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  1. SmileBitches SmileBitches
    posted a quote
    January 4, 2012 5:42pm UTC
    Call me old fashion, but I still think it's cute when a guy writes you a letter, serenades you, and surprises you with flowers. ♥

  2. Fiioonnaa Fiioonnaa
    posted a quote
    January 5, 2012 1:01pm UTC
    Last time i checked; happiness wasn't measured in jean size.

  3. LittleMonster_ LittleMonster_
    posted a quote
    December 9, 2011 12:55pm UTC
    I hate it when
    I keep my swag on
    all day and

  4. Lizzeh Lizzeh
    posted a quote
    December 9, 2011 12:51pm UTC
    I’m the type of girl
    that will believe you when you say
    there are four billion stars,
    but check when you say
    the paint is wet.

  5. Lorcan Lorcan
    posted a quote
    December 9, 2011 12:49pm UTC
    click to see this quote

  6. x_Natasha_x x_Natasha_x
    posted a quote
    December 8, 2011 6:18pm UTC
    Society is Great!
    Example 1: The Jerry Springer Show.

  7. livsbestfriendryan livsbestfriendryan
    posted a quote
    December 8, 2011 6:30pm UTC
    &his lip started to quiver
    as he realized everything in his life had gone completely wrong

  8. posted a quote
    January 1, 1970 12:00am UTC
    This quote does not exist.

  9. livelovelaugh1230 livelovelaugh1230
    posted a quote
    December 8, 2011 8:32pm UTC
    getting a lot of girls isnt something you should be proud of; keeping one is ♥

  10. posted a quote
    January 1, 1970 12:00am UTC
    This quote does not exist.

  11. heyitsshannon heyitsshannon
    posted a quote
    December 7, 2011 6:41pm UTC
    You lean on my back.
    Ill lean on yours and we'll be okay.<3
    -Forest Gump.

  12. Cassy_smiley9800 Cassy_smiley9800
    posted a quote
    November 30, 2011 6:34pm UTC
    I Love It When I'm Talking To A Guy,
    & he's looking at my eyes, & "nowhere else".

  13. mallibabbyx3 mallibabbyx3
    posted a quote
    November 30, 2011 3:51pm UTC
    Your 12, you should be catching butterflys not STD's.

  14. madalynmarie madalynmarie
    posted a quote
    November 30, 2011 7:01pm UTC
    this seems really dumb but i really need opinions..
    my mom told me since my upgrade is available i can get an iphone for christmas.
    Fave for white.
    Comment for black.

  15. Floridagurl96 Floridagurl96
    posted a quote
    November 22, 2011 10:45pm UTC
    click to see this quote

  16. posted a quote
    January 1, 1970 12:00am UTC
    This quote does not exist.

  17. molldawg69 molldawg69
    posted a quote
    November 22, 2011 10:06pm UTC
    click to see this quote

  18. SmileBitches SmileBitches
    posted a quote
    November 23, 2011 7:21am UTC
    Just wanna say....... ITS MY BIRTHDAY TODAY! ♥♥♥ I won't ask you guyz to favorite this, coz thats not like me :]
    love y'all ♥
    ps: I put it in the 'love' quotes coz i want to be random :')

  19. franny20 franny20
    posted a quote
    November 15, 2011 8:55pm UTC
    The sweetest thing i have ever been told by a guy:
    "You want me to say something lol I got you. let me set the scene. It's night time a we're all alone. by somewhere near water. So all you can hear is waves and a beautiful view it would be dark if it wasn't for the stars and moon in the beautiful sky. I hold your hand look into your eyes and say. "Baby ever since I saw you, you've given me butterflies and when we were together time seems to freeze. Your so gorgeous that I still wonder why your with me. I wouldn't trade what we have for anything in the world." Brush your hair back give you a slow and gentle kiss then whisper in your ear the words I love you.
    Thing is he is my Exboyfriend
    We broke up because he is in the army for 3 years until then we are keeping in contact and i am counting down everyday until the day comes ♥

  20. followthesefootsteps followthesefootsteps
    posted a quote
    November 15, 2011 7:34pm UTC
    You guys don't know everything us girls do for you. You guys don't know that us girls try to find everything related to you. Lyrics, quotes, movies - everything. You guys don't know that us girls stay up until late at night waiting for you to get online so we can talk to you even if it's just for a little while. You guys don't know how us girls feel when you say you have to go & the "goodbye" part begins. You guys have no idea how many fights us girls get in with our parents just to be able to talk to you or go out with you. You guys have no idea how many times we speed up in the hallway or take different directions just to "accidently" run into you. You guys don't know that us girls can talk about you with anyone and not get bored. You guys don't know how us girls can find everything about you cute & lovely.You guys will never know how us girls feel when we catch you smiling, even if we're not the reason. You guys don't understand why us girls try to hide our feelings with you. You guys have no idea how much us girls would give up, or leave behind just for you. You guys will never understand how us girls could've passed through so many tears and so much pain just to be okay with you. You guys won't understand why us girls are so complicated...well it's because of you guys.
    You guys have no idea how much us girls love you.
    Us girls all feel identified with all of this, and it's all because of you guys.


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