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  1. cupcake_lover88 cupcake_lover88
    posted a quote
    July 8, 2012 1:03pm UTC
    me: * smiling at cute text on phone*
    my mom:who ru texting?
    me: um jake
    my mom: jake who
    me : um jake from um jake from state farm.

  2. cupcake_lover88 cupcake_lover88
    posted a quote
    July 8, 2012 9:43pm UTC
    there will be a day with no more tears
    no more pain
    no more fears
    there will be a day he will wipe away the tears
    there will be a day when we see jesus face to face......

  3. posted a quote
    January 1, 1970 12:00am UTC
    This quote does not exist.

  4. cocochuchututu cocochuchututu
    posted a quote
    July 3, 2012 2:59pm UTC
    Stumbl ed across witty by accident.
    staying on purpose.

  5. Naturex Naturex
    posted a quote
    July 3, 2012 3:00pm UTC
    That annoying kid who reminds teachers about tests and quizzes -__-

  6. ishiplarrystylinson ishiplarrystylinson
    posted a quote
    July 3, 2012 2:53pm UTC
    If tomatoes are a fruit....
    does that mean ketchups a smoothie?
    10 favs and ill do a series called "the questions that haunt me at night(;"

  7. cupcake_lover88 cupcake_lover88
    posted a quote
    June 7, 2012 2:44pm UTC
    My name is Madilee Mae Jetmound im 15 years old. i live in a small town,nothing ever happens here. Somthing did happen though.... it happend to me, and my sister katrina. we were all at a party llate friday night, we didnt think anything would happen that night. All our friends were there so we were poitive that nothing would happen, at least not to us anyways, but what did happen none of us could have predicted.......
    so this is a true story it happend two years ago im changing it alittle and i would love some feed back plz none about my grammer or spelling!!(: so yea should i keep goin?

  8. HerSmileHidesHerPain HerSmileHidesHerPain
    posted a quote
    June 9, 2012 3:56pm UTC
    Why Didn't Noah Kill The Mosquitos When There Was Only TWO? D:

  9. beautifulgirl20 beautifulgirl20
    posted a quote
    June 9, 2012 3:46pm UTC
    Always be yourself
    Unless you can be batman,
    then you choose batman.
    Format by DestinyTulip

  10. CoolStoryBruda CoolStoryBruda
    posted a quote
    June 9, 2012 3:16pm UTC
    We live in a society where pizza gets to your house before the police.
    True story Bro.

  11. keepcalmandlovezayn keepcalmandlovezayn
    posted a quote
    June 9, 2012 3:26pm UTC
    I hate it when waiters/waitresses ask you "Is that all?",like no i'd like a monkey and some pomegranites.(:

  12. Sooryforpartyrockin Sooryforpartyrockin
    posted a quote
    June 9, 2012 2:24pm UTC
    Blue Eyes
    People with blue eyes last the longest in relationships. They are kind,
    pretty or handsome, very good kissers and are really hot. They always
    fall in love with their closest friends and never understand why. They
    are very funny, outgoing and don't care what people think or say. They
    love to party.They are very satisfying and love to please. Are straight
    up WARRIORS((aka wolves)) when they need to be.They are bad to the bone.
    If you repost this and you have blue eyes you will have the best kiss
    sometime in the next 5 days.
    *Not Mine, I just have Blue Eyes and I thought this describes me PERFECTLY!!!! :)

  13. posted a quote
    January 1, 1970 12:00am UTC
    This quote does not exist.

  14. racheythequeen racheythequeen
    posted a quote
    June 9, 2012 12:36pm UTC
    Mario has the ability to break blocks with his own head , yet he dies when touching a turtle.o.O

  15. briannamegan briannamegan
    posted a quote
    June 9, 2012 12:50pm UTC
    Math teacher: i have 6 drinks in one hand and 5 in the other what do i have?
    Kid: a drinking problem

  16. cupcake_lover88 cupcake_lover88
    posted a quote
    May 31, 2012 10:53pm UTC
    ok so we were taking a carreer test at school and we got our resaults back and i had over a hundered jobs and we all were looking at eachothers reasaults and my froiend ashlyns papper said srry no jobs were found to match you so i wrote on her paper its time to call it quits and be a hobbo(;

  17. cupcake_lover88 cupcake_lover88
    posted a quote
    June 1, 2012 12:31am UTC
    i shall call him squishy and he shall be mine(:<

  18. Awkward3564 Awkward3564
    posted a quote
    June 6, 2012 4:14pm UTC
    Three Men were Drunk, they Stopped a taxi. The Taxi driver figured that they were drunk, he just switched on the engine and switched it off and told them, "We arrived." The first guy gave him money, second guy said thanks, but the third guy slapped him. The taxi driver was stunned because he was hoping that none of them must've realized that the car didn't move an inch. So he asked, "What was that for?"
    "Control your speed next time, you almost killed us!"

  19. CaliGirlSwag CaliGirlSwag
    posted a quote
    June 6, 2012 5:28pm UTC
    Did you eat yet?
    Did you eat yet?
    Are you copying me?
    Are you copying me?
    I love you!
    Yeah, I ate.

  20. MissJaime_xx MissJaime_xx
    posted a quote
    June 6, 2012 2:24pm UTC
    11:11pm *makes a wish*11:12pmcrush texts you: hey your wish just came trueyou: actually I wished for a pony.. ♥


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