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bitchofwitty · 1 decade ago
Just Gunna post my whole honest opinion of witty right now.

I don't really care what other people say or think. Witty's changed so much and its about time someone said something about it. For starters, everyone on here is f**king ridiculous. Nobody can say f**k all with-out getting sh*t on here. People get judged for everything they do or say, and its stupid. Secondly, Jocked quotes. Get the f**k over it, its a few words and not the end of the world, there was no sign on witty that said 'NO JOCKING OR ELSE YOU'LL HAVE TO JUMP OFF A CLIFF' was there? No. And anyway, people who jock quotes give some kind of hint in there username anyway, but you still fave them, so when your quote goes and get's jocked get the f**k over it, you faved someone elses. Boys on witty, There was no sign that said boys can't join but at the same time why fake your f**king photo or pretend to be a boy? Do you seriously have no life? Pathetic. If boys are actually gonna come on here then its about time they put a real photo online and not one from Google, grow up, its not hard to type in 'Justin look-a-like' and see the photo you've used, do you think were thick? were not. Also, why the f**k would you tell other girls to go cut or kill themself? Wow, somebody is a tad bit jealous. Jealously a b*tch, get over it. Nobody needs to go kill themself. One of the main things that gets me is the pathetic-ness on this. 'If i get 2237148244242134718347132 faves i won't cut myself again' Really? All you have to do is put down the f**king knife and go talk to someone about it. I know i'm going to get bare sh*t for this but i don't f**king care, its time someone said something. Also, how the hell would your mum stop smoking because of witty? fact is she proberbly doesn't give a sh*t about this site. Most people on here are full of bull. And also, 'My sister died 3 years today, she was 16, can i get 16 likes for her?' Fair enough, if you're telling the truth i'm really sorry, but why would you need 16 likes/faves? Its not going to make her come back or change anything. Its pointless, really. Stop complaing about that there 'needs to be a witty app' either, Steve's trying his f**king hardest guys, give him a rest. Do you think running a website is a piece of cake? I bet it isn't. Seriously, show some respect. I'm saying all this because I want to make witty better, but sure, give me hate, i'm past giving a f**k.. grow up. Its pathetic.

bitchofwitty · 1 decade ago
He's still on here I think.

bitchofwitty · 1 decade ago
Oh so now you go writing a hi haters bit?! It doesn't change anyone's opinion, obviously there not the cause of someone's death who would kill thenself because people on witty don't like them? Stop craving attention you silly little girl, it's people like you that me off. You come on here, make a boy account, and say things girls wanna here so you get attention. God, get a social life, or something! Wittys freaking ridiculous, your all dicks. 'guy's get way more attention then girls that actually need it! What happened to a place to vent, laugh and love? It died, and in it's place came the boy obsessions. Its up, get a grip. Stop making guy accounts to get popular on witty, or gtfo.

bitchofwitty · 1 decade ago
I think I've seen like 1 real guy on here.. And I know he was real, you can tell. But the rest it's easy enough to see there fake.

bitchofwitty · 1 decade ago
Oh and btw, if you guys wanna give me for my opinion fair enough, just expect it all back. Face facts, the truth hurts.

bitchofwitty · 1 decade ago
Thanks sweetie, yeah I made an account and alot of people believed me. It's stupid really because witty used to be a place to vent, laugh, and love. Now everyone is just obsessed over these 'boy's' which I doubt are real.

bitchofwitty · 1 decade ago
And? Some people need to hear things others don't wanna tell them, and it's easier to let it out then keep it blocked in. The truth isn't nice.

bitchofwitty · 1 decade ago
Kayso- the reasons i think your fake:
1- your like a JamesBrass wannabe.
2- your just like every other 'guy' on this, you tell girls what they want to hear and that makes you sound fake.
3- straight away you knew how to do codes and formats which is obvious you have another account on here..
4- you don't have a photo which makes you seem less fake.
5- you think everyones beautiful and use sickening stuff to make them love you
It's sad really, how 'guy's' get more attention then girls on here, and how the top quotes and up becoming aload of from people like you.

bitchofwitty · 1 decade ago
So i saw your quote about your mum, and it was one of the very many that touched me. I hope she quits and knows that everyone on witty wants her too

bitchofwitty · 1 decade ago
The is back!
Missed me? And whey, we have another fake on witty?
Jesus, I think like the whole of witty is sick of you bullshitting , I mean you chat aload of , about how everyone's beautiful and there lucky and stuff. Well let me take away your googled photo, I bet your a sad little girl with no life. So give it up sweetie, your not going anywhere and the people who believe you ain't going to forever,

bitchofwitty · 1 decade ago
Heres the process-
Read the bitchy comment.
Reply just as bitchy.
Feed it to my pet dragon.
Apart from those, those stay down there.

bitchofwitty · 1 decade ago
Never really gave a about anyone LMFAO, way to sound like a , eyy? thank anyway:)

bitchofwitty · 1 decade ago
aw, fanxxx.

bitchofwitty · 1 decade ago

bitchofwitty · 1 decade ago

bitchofwitty · 1 decade ago
if i text you or tell you my name, my covers blown?

bitchofwitty · 1 decade ago
Ugh, no.

bitchofwitty · 1 decade ago
Hi I'm James.
Im really a 13 year old girl that craves attention, and gets non in real life..
It's okay though, your too busy drooling over my fake photos that you wont realise.
I 'understand' you, because im a girl myself:/
It's pretty obvious by how quick I learnt to use this that I'm fake, your just too in love to see that..
Im pathetic enough to make a fan club, because I'm sad.
And now- here's the reasons I think 'james' is a girl;
Im gonna be honest..
Your pathetic, I mean, what dude would want to come on here and make quotes all day while he could be out with his mates playing football, or whatever- that's what makes me think your a girl.
You were with some chick on here for 5 mins, and then as the comments started rolling in from obsessed girls, you broke up? This is what also makes me think your a girl.
You change in every picture, which also, makes me think your a girl.
You learnt codes real easy, which means you must have another account.. Your a girl.
Your quotes are all about what girls wanna hear, and how you understand us.. Makes me think, yet again, your a girl.
Feel free to give me rubbish- but just remember, your next.
James.. Are you still here?!

bitchofwitty · 1 decade ago
I love you.

bitchofwitty · 1 decade ago
Exactly, I could make a quote saying im suicidal and all I would get is 1 fav, if he did it he would get 27583716528836162782.


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