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  1. greyskies greyskies
    posted a quote
    January 3, 2013 7:05am UTC
    click to see this quote

  2. LoveIsEnchanting LoveIsEnchanting
    posted a quote
    January 3, 2013 2:43pm UTC
    Difficulty describing feelings to other people.

  3. hopeforever hopeforever
    posted a quote
    July 27, 2012 10:04pm UTC
    Being friendless and alone
    Is Better Then
    Being with the wrong people

    Format by Sandrasaurus

  4. hopeforever hopeforever
    posted a quote
    December 23, 2012 10:30pm UTC
    I'm tired of
    taking on the world.

  5. skrewing* skrewing*
    posted a quote
    December 14, 2012 9:04pm UTC
    I understand you all have seen a billion quotes on witty about the shooting, and I bet you're going to scroll past this like "Oh my gosh, another freaking quote? I get it was bad but like, I'm sick of hearing of it!" But I just wante to say how much of a realization I had. These people will never get married, have children, for all we know one of those kids could have found the cure for cancer, and saved millions of lives, but because people ended their lives, they may never have one. Think about that. It's a lot more sad then you all think. These children could have had talent, they could have ended up being as talented as Selena Gomez, or Justin Bieber, but again, we will never know. One of these children could have been a president. A president who may have ended wars before they started. But we will never know. I'm not usually this rude, but what kind of sick twisted person could have murdered six-year olds? Your answer? Someone who couldn't look to the future and see what could have happened.

  6. Skimrande Skimrande
    posted a quote
    December 6, 2012 5:25pm UTC
    How to take a math test:
    Step one: Read the instructions carefully.
    Step two: Cry.

  7. FrankConnor FrankConnor
    posted a quote
    December 7, 2012 4:10am UTC
    It's always...
    here's to the girls...
    When it is about heartbreak
    What about the boys?
    ...don't we have feelings?

  8. Hale_Storm18 Hale_Storm18
    posted a quote
    November 30, 2012 3:59pm UTC
    How do you even attract a guy?
    Mating calls or...?

  9. amazinggrace1822 amazinggrace1822
    posted a quote
    February 4, 2012 9:33am UTC
    Take what you want,
    steal my pride.
    Build me up,
    or cut me down
    Shut me out,
    But I'll just scream
    I'm only one voice in a million,
    But you ain't takin' that from me.
    Netasha Bedingfield
    Strip Me

  10. amazinggrace1822 amazinggrace1822
    posted a quote
    March 4, 2012 4:50pm UTC
    Courage does not always roar.
    sometimes courage is the quiet voice
    at the end of the day saying,

  11. amazinggrace1822 amazinggrace1822
    posted a quote
    August 13, 2012 1:52pm UTC
    Dear whoever is reading this,
    guess what?
    You are loved.
    No. Don't shake your head and disagree.
    You are.
    You are lovely and you are loved.
    End of story.

  12. amazinggrace1822 amazinggrace1822
    posted a quote
    November 22, 2012 8:21pm UTC
    Tip for all you girls out there:
    The one who loves less, controls the relationship.
    So don't take them seriously until he does.

  13. Hale_Storm18 Hale_Storm18
    posted a quote
    November 22, 2012 10:03pm UTC
    Do you ever have these imaginary scenes in your head
    of you in situations that would never actually happen? And, whenever you're bored or spacing out or just walking around, you kind of just go back to them and imagine them over and over.

  14. CallMeK CallMeK
    posted a quote
    November 22, 2012 12:26pm UTC
    ˝Am I pretty yet?˝ she asked.
    The blade answered ˝no˝.

  15. CallMeK CallMeK
    posted a quote
    November 22, 2012 12:24pm UTC
    I keep quiet, because
    if I try and explain
    myself, they'll think
    I'm crazy anyway.

  16. CallMeK CallMeK
    posted a quote
    November 22, 2012 12:08pm UTC
    Your thoughts kill you,
    don't they?

  17. CallMeK CallMeK
    posted a quote
    November 21, 2012 1:52pm UTC
    - How many times have you thought about killing yourself?
    - Once. The thought never left my mind.

  18. CallMeK CallMeK
    posted a quote
    November 21, 2012 1:46pm UTC
    - Why didn't you come to school today?
    - I was too suicidal.
    - Sorry?
    - Oh, I was ill.

  19. CallMeK CallMeK
    posted a quote
    November 21, 2012 1:38pm UTC
    Everyone: Suicide is selfish. It's the easy way out.
    You don't consider the pain your family and
    friends will go through. You're weak if you
    commit suicide.
    Me: The easy way out? There is nothing even
    remotely easy about suicide. Do you think It's
    easy to fight every natural instinct in your body
    that tells you to survive? Do you think it's easy
    to come to decision that ultimately, it would be
    better if you're dead? Better for you, for your
    friends, for your family. Because when you're
    suicidal, you consider everything. You consider
    what would bring your loved ones pain. So that's
    why you hold it off for as long as you can, you try
    as hard as you can. But sometimes you can't do
    it. Suicide doesen't happen because you're feeling
    a little sad one day or because your boyfriend
    dumped you. It's because everything is
    owerhelming. You can't see any light in your
    life and your vision is shrouded in darkness. You
    can't envision a future without pain; hell you can't
    envision a future at all. You have no hope for
    anything. You have been too strong for far too
    long. So you do it. You take the plung. You jump
    off the building. You walk in front of the train. You
    do it in the hopes that it will make the voices stop,
    it will make the hurt go away and it will relieve
    your parents of the burden that you think you are.
    If you think that going through all of this makes
    you weak, then you're delusional.

  20. CallMeK CallMeK
    posted a quote
    November 21, 2012 8:09am UTC
    so my friend took me to school's psychologist and she called my parents. then we went to the doctors who said i need to go to psychiatrist, so i went there too. i told them how im feeling, how i almost killed myself, and stuff like that. they said i need serious help. that i need to go to a day-care mental hospital.
    my parents lost it. they yelled and yelled, how im just looking for fuc/ing attention. how i just need to be happy. and that i hurt them badly. they're ashamed of me, they really are. i can see it. i wish i never told anyone, i cant stand this, i really can't.


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