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  1. willa13 willa13
    posted a quote
    October 9, 2010 10:58pm UTC
    addicted to the bad ones
    part 66
    The whole plane ride I stared out the window, watching the view turn from a sky blue, into a foggy white as we glided through the clouds. There was one person on my mind, and it was Brandon. I needed to see him before he did something totally stupid.
    "Hazel! Look!" Trever pointed out the window.
    I looked to see the ground coming closer and closer. We were finally in California.
    "Ready to see your new home?" I asked.
    Trever nodded his head. The plane hit the runway and eventually came to a stop. We were the first ones to grab our luggage and run out of the plane. Then grabbed our suitcases moving across the conveyer belt and bolted out the airport. Johnny was waiting for us in the parking lot.
    "Trever this is Johnny. He's one of Chris's best friends." I introduced him to Trever.
    "Nice to meet you." Johnny said, holding out his hand.
    Trever smiled, took a hold of Johnny's hand and shook it firmly.
    "Now let's get your luggage back to your apartment." Johnny smiled.
    We piled everything into Johnny's van and started to drive. I was sitting in the passenger seat, looking back at Trever. His eyes were glued out the window, looking at his new living environment. He seemed so excited as he gasped at random things we passed by. Johnny pulled into the parking lot of the new apartment, and helped us carry our things inside. Jess and Chris were sitting inside, watching TV, but their attention turned to us as we walked in the door. Jess ran over to me and hugged me tight.
    "This is so great! It's gonna be just like when we first moved here 3 years ago!" She said.
    She let go of me and then looked down at Trever.
    "And now we have a new addition to our little family." She hugged him. "How've you been Trever? Do you remember me? I haven't seen you in so long. You're getting so grown up..." Jess went on and on with her little comments and questions to my little brother, who she hasn't seen for the longest time. Since she didn't stop, I walked over to Chris and hugged him.
    "Thank you so much. For letting me move back in. And for letting Trever come too." I wanted to cry because I was so happy.
    "Hazel, you were, are, and always will be welcome here. Same goes for my little man, Trever." Chris let go of me and held his arms open as Trever ran to him and hugged him.
    "Start unpacking too. Tonight we're gonna have a party, celebrating Hazel's return and Trever's new move. Everyone we know will be here." Chris added.
    "Okay. But I have to go do something real quick." I smiled and started walking out the apartment.
    "I'll be back in an hour." I said as shut the door behind me.


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