Witty Profiles

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  1. jennrawr jennrawr
    posted a quote
    July 2, 2010 9:30pm UTC
    Love fades.
    mine has.

  2. birdofthesummer birdofthesummer
    posted a quote
    September 9, 2011 10:11pm UTC
    And isn't there just
    that something
    about his smile?

  3. soccermaniac1102 soccermaniac1102
    posted a quote
    September 9, 2011 7:42pm UTC
    & lets Fav this quote for 9/11
    Fav for all the innocent people who lost their lives that day. Fav for all the survivors who were lucky enough to make it home safe. Fav for the firefighters who risked their lives for strangers. Fav for the policemen who go out there everyday not knowing what to expect. Fav for the volunteers, no training, who helped America become safe again. Fav for all those who suffered, and were affected through the traumatic events of September 11th 2001. Fav for all the family's who lost loved ones. Fav for the flight attendants, and pilots who knew it was the end. Fav for all the kids who didn't know what was going on when their parents started panicking. That day on September 11th America came together as a nation. We helped, and helped. We put aside our differences to represent a nation. America the beautiful. Those terrorists tried to tear down our country, hurt our government, and try to take control of our freedom. Well, you want to know what they did? They made our country stronger, our government protected, and our freedom was never touched for a minute. That's a beauty of this country we came together through a time of need. Fav this quote for the memory of September 11th 2001 <3
    highlighht ---> please don't steal this I put a lot of thought into this quote. thank you<3

  4. skittles7 skittles7
    posted a quote
    September 9, 2011 9:28pm UTC
    Format by Sandrasaurus
    And I hope the sun shines and it's a beautiful day And something reminds you, you wish you had stayed♥
    Format by Sandrasaurus

  5. wapples wapples
    posted a quote
    August 31, 2011 8:53pm UTC
    Fave This. Quote.
    a n d I ' l l g i v e 3 g u e s s e s
    on what you are like♥
    Format by Sandrasaurus

  6. posted a quote
    January 1, 1970 12:00am UTC
    This quote does not exist.

  7. SilverSharpie3 SilverSharpie3
    posted a quote
    August 30, 2011 11:03pm UTC
    &i'm starting to think that i'll always be everyone's second choice

  8. outsidersXtwobitX outsidersXtwobitX
    posted a quote
    August 30, 2011 11:00pm UTC
    The story starts when it was hot and it was summer and,
    I had it all; I had him right there where I wanted him
    She came along, got him alone, and let's hear the applause,
    She took him faster than you could say sabotage.
    She should keep in mind
    there is nothing
    I do better than revenge

  9. posted a quote
    January 1, 1970 12:00am UTC
    This quote does not exist.

  10. fairytaleending fairytaleending
    posted a quote
    March 12, 2011 9:03pm UTC
    THe butterflies you get when your with him
    not because your nervous ;
    because you like him
    that much
    not my format .

  11. therealthingx3 therealthingx3
    posted a quote
    March 12, 2011 11:41pm UTC
    Fave if you're single.
    Comment if you're taken.
    -Let the music play. <3

  12. xKaylaMartin97x xKaylaMartin97x
    posted a quote
    March 6, 2011 4:15pm UTC
    "... the ghost of
    his last laugh
    still etched upon his face"
    Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows
    Who else cried when Fred died??? :'(.

  13. kimbahhlayx kimbahhlayx
    posted a quote
    March 6, 2011 5:05pm UTC
    -->"the sky."
    fave if you remember when everyone used to say this!

  14. posted a quote
    January 1, 1970 12:00am UTC
    This quote does not exist.

  15. 333ionathomas 333ionathomas
    posted a quote
    February 7, 2011 1:40pm UTC
    when i'm with you
    my heart beats faster,
    » my thoughts go happy,
    my stomach meets **
    &the world get's that little bit brighter.

  16. lisscookiemonsta lisscookiemonsta
    posted a quote
    February 1, 2011 12:09pm UTC
    Favorite this, if your against smoking
    (̅_̅_̅_̅(̅_̅_̅_̅_̅_̅_̅_̅_̅̅_̅()ڪے~ ~

  17. EmotionalTrickery EmotionalTrickery
    posted a quote
    January 26, 2011 10:28pm UTC
    I'm tired of everyone yelling at me.
    I want someone
    to actually ask me what's wrong,
    as if they really cared.
    People are always asking me what I want
    and I'll always just want to yell,
    "To be happy."
    I'm feeling empty.
    I'm lacking motivation,
    but all I want is to be successful.
    Sometimes I become too overwhelmed with my life,
    I just want everything to pause for a moment.
    Everything is just not the way
    I want it to be.
    I want to escape.
    Run away.
    To be somewhere without feeling like
    a piece of me is missing.

  18. dayneex07 dayneex07
    posted a quote
    January 27, 2011 10:14pm UTC
    nicknames for the guys that we like
    but we have them so no one will know
    except the people who say it to you
    yeah, you know that secret word im talking about?
    come on, comment yours.
    click the heart if you understand...
    btdubs, no my formatt

  19. hellothereitsmealexis hellothereitsmealexis
    posted a quote
    February 1, 2011 6:25pm UTC
    B E S T F R I E N D S :
    they act like your...
    - therapist
    - worst enemy
    - your lesbian lover
    - your best friend
    - your mom
    - your sibling
    - like their freakin God or something
    -but most importantly
    the person you love the most
    <3fave if you love your bestfriend !

  20. ilovemycraziess ilovemycraziess
    posted a quote
    January 28, 2011 1:58pm UTC
    ---->teenage girls get pregnant
    each day.
    favorite this..
    if you like pancakes.


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