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  1. posted a quote
    January 1, 1970 12:00am UTC
    This quote does not exist.

  2. Lost Dreamer* Lost Dreamer*
    posted a quote
    June 24, 2012 4:54pm UTC
    Ordinary Love
    Chapter 2
    A few minutes went by; Travis looked over to me and saw me crying. So, he went over to my seat and tried to cheer me up. He said to me, “Hey! Come on, cheer up!” I’m like to him while still crying, “I can’t! And I think …” Travis is like, “think what?” I took a deep breath, knowing that what I was about to say; I will regret it later. Then I said, “I think you’re being a real jerk, I’m really mad at you and I…” By this time I had tears in my eyes. “I hate you!” Travis just sat back shocked. He knew that he never thought I would say that to him. It was quiet after that; I was starting to cry again and Travis was back on his seat depressed and looking out the window. After awhile, I finally stop crying and we were both listening to our mp3 players. I was listening to Wish You Were Here by Avril Lavgine and I looked over at Travis and he looked back at me. He quickly looked away. We were both in the depressing mood now. Travis’s older brother was awake (cause he always sleeps), and he heard the whole thing. He didn’t really say anything. He just sat back in his seat and went to sleep. I kept repeating, Wish You Were Here by Avril Lavgine cause I love that song and I was in that mood, it also makes me cry. So, I started to sing it from the beginning and Travis heard me sing the whole song. He sees me crying while I was singing it and how much emotion I had towards that song.

  3. MusicIsLove563 MusicIsLove563
    posted a quote
    June 23, 2012 5:01pm UTC
    Love Ivy
    Chapter 1
    -Aria's POV-
    I was awakened by a high-
    pitched scream emerging from
    Ivy's room. My parents could care less
    about Ivy's "silly"dreams but for me it was like
    the truth was slapping me in the face. I bolted
    out of my room and catapulted myself on
    the other side of her bed.
    Ivy, disoriented by my fall let out another
    "Ivy, it's okay it was just a nightmare."
    I said soothingly.
    "It was more than that! It's going to
    happen!" Ivy said frantically.
    "Just go back to sleep" I said tiredly.
    After Ivy's refusal to go back to sleep,
    I became frustrated. I sauntered
    over to her dresser and pulled open one of
    her drawers, suprised I could even do that considering
    I was half asleep, and fished through her
    "magic drawer."
    I knew what I was looking for; her dream journal and a pen.
    I handed them to Ivy and she knew what to do
    from there. She started vigorusly writing
    in her journal about her nightmare, she does this
    so she remembers them. She's been doing this for for the
    past week. I could slightly see how she began
    and all that I saw was what i have been seeing every
    night lately.
    All I could think of was to yell.
    "No Ivy!"
    Hey guys! Thanks for the feedback! I know this chapter is pretty boring! Sorry! Next chapter will be up today or tomorrow!
    It gets sooo good at around chapter 4 or chapter 5 but chapter 6 is where it all takes off!
    Please keep reading and if you want i would love to notify you!
    "Turns out we are crashing more rapidly"
    The pilot said. That's when everything went down and we started crashing.
    -Ivy's POV-
    That was a long hint but you guys deserve it!
    Thanks for the support guys!
    Love you all!

  4. MusicIsLove563 MusicIsLove563
    posted a quote
    June 23, 2012 7:55pm UTC
    Love Ivy
    Chapter 2
    Part 1
    -Ivy's POV-
    I started writing in my journal.
    My dream starts off pretty scary.
    It all started with Aria and I going to the
    movies for the third time this week. As soon
    as we purchased our tickets there was a
    confetti canon and balloons fell from the
    ceiling! All of a sudden there were people
    crowding around Aria and I, and they began
    to cheer. Two employees asked us our
    name and then I heard a very low voice
    that started announcing what was happening.
    "Aria and Ivy you are the our lucky winners!
    You both win a free trip to Hawaii!
    You are both scheduled to go on
    your trip in 1 month!
    -1 month later-
    After we were all packed up we were
    ready to drive to the airport.
    As we were stepping out of the car my legs began to ache.
    I guess sitting in a car for an hour and a half can't be too
    good for your legs. When we stepped into the airport
    there was a sudden nice, cool breeze.
    As soon as we got to the airport we boarded the plane.
    We put our luggage in the top compartment and took
    our seats. Then out pilot announced that
    it was going to be a 12- 13 hour plane ride since
    we were flying out of my home state, Maine.
    I'm really glad that Aria got to come with me because
    she kept me company until we got a life changing
    announcement from our pilot.
    Hey guys! Thanks for the feedback! The chapters are starting to get good but they get better! Trust me! Next chapter will be up today or tomorrow!
    It gets sooo good at around chapter 5 but chapter 6 is where it all takes off!
    Please keep reading and if you want i would love to notify you!
    "Turns out we are crashing more rapidly"
    The pilot said. That's when everything went down and we started crashing.
    -Ivy's POV-
    Thanks for the support guys!
    Love you all!

  5. MusicIsLove563 MusicIsLove563
    posted a quote
    June 24, 2012 12:52pm UTC
    Love Ivy
    Chapter 2
    Part 2
    -Ivy's POV-
    "There is a serious problem."
    The pilot began.
    "The malfunction that has occurred is very
    serious. The nose of the plane
    is slowly tipping down due to the malfunction
    and we will crash in a half hour or less."
    Said the pilot making my mouth drop along
    with everyone else's. After a few minutes passed
    the silence began to fade, until we heard a whirling sound.
    Then it got soo loud. Everyone started crying and screaming including
    Aria and I. We all grew silent as the pilot gave us an update.
    "Turns out we are crashing more rapidly than planned.
    Prepare yourself. God bless you all."
    Then the announcement cut off.
    That's when everything went down.
    We started crashing.
    Then came the screaming.
    Then we hit the sand. And that's
    when everyone and everything became silent.
    That's when my
    nightmare ends.
    Hey guys! Thanks for the feedback! The chapters are starting to get good but they get better! Trust me! Next chapter will be up today or tomorrow!
    It gets sooo good at around chapter 5 but chapter 6 is where it all takes off! Oh and don't be confused chapter 2 is just a dream that she has and she writes it down in her dream journal. The story later on has to do alot with dreams so i wanted to compare dreams. You will understand better when i post that part of the book though. Trust me!
    Please keep reading and if you want i would love to notify you!
    Some how my spirits were let down beacause I knew kids
    would instantly rob her of her joy.
    -Aria's POV-
    Thanks for the support guys!
    Love you all!

  6. MusicIsLove563 MusicIsLove563
    posted a quote
    June 24, 2012 3:41pm UTC
    Love Ivy
    Ending journal entry/update
    As most of you know, chapter 2, both part 1 and 2,
    is Ivy's dream. She wirtes them in her dream journal so she will never forget them.
    The beginning of chapter 3 is reality. You see Ivy has a routine and she wakes up Aria every morning.
    When chapter 3 starts Ivy's dream is over and they start to get ready for school. :)
    Just thought i would clear that up! :)
    Thanks for all the supprt!
    Love ya!

  7. MusicIsLove563 MusicIsLove563
    posted a quote
    June 24, 2012 4:08pm UTC
    Love Ivy
    Chapter 3
    -Aria's POV-
    I could hear Ivy walking around outside my door,
    as she does this every morning, because she is waiting
    for it to be 6:00 am exactly. I pretended to sleep as she swung
    open my bedroom door because she hated it when i was already
    up. After Ivy shook me awake we went into the bathroom to
    get ready. The thing she always wants me to do first
    is braid her hair. Today I decided to do a fishtail
    braid because her hair always looked gorgeous like
    that because her hair has a lot of texture in it. Her hair
    has gotten so long in the past year that her braid goes all
    the way down her back. After I finished her braid I started my
    makeup. I applied my foundation, eyeshadow, and blush.
    I started coating on my favorite mascara when Ivy
    interrupted my procedure.
    "Could I use some of your fancy makeup?"
    Ivy asked putting emphesis on the
    p, spattering spit on my
    face. As I wiped her
    spit from my face I decided
    that her bland complection could
    use a bit of a touch up.
    "Of coarse." I replied.
    I dotted some of my favorite
    blush on the apples of her cheeks
    and watched her face lit up like 100 eletric
    lights. She seemed excited to go to school.
    But my spirits were let down because i knew,
    kids would instantly rob her of her joy.
    Hey guys! Thanks for the feedback! I know this chapter is pretty boring! Sorry! Next chapter will be up today or tomorrow!
    It gets sooo good next chapter!
    Please keep reading and if you want i would love to notify you!
    I looked back at him and then there was a pain that ran through my body.
    Then everything went black
    -Ivy's POV-
    What do you think happens in the next chapter?
    Thanks for the support guys!
    Love you all!

  8. posted a quote
    January 1, 1970 12:00am UTC
    This quote does not exist.

  9. posted a quote
    January 1, 1970 12:00am UTC
    This quote does not exist.

  10. posted a quote
    January 1, 1970 12:00am UTC
    This quote does not exist.

  11. Lizzie_143 Lizzie_143
    posted a quote
    June 24, 2012 12:54pm UTC
    This Just Can't Be Summer Love
    Okay, so I was going to write this story, but I think I'm going to do another One Direction Fan Fiction! Fave&comment if you will read it(:

  12. Lost Dreamer* Lost Dreamer*
    posted a quote
    June 24, 2012 1:42pm UTC
    my fellow wittians, i need to know wether you guys want me to post my story ordinary love. it might seem boring in the begining, but it'll get better. i'll post the first chapter up. also my other story best friends or secret lovers; i'll really like it if you can check it out and tell me what you think. please tell me what you think, it'll help or for any ideas you want. cause of right now i'm really sure where its going but i have an idea.

  13. twilightgirl995 twilightgirl995
    posted a quote
    March 4, 2012 8:24pm UTC
    Driving with my future kids:
    Child:Mom, do we have to listen to One Direction?
    Me: Yes.
    Child: But we don't even like them!
    Me: *Pulls over* Larry. Niam. Get out.

  14. twilightgirl995 twilightgirl995
    posted a quote
    April 1, 2012 11:33pm UTC
    If steroids are illegal for sports players,
    shouldn't Photoshop be illegal for models,
    and auto tune illegal for singers?

  15. twilightgirl995 twilightgirl995
    posted a quote
    April 1, 2012 11:51pm UTC
    Society: Every girl is beautiful.
    Fat girls: Really?
    Skinny girls: Really?
    Curvy girls: Really?
    Scene girls: Really?
    Preppy girls: Really?
    White girls: Really?
    Black girls: Really?
    Society: Wait, let me be more specific.
    Society: You need to have boobs the size of Canada, a butt that will put Nicki Minaj to shame, perfect skin with no blemishes, straight white teeth that will blind somebody that doesn't look at them with sunglasses, hair that is thick and flows like a waterfall made of rainbows and unicorn tears, eyelashes that touch your forehead and look natural while doing it, and soft hairless skin. You also have to be a size 00 because guys love it when they can see your ribcage.
    Society: Why is everybody getting depressed all of a sudden?

  16. posted a quote
    January 1, 1970 12:00am UTC
    This quote does not exist.

  17. posted a quote
    January 1, 1970 12:00am UTC
    This quote does not exist.

  18. EMAsayNAY99 EMAsayNAY99
    posted a quote
    June 22, 2012 11:45pm UTC
    Girl: When are you going to sleep?
    Hot Guy: When you do my beautiful princess<3
    Me: When are you going to sleep?
    Hot Guy: Right now. Night, n/gga.

  19. itskarlieeokay itskarlieeokay
    posted a quote
    June 22, 2012 11:45pm UTC
    I wanna start a storyy..
    what do you guys think?
    I kinda want it to be like
    dramatic and intense :o
    tips? faanks, doll : *
    for ma t : x x o l i v i a x x 2 2 6

  20. im_only_me im_only_me
    posted a quote
    June 22, 2012 11:47pm UTC
    Okay so I was on facebook and some random guys from my school were making fun of HIS brothers girlfriend because she was a little bit over weight. He immediately commented and said "Maybe he doesnt like her for her looks unlike u guys, maybe he likes her for her personality... Thats all that really matters anyway." of course he was called names and stuff for saying it but, it only made me realize how lucky i was to get the one guy out of all of them that looks passed what they see on the outside. <333


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