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  1. debzgirl debzgirl
    posted a quote
    September 23, 2009 6:36pm UTC
    you can only hope for the best in the future
    but your outcome is not always what you hoped for.

  2. LaurenRebecca LaurenRebecca
    posted a quote
    September 23, 2009 1:22pm UTC
    Don't expect you [know] me,
    I mean the real me,
    I am one of those people,
    who acts different in front of different people,
    who plays along even when she doesn't like the game,
    who likes to be [right],
    I am different to who you think I am,
    So don't expect you know the real me,
    cos you don't :)
    Just made it up...All mine! :) If you steal it...credit me :)

  3. x_br0ken_x x_br0ken_x
    posted a quote
    September 23, 2009 1:27pm UTC
    Cinderella fell for a handsome Prince.
    Sleeping Beauty loved him for his kisses [it seems].
    Snow White wanted a home to stay in.
    I respect Beauty; she fell in love with a beast.
    & I bet it wasn't for his looks.

  4. Dreamless Dreamless
    posted a quote
    September 22, 2009 3:00pm UTC
    It's not supposed to be easy. That's why they
    ca ll i t a crush *

  5. these_three_words these_three_words
    posted a quote
    September 22, 2009 3:11pm UTC
    want her to smile for that picture?
    get him to be the one taking it.

  6. _flamie_ _flamie_
    posted a quote
    September 22, 2009 2:40pm UTC
    This year, everything’s different.
    All of the teachers are expecting us
    To behave more than is humanly possible.
    We have had more homework than
    The last 4 years all put together.
    Everyone is different now as well.
    Everyone’s drifting apart and there’s
    N o t h i n g I can do to stop it.
    Most of my friends don’t even
    (Talk) to each other anymore.
    And I can’t help but wonder,
    What happened to fun?

  7. Wonderland Wonderland
    posted a quote
    September 22, 2009 5:46am UTC
    What a beautiful day...
    N O W W A T C H S O M E I D I O T S C R E W I T U P .
    sorry. had a freaking bad day.

  8. Dreamless Dreamless
    posted a quote
    September 22, 2009 3:00pm UTC
    If someone breaks your heart,
    O h s u r e, i t s e e m s o b v i o u s n o w,
    but you’d be amazed at how many people don’t think of it when it’s relevant.
    Seriously, just punch them in the face and
    go get some icecream.

  9. xxkaslowxx xxkaslowxx
    posted a quote
    September 22, 2009 9:09pm UTC
    is seeing the look in his eyes when he sees her walk in the room

  10. littleduckling713 littleduckling713
    posted a quote
    September 22, 2009 9:11pm UTC
    you may seem
    different then
    any. other. guy. out. there.
    but you're not
    you're just as much of a jackass as they all are
    you b/r/o/k/e me heart
    left it on the ground
    and just today
    you came back with a knife,
    and cut it up into a

  11. Jamiee Jamiee
    posted a quote
    September 22, 2009 9:19pm UTC
    -&& I'm The Type Of Girl...
    That can be uncontrollaly crying
    for ten minutes, then wipe off the
    tears, and talk to someone like
    everything is perfect, with that
    fake smile, fake laugh,
    and no one can tell the difference.
    Too bad i can't fool myself.

  12. OceanWavesxx OceanWavesxx
    posted a quote
    April 21, 2009 12:01am UTC
    & boys, if your mom
    still drives you to school,
    you're not a gangster.
    p u l l u p y o u r p a n t s

  13. sksx9 sksx9
    posted a quote
    July 16, 2009 12:57pm UTC
    why should i do my hair?
    it's not likexotomorrow
    [ you'll suddenly start to care ]

  14. elliebobelly10 elliebobelly10
    posted a quote
    September 22, 2009 3:43pm UTC
    click to see this quote

  15. gigox3mari gigox3mari
    posted a quote
    September 22, 2009 2:37pm UTC
    Am I the only one
    who hates the feeling i get
    when i am about to sneeze,
    but i never end up sneezing ?

  16. bananaz_12 bananaz_12
    posted a quote
    September 22, 2009 9:54pm UTC
    Today I was waiting In line
    At The Market.
    I Noticed That The Casher Had A British Accent.
    I decided to talk in a fake
    He Asked Where i Was From, And i Just
    " I'm Talking In A Fake Accent"
    The British Accent Disappeared And He Said,
    " Yeah, Me too."
    That made my day.

  17. aeriie_xoxo aeriie_xoxo
    posted a quote
    September 22, 2009 11:25pm UTC
    click to see this quote


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