Witty Profiles

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  1. AnchorChasing AnchorChasing
    posted a quote
    December 26, 2011 9:27pm UTC
    to the family of 7 who died because a man decided
    to dress up as Santa clause , ring there doorbell and
    shoot them on Christmas day in Texas. Fave if you care.

  2. taytayx311 taytayx311
    posted a quote
    December 26, 2011 9:27pm UTC
    You text him ,he doesn't te xt
    back.He was obviously so excited that you texted him that he fainted.

  3. seriouslystupendous seriouslystupendous
    posted a quote
    December 24, 2011 10:45am UTC
    You're so ugly!"
    "Good, I was trying to look like you today."

  4. JBieberFacts JBieberFacts
    posted a quote
    December 19, 2011 3:46pm UTC
    Justin Bieber Fact #676
    Drake says he wants to work with Justin again.

  5. soccerloverx03x soccerloverx03x
    posted a quote
    December 24, 2011 12:13pm UTC
    Shakesspeare's time: "I love thee not. Therefore persue me not"
    Today:"I hate you. Go the f*ck away.

  6. nevercutyourbeautiful nevercutyourbeautiful
    posted a quote
    August 23, 2011 7:17pm UTC
    Hi witty girls,Please read,
    So September 17th,
    Demi Lovato is coming to NY.
    she has a concert going on.
    And i really wanna get VIP tickets.
    Demi Is the only reason im here.
    But my mom hates driving to places far away.
    and NY is far.
    So i told my mom about witty
    and how its reallly hard to get alot of favorites.
    she said if i got 100 she would drive me.
    If i met demi,my life goal would be compleate.
    NOBODY knows HOW much she means to me.
    I would show her this account.
    THis whole account is Inspired by her.
    my account is to help others if they cut get bullyied or have an eatting disorder, (ect.)
    So please hitting the heart would mean SO much.
    if you Favorited / read . ILOVEYOU!

  7. WittyLover_ WittyLover_
    posted a quote
    August 23, 2011 7:40pm UTC
    Be Honest Witty Girls,
    Please Look At My Pic And Comment If Im Ugly, Fav Im Pretty x

  8. posted a quote
    January 1, 1970 12:00am UTC
    This quote does not exist.

  9. keegster keegster
    posted a quote
    August 22, 2011 10:41pm UTC
    And that's what high school does.
    I t ( [ c h a n g e s ] ) p e o p l e i n t o t h e p e r s o n t h e y s a i d

  10. jellybelly001 jellybelly001
    posted a quote
    August 22, 2011 8:46pm UTC
    “OMG! School is here!”
    Fave if your not in school yet!

  11. Cutecat0413 Cutecat0413
    posted a quote
    August 22, 2011 12:45pm UTC
    Mom:"Who are you texting?"
    Me: "My friend."
    Mom:"Is it a boy?"
    Me: "Yes."
    Mom: "I know that you love him. You keep smiling every time your phone vibrates."
    Me: "I- I didn't know I was smiling..."
    Mom: "That's what love is; it controls you and before you know it, he'll be gone, so tell him the truth and save your heart. I can tell he loves you too, or he wouldn't text back..."
    true story :)

  12. posted a quote
    January 1, 1970 12:00am UTC
    This quote does not exist.

  13. ErBearLovesYou ErBearLovesYou
    posted a quote
    August 22, 2011 12:26pm UTC
    Witty Profiles is in competition with Pympy Quotes.
    >:( about a minute ago · Like · Comment · See Friendship
    The whole world knows Witty will win.
    nmf. FAV FOR STEVE<3

  14. crazyyx56 crazyyx56
    posted a quote
    August 20, 2011 2:43pm UTC
    Don't like my style?
    don't like your's either.
    Think you know me?
    you got no idea.
    Think i'm ugly?
    don't look at me.
    Love me?
    Hate me?
    even better
    Can't face me?
    turn around.
    Can't stand me?
    sit down.
    Think i'm trippin?
    tie my shoelaces
    get found.
    Will i change?
    not for you.
    Got a problem?
    solve it.
    Think i'm a b*tch?
    TRY ME.

  15. SoCCerHotZ4Life2 SoCCerHotZ4Life2
    posted a quote
    August 20, 2011 11:32am UTC
    I'd Rather Have
    a summer of mistakes than a summer of ((regrets))

  16. posted a quote
    January 1, 1970 12:00am UTC
    This quote does not exist.

  17. SmileBeautiful SmileBeautiful
    posted a quote
    August 20, 2011 6:48pm UTC
    Fave this if you like
    the following bands.
    Framing Hanley
    Breaking Benjamin
    Sum 41
    Cash Cash
    The sunstreak
    Call The Cops
    Hands Like Glass
    Abandon all ships
    Sleeping with sirens
    A day to remember
    Just to see who has similar taste in music as me? :D

  18. luckybubbles luckybubbles
    posted a quote
    August 20, 2011 11:13am UTC
    monday - SHUFFLIN'tuesday - SHUFFLIN'wednesday - SHUFFLIN'thursday - SHUFFLIN'friday - GETTING DOWNsaturday - SHUFFLIN' sunday - SHUFFLIN' WITH JESUS

  19. rmb639 rmb639
    posted a quote
    August 20, 2011 10:34am UTC
    click to see this quote

  20. posted a quote
    January 1, 1970 12:00am UTC
    This quote does not exist.


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