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  1. saar1415 saar1415
    posted a quote
    January 30, 2012 12:18pm UTC
    and there comes to a point
    when there's no more tears to cry..♥
    [format credit: layoutmixx]

  2. foreverfascinatedxx foreverfascinatedxx
    posted a quote
    January 11, 2012 12:05pm UTC
    Has their own deffinition of perfect.

  3. foreverfascinatedxx foreverfascinatedxx
    posted a quote
    January 11, 2012 12:09pm UTC
    Truth is
    I just moved on. But you moved on a long time ago.

  4. foreverfascinatedxx foreverfascinatedxx
    posted a quote
    January 11, 2012 12:13pm UTC
    Looking back
    Could be one of the best or the worst desicions of your life.

  5. foreverfascinatedxx foreverfascinatedxx
    posted a quote
    January 11, 2012 1:29pm UTC
    It's alright to cry
    Don't hold back the tears.

  6. KenzieDarling97 KenzieDarling97
    posted a quote
    December 13, 2011 1:14pm UTC
    Here's to the nights where...
    The sand is your seat, the waves kiss your feet,
    your friends outnumber the stars
    and even the chilliest of nghts,
    are still warmer than the cold one in your hand

  7. littleli0nman littleli0nman
    posted a quote
    December 12, 2011 8:45pm UTC
    roses are cars. violets are buckets. this poem makes no sense.

  8. Nerd0615 Nerd0615
    posted a quote
    December 13, 2011 9:22am UTC
    You know that awk moment
    when boys hit puberty
    and this is how their DICK
    grows longer...................
    they laugh so hard their dick
    grows like pinnocio's nose!!!!!! LOL!!!

  9. rainrainstaywithme rainrainstaywithme
    posted a quote
    December 12, 2011 10:36pm UTC
    lol aw my boyfriend does this thing sometimes where he doesn’t exist it’s cute

  10. foreverfascinatedxx foreverfascinatedxx
    posted a quote
    December 10, 2011 10:59pm UTC
    That one guy friend
    That will love you no matter what.

  11. bribrigirl115 bribrigirl115
    posted a quote
    December 8, 2011 11:58pm UTC
    There will always be a special place in your heart for your first loves...
    It will always be there, even if you don't always feel it. You'll never forget them and what you had. Why would you want to?

  12. eCoelhoox3 eCoelhoox3
    posted a quote
    December 9, 2011 2:56pm UTC
    click to see this quote

  13. foreverfascinatedxx foreverfascinatedxx
    posted a quote
    December 9, 2011 7:08pm UTC
    I hate how
    One day you could talk to me for hours, and the next you act like I don't exsist.

  14. bizzlebelles bizzlebelles
    posted a quote
    December 8, 2011 3:58am UTC
    *computer freezes*
    *clicks a few random keys keys*
    waits a couple seconds...still not working
    *hmm...* maybe if I start bashing the keyoard,
    it will unfreeze...

  15. givingyoumyheart givingyoumyheart
    posted a quote
    December 8, 2011 3:23pm UTC
    I hate texting people first.
    I feel awkward, unwanted and annoying.

  16. StarzofBeautyx3 StarzofBeautyx3
    posted a quote
    December 8, 2011 4:51pm UTC
    "How was school?"
    "What'd you do?"

  17. MaieMaie MaieMaie
    posted a quote
    December 8, 2011 10:37am UTC
    I don't care if you're sick,
    I don't care if you're contagious.
    I would kiss you, even if you were dead.


  18. xoxobieberloverxoxo15 xoxobieberloverxoxo15
    posted a quote
    December 8, 2011 4:00pm UTC
    Im going
    to jingle ball in 20 minuites. IM SO EXCITED!!!!!!! first concert. and Justin Bieber might be a guest artist. i will pee my pants if he does. SO EXCITED.

  19. kcunningham11 kcunningham11
    posted a quote
    December 8, 2011 3:59pm UTC
    seeing an
    amazing quote
    and thinking
    "why the hell didn't i
    think of that?"


  20. Jade672 Jade672
    posted a quote
    December 8, 2011 4:07pm UTC
    Without facebook,
    I probaly wouldn't have wished you a happy birthday.


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