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AnotherAverageTeenageGirl · 1 decade ago
You did have an amazing day! I do want to give you a quick thing of advice: make sure you are getting enough food and protein. If not you put your body in starvation mood and you gain weight instead of loose. So I don't know what you are already eating with your salad but adding a couple pieces of lean meat would definitely help if you aren't already! I love how you give yourself daily goals, might start trying that myself haha. Hope you have another great day tomorrow!

doublesidedice · 1 decade ago
This is amazing! I'm proud of you just for making the resolution! It's a good thing you're doing. Continue please :)

cvnt* · 1 decade ago
This comment is pretty long, but I hope it gives good advice if you'd like a little more inspiration. (:

Being healthy is way more than just not eating much and only eating rabbit food. You can basically eat whatever you want if you do it in moderation. You can't expect to get healthy by hardly eating. It's dangerous-- eat better foods, eat in moderation, and exercise. Lowering your portions cold-turkey can also make you bloat. And, no matter what you eat, you'll constantly gain weight if you don't counter your calories with exercise to burn them off. Exercise speeds your metabolism rate. Remember, diets are awful. They're unhealthy. Just change all your unhealthy habits for healthier ones. You'll see results in no time. Now I'm not telling you to rush into everything. That isn't always a good option.

What I do:
Special K with skim milk
Snack (granola bar, dried pineapple, etc.)
C4 energy
Rocking Body workout video
All I drink is water or milk. As a vegetarian, I also eat a lot of soy and organic. I go to Trader Joe's and get my food, GNC for vitamins and health products (ie: C4, face wash, vitamin supplements), and put Propel Zero powder into my water. Trader Joe's is great for everyone, though. It's mostly for vegetarians and vegans, but as it's all soy and organic, it's really healthy.

All in all, this routine and lifestyle has really boosted my confidence. I look healthier, I'm more daring with how I act and dress, I've made friends, I look better, my skin has cleared up coz my skin isn't as greasy, I've started just being who I want to be without feeling nervous. Trying to get healthy really is a great thing. I've got miles to go, but I'm getting there. I hope you can too!

AnotherAverageTeenageGirl · 1 decade ago
Not to deter you from living a healthy lifestyle, but 120 would be low for you. Being 5'6 a healthy weight would be between 130-140. But I can understand the entire feeling gross with yourself and wanting to be healthier(In the same boat) so I wish you luck on your journey!

GRACEROCKS · 1 decade ago
how old r u? I'm 13 and I am 130 and i m not over ewight and i am pretty thin so u proabably r just overreacting


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