No, I don't know their twitters/ask.fm or anything. I just prefer to leave them alone, let them have their privacy since they aren't seeking the attention (not in a bad way) that Troy or maybe Junes are. It's only fair.


ForeverStronger · 1 decade ago
Hiya, I hope you don't think I'm trying to trash your opinion, I'm just trying to figure out a few things. Let me know what you think!(: I just wanted to know what you thought about this:

And I saw your comment below to someone else who was curious on your opinions, so I hope it's okay that I just make my statement off of that(:

For Todeshev, (the "friend" to the suspects) I'm not entirely sure what happened so I can't make a solid answer for you, because no resources have solid answers either. There are so many conspiracies that it's hard to pick out the truth at this point for his death. I might get back to you later on that.

They have the court trial so far back so that "Jahar" can get a solid case before walking into the court room. There's nothing worse than walking into the court room unprepared

As for the video, I failed to find any links to the ideas they are putting forward. The links could possibly be from sources that constantly mess up the news when reporting, which would lead to all the contradictions. In other words, what if their sources are unreliable?

Lastly, why would the government do this exactly? What would they have to gain by killing three people and injuring around 264 more?

justice4jahar · 1 decade ago
Haha of course I don't mind talking to you about my opinion. I do not have a problem with debating and explaining things to others as long as they are not rude about it, which you are definitely not being rude(:
Okay first off, for the note, I just think that is absolute crap. They expect me to believe that Jahar, who thought he was going to die, somehow got the time to grab a black marker or a pen or whatever, and write a note on the side of the boat? Also, why did it take them a month to find it if it was so obviously scribbled in plain sight on the side panel? Bunch of BS.

I agree about Todashev, the whole thing is very sketchy. I just think it is absolute crap that he had a knife. They cannot expect me to believe that the FBI did not check a MMA cage fighter for weapons before interviewing him in his own home. Also, aren't FBI agents trained to defend themselves against attackers without killing them? Especially when they might have important information that the FBI needs!
I agree with you about the hearing date.
Are you talking about the video that shows the backpack picture and stuff? Okay well first of all I know the first picture shown is comparing the photo released to the public by the FBI, and the original picture that is shown on the phone of the man that took the picture. Almost all sources are unreliable, and that includes the media. That's why you have got to take whats given to you and form your own opinion.
And I am not sure about what the government might do this for. Some people say that they wanted to use it to encourage the ban of gunpowder? I don't agree with that, however. But- if you look at the Boston Globe's tweets, a very short time before the bombs went off, they tweeted that there would be a bomb drill in Boston. I believe they said Boylston street, which is near the finish line of the marathon. If you look at the Boston Globe's twitter, that tweet is now GONE. Who's to say the bomb drills happened, something went terribly wrong, and the government blamed it on someone else that was there? Just my opinion.

Thanks so much for being polite(: I will be happy to answer any other questions you may have. You can also check out my Tumblr, there's a lot of information there: http://www.justice-jahar.tumblr.com/



SeekTruth · 1 decade ago
It's Snowy c:

justice4jahar · 1 decade ago
Okay hai snoweh

Live_life98 · 1 decade ago

justice4jahar · 1 decade ago
Hi :) Sorry I was hanging out with family :P

Live_life98 · 1 decade ago

justice4jahar · 1 decade ago
I am good, how are you? :)

Live_life98 · 1 decade ago

justice4jahar · 1 decade ago
Physically or mentally? :)

Eli22b · 1 decade ago
I can't say I think they did it, but I can't say I think they didn't either. I haven't done enough research on both opinions to form one. But I do respect what you're doing here, standing up for what you believe in. I mean, its going to totally suck for you if he like admits he did it. But I do like how in the mist of everyone blaming him, you're willing to stand up for what you believe is the truth. So props to you

justice4jahar · 1 decade ago
Thanks very much ^-^ Much appreciated <3

lovepeacehopegirl · 1 decade ago
They a not insont they did it but no hate on you believe what ever you want

hayhayy915 · 1 decade ago
Y exactly r u on their side? No hate its just I think they did it and I wanna know y u dnt

justice4jahar · 1 decade ago
I replied to your comment on the other quote ;) If you still want some more explanation I can give you some

hermione23katniss · 1 decade ago
So I'm curious, do you think they were framed or they were set up by the government and the victims were actors?

justice4jahar · 1 decade ago
Oh, I don't think the victims are actors at all. What happened to them was terrible :'( I think more they're set up by the government for one of the government's mistakes.

HeLivesAgain · 1 decade ago
I'm not trying to bash you. I'm just curious. Why do you believe they are not behind it? We have evidence. A lot of it..

justice4jahar · 1 decade ago
Thank you for being respectful, I appreciate that. I started to think things were very shady once Tamerlan was killed. I was confused as to why they wouldn't make an effort not to kill him especially since he could provide answers. Here's a link to a video that explains a lot of my reasons: http://youtu.be/4hWGJb-Bbk8
Also it's very shady now that they killed Todashev- especially since he could provide many answers. FBI agents should know how to defend themselves without killing the attacker, and they killed him. Maybe to keep his mouth shut, maybe they panicked, I don't know.

None of the things the media has said had led me to believe they are 100% innocent. We have only been shown them walking. We have not seen the video of Jahar placing the bag. Also, why would they push back his hearing date if they "have a video of him placing the bomb?"

I am pretty sure they are innocent- although I obviously don't know for sure. No one does except the FBI and Jahar himself. I'm just saying- Innocent until proven guilty.

And I feel terrible for the victims as well- I would never call them actors or anything, their lives have been marred <3

Once again, thank you so much for being respectful =)


HeLivesAgain · 1 decade ago
Anytime :) You don't deserve to be bashed for your beliefs. With all do respect, I'm going to critic you on your points..

1.Tamerlan got shot and then Jahar ran over him.. They rushed him to the hospital and that's where he died. There's not much you can do for someone who's been shot and ran over.

2.Todashev can conceal his weapons. It was most likely a small knife and they missed it. (I saw your quote on it) I understand what you're saying about them being trained, but he's a terrorist in their eyes and they most likely panicked. I'm guessing most people would if they were put in that position. I'm a black belt in Karate and have trained with knives and guns before, but even with all that training I'd still be nervous.

3. There is a picture of Jahar placing the bomb down next to my little buddy Martin. Also, a video of them doing so. They have to push the date back because Jahar (No offense to him) does not know how to kill himself. He shot into his throat instead of up his brain. This caused him to have a tough time talking. You can't go to court and not be able to defend yourself. Get what I'm saying?

I agree that hey are innocent until proven guilty. But there is A LOT of evidence that they will be considered guilty. That's all :) Again, hope I didn't come off too strong. Just trying to see what you thought about the whole situation.

justice4jahar · 1 decade ago
First off, it was said by multiple eye witnesses that it was not Jahar that ran over Tamerlan, it was in fact a police SUV. I can understand the fact that they may have missed the knife, and that they may be nervous. I guess it just seems shady to me that they interviewed him in his own home even though he was a MMA cage fighter and he could potentially be dangerous. And I have seen the picture of him "placing the bomb" but honestly they could have just photoshopped it. I'm not sure. But if they do have a video of him placing the bomb, why have they not released it to the public? Jahar did not shoot himself. He was found unarmed in the boat. Also in the pictures released to the public- when he is coming out of the boat while surrendering to the police, he is not wounded and there is no visible blood. But in the second picture showed with Jahar on the ground, there is blood all over his face that was not there in the previous picture. He might have a tough time talking still, but he is able to talk now. He has been in contact with his mother over the phone, and you can't talk on the phone without actually talking.

You don't come off too strong, I really respect the fact that you can talk to me about it without being a jerk about it. I really do appreciate it, thank you. :)


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