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Member Since: 7 Jan 2009 10:32pm

Last Seen: 16 Aug 2011 05:49pm

user id: 63106

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Hello loves (: Um not sure what to say on here, just i make quotes in my free time. I totally appreciate all the support, comments and opinions ! 
specc from my bestfriends, yummy_dummy123, kstategirlygirl8,
and LOVEonTHEinsisde, Grrrrrrrrrrrx3. those are my showstoppas ' 
so <--check 'em out (:
  1. imsodope_3 imsodope_3
    posted a quote
    January 8, 2009 11:05pm UTC
    &i wanna be overlovedd
    I need to find somebody who can't sleep at night,
    without holding me tight. I want someone who
    sees me all the time in their dreams & then
    wakes up thinking just of me♥ xo;
    ((overloved-paula deanda))

  2. imsodope_3 imsodope_3
    posted a quote
    January 8, 2009 10:59pm UTC
    _ _ i see you i get crazy dizzy ♥
    I used to sit up in my room waiting
    for the phone to ring, Wishing that it was you,
    I didnt know what to do [[i went crazy]]
    boredd. again (:

  3. imsodope_3 imsodope_3
    posted a quote
    January 8, 2009 10:54pm UTC
    &you're just an old boyfriend<//3
    I see you on the street, my broken heart still skips a beat.
    & i hear your name inside I go insane, Baby each day that
    we don't touch is one more day it hurts too much xo;
    ((just an old boyfriend-kaci or dj boonie))

  4. imsodope_3 imsodope_3
    posted a quote
    January 8, 2009 10:47pm UTC
    having or giving off heat;
    having a high temperature:
    a hot fire; hot coffee. "
    not so sure about the coffe part?
    but it sure does sound like you ♥

  5. imsodope_3 imsodope_3
    posted a quote
    January 8, 2009 10:44pm UTC
    &every street's
    a cat walk when you're looking like that
    _ _ _ ♥ xo;

  6. imsodope_3 imsodope_3
    posted a quote
    January 8, 2009 10:39pm UTC
    &he's my sunshine♥
    the one who can brighten my day even when
    im followed by a heavy cloud<33

  7. imsodope_3 imsodope_3
    posted a quote
    January 8, 2009 9:59pm UTC
    &+His eyes are her escape as she stares into them the world around her becomes dim.
    The tide is washing up towards her. It won’t pull her away from him.As its ebbs she manages to reach his hand. She feels as if nothing can stop her. He is all she ever wanted <33
    just something i wrote in my free-time (:
    comment if you would like me to add more poems.

  8. imsodope_3 imsodope_3
    posted a quote
    January 8, 2009 9:48pm UTC
    & might you say
    idk. boredd (:

  9. imsodope_3 imsodope_3
    posted a quote
    January 8, 2009 9:45pm UTC
    &its nice to know
    when they look at us they all see
    _ _ love ♥

  10. imsodope_3 imsodope_3
    posted a quote
    January 8, 2009 9:14pm UTC
    that you have to let the tears fall,
    and keep your head up. Dont let your
    head fall and your tears kept up, that
    wont do you any_ _ good♥
    for chase (: its ok buddy !

  11. imsodope_3 imsodope_3
    posted a quote
    January 8, 2009 8:36pm UTC
    didnt look before she fell,
    & what seems like a terrible
    accident, i can see its only bruises.
    I know when she sees that she'll be able
    to walk again<33
    that is for my bestfriend.
    & i know a lot of girls feel like that,
    bc the love qoutes are now turning into the
    break-up qoutes, anyone realized that??

  12. imsodope_3 imsodope_3
    posted a quote
    January 8, 2009 8:27pm UTC
    change a thing, i'd walk right back through the rain.
    & back to every broken heart, on the day that it was breaking</3.
    I would relive all the years and be thankful for the tears,
    i've cried with every stumbled step that led to you
    and got me here, right here xo;
    ((rascal flatts-here))
    it would also work for lyrics but it works for love also.

  13. imsodope_3 imsodope_3
    posted a quote
    January 8, 2009 8:15pm UTC
    that i stare at my phone waiting
    for a reply, or how i lay looking at
    my ceiling before i sleep wishing
    he was with me. But most of all
    I wont lie about how im absoluetly
    madly in
    _ _ _ love with him♥

  14. imsodope_3 imsodope_3
    posted a quote
    January 8, 2009 8:11pm UTC
    how everytime we look at each other
    theres a certain way our eyes say
    everything, & how everytime we hug
    we never want to let go. & most of all
    i can explain how everyone can just
    disappear when he looks into my
    _ _ _ eyes ♥
    first qoute ! change things (: make it better!


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