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bird09 · 1 decade ago on quote 963873
me well actually i just want to be a secret agent platypus not just a plain secret agent.
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bird09 · 1 decade ago on quote 959557
i like these 2 girls on i dated and was planning on getting back together with after summer was over cuz i went away for the summer so she decided it would be better if we took a "break" but idk if that the whole truth and idk if shell do that again to me. and i dont want to lose my chance with the other girl i like. so idk what to do please help :)
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bird09 · 1 decade ago on quote 949673
thanks all of you for the helpful comments they are greatly appreated :) and helpful
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bird09 · 1 decade ago on quote 947983
k well its a lil complicated so ill explain best i can.
k i dated this girl but we broke up for the summer cuz im in new york. it was her idea and i was ok with ciz i understand where she is coming from and we plan to get back together when i get back. but now that im in new york shes hanging with this guy that is her best friend but i have always be skeptical of those two cuz people at their school mistake them of going out (i go to a diffrent school) but i believe her when she says they are because she got cheated on by her ex and would never do that to any one but now that were not together they are hanging out alot more cuz im not there. but i asked her if she would ever date him and she said no hes like a brother to me were to close to each other. i dont know if its just me having trust issues because i have been cheated on befor and dont want it again. please tell me what you think and heplp if you can.
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bird09 · 1 decade ago on quote 946394
k well its a lil complicated so ill explain best i can.
k i dated this girl but we broke up for the summer cuz im in new york. it was her idea and i was ok with ciz i understand where she is coming from and we plan to get back together when i get back. but now that im in new york shes hanging with this guy that is her best friend but i have always be skeptical of those two cuz people at their school mistake them of going out (i go to a diffrent school) but i believe her when she says they are because she got cheated on by her ex and would never do that to any one but now that were not together they are hanging out alot more cuz im not there. but i asked her if she would ever date him and she said no hes like a brother to me were to close to each other. i dont know if its just me having trust issues because i have been cheated on befor and dont want it again. please tell me what you think and heplp if you can.
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bird09 · 1 decade ago on quote 946991
k well its a lil complicated so ill explain best i can.
k i dated this girl but we broke up for the summer cuz im in new york. it was her idea and i was ok with ciz i understand where she is coming from and we plan to get back together when i get back. but now that im in new york shes hanging with this guy that is her best friend but i have always be skeptical of those two cuz people at their school mistake them of going out (i go to a diffrent school) but i believe her when she says they are because she got cheated on by her ex and would never do that to any one but now that were not together they are hanging out alot more cuz im not there. but i asked her if she would ever date him and she said no hes like a brother to me were to close to each other. i dont know if its just me having trust issues because i have been cheated on befor and dont want it again. please tell me what you think and heplp if you can.
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bird09 · 1 decade ago on quote 946991
i would like some help if you want to felp
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