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imayellowkangaroo · 3 years ago
hey its me again! i totally forgot about this website but i saw it on tiktok and was like WOW i remember that. and idk i saw we used to talk a lot, and that you havent been on in 3 years (me too tho) but idk.. just wanted to say i hope youre doing well :)

imayellowkangaroo · 8 years ago
oh my god Nikki idk why I decided to check on this website after years of not being on here but I'm so glad I did. I miss you too.

🐝* · 8 years ago
your music, MCR, reminds me of 6th grade. 8 years ago. How time flies!

babidollnikki · 8 years ago
It came out 9 years ago, I was 10. I didn't actually start LIKING MCR until 6th grade. I wasn't really into music at all until then. But once I discovered them my life was forever changed. (: MCR is amazing, and perfect, REgardless of how old this song, or band is omg they give me such happiness.

nicole🌹* · 8 years ago
Oh my gosh! That sounded scary for your hamster. Aw, okay! But hey, at least he wasn't eaten.
Ehhhh, they're okay. I wouldn't want one as a pet though! That's cool. I'm more of a turtle fan!
Ummm, I'm not sure! I really love small dogs though, they're so cute.
My friend Zoe has a pug named Olga and she's really sweet! She used to have another pug named Juliet but they gave her away because she was too hyperactive. That's such a cute name for a pug. It's a cool name in general, honestly! I feel you. The weirder the name, the better though. That's so cute! I can relate, my cat's name is Muffin but I have a lot of weird nicknames for her. Those are really such cute names! I love them, oh my gosh.
OH MY GOSH THAT WOULD BE HILARIOUS. Please, if you get a pug, name him Benedict, and then call him eggs. I know what you're talking about! I've actually never had Eggs Benedict before, oops. That's okay. Weird people are awesome! I have my first child's name planned out already. If it's a girl, her name will either be Taylor Nicole or Taylor Rose, which is my middle name. If it's a boy, his name will be Taylor too, but with either my husband's first or middle name as his middle name. Same, my future probably won't work out how I want it! I'll most likely be forever alone with 500 cats. xD
But you know, it's whatever.

nicole🌹* · 8 years ago
That's totally okay. I don't care about late replies! Good for you! I'm glad you decided to finish school. I get it. But hey, it's for the best!
I feel like my cat would like, eat it or something though.

babidollnikki · 8 years ago
I have weenie dogs and thy tried to eat my hamster. He ended up dying of old age sadly. But at least he died naturally instead of being eaten (:

Ohhh do you like snakes?? I. Adore. them. Snakes are so perfect like omg I wanna own them all.

And what's your favorite dog?
I personally want pugs when I have a pet of my own. I'll probably name it Benedict. But all my dogs get stupid nick names that are hella longer than normal. Pixie became pixie sticks which became sticks. (But we still call her pixie. Just sometimes sticks) pudge is pudgeroos which is sometimes kangaroos. But mostly pudgier or pudge or pudgie.
So I feel like Benedict would become eggs XD because of the meal. Isk I'm so weird. I got the name for a dog that doesn't even exist picked out. And kids. XD I have my whole future planned out but I'm expecting it to go wrong and I live alone with Benedict and other pugs XD

nicole🌹* · 8 years ago
Ahhh, okay. Good to know! Lucky you. I'm 17 and I still don't have my permit! It's okay. So do I. That's cool! My mom is September 14th. A September birthday, like you!
Ohhh, okay! I thought it was your sister or something, oops. That's cool that you babysit! I've always wanted to get into that but I haven't yet. Olivia's really adorable though! Like wow.
Really? Yeah, 15 is a weird age. YASSS I LOVE ANIMALS! I really want a pet hedgehog, ugh.
Awww, so cute! I really want a turtle too. :P
I have two cats, Muffin and Frankie!

babidollnikki · 8 years ago

babidollnikki · 8 years ago
Sorry for late reply. I'm working two jobs and finishing school. It's so crappy XD

nicole🌹* · 8 years ago
Awesome! Glad you had that much fun.
Ohhh, really? Gosh you were really young. Ahhh, I see! Sometimes older boyfriends aren't the best choice. But it seems like the one you have now is okay. That's fine, I guess! As long as it's not an everyday type thing. I knew that! Isn't it like, wayyy healthier than regular cigarettes or is that just a myth?
Ahhh, I see! Just checking though. I know what you mean. I love the guy friends I have, but like, not like that, you know? Ohhh okay! *tries to remember names* Yeah it sounds fun. You're all free and stuff! Yeah, you're an adult! Do you drive too? April 10th! I'm an Aries. That's cool! One of my friends actually has the same birthday as me, so that's pretty swag. Ohhh, nice. HANG ON A SECOND, THAT'S MY MOM'S BOYFRIEND'S DAUGHTER'S BIRTHDAY! She's 11 though.
Ahhh, I see! Well, I'm not a scene kid, so don't worry.
Cool. She's younger, right? (I saw her on your Snapchat)
Ohhh, nice! My best friend and I have been told we look alike, so I guess we can pass as twins.
I have one little sister and one little brother. My sister is 13 and my brother is 11. :)
Any pets?

babidollnikki · 8 years ago
I was young and yes WAY healthier like. A lot. And with driving. I kind of drive. Permit driver. XD I suck. And April 10th. My moms is April 11, and my boyfriend and another friend are April 17.
And no! My sister isn't in snapchat. That's my little girl I babysit. Her names Olivia. And my sister is Sophia.
My sister is 15! And hella!! Animals are life.
Pixie and pudge. My weenie dogs.and two turtles XD they suck.

I love love animals so much.

nicole🌹* · 8 years ago
I get you. Time flies, man! I know what you mean! I fell asleep after school today and didn't even like realize it.
That's good. I'm glad you had fun! Yeah I saw that on your Snapchat. I was just kind of like, "oh." I respect. Not against it. I used to be, but like, it's your life, do what you want, man! Oh, that's good! I'm sure if you really put the effort in, you can stop for good. That's fine. Do whatever your little heart desires, my friend! Oh, I didn't know that. Wow, I learned something new today. Ahhh, nice! We don't have a Sonic around here. That's awesome! Is he also your boyfriend or just your best friend? YESSS IT IS. Have you read all the books? Aaahhhh, you're so old! (Just kidding, you're pretty young, I think 18 seems like a really fun age) Oooh, cool. I literally just turned 17 in April! When is your birthday? (I love learning my friends' birthdays don't judge me) YES BOWS. THEY ARE SO GREAT! In my hair, on clothes, whatever. I have a lot that I wear in my hair, it's kind of my signature thing! Yes they are. AND I ROCK THEM. Of course. That was just my general overview. xD
Do you have any siblings or is it just you?

babidollnikki · 8 years ago
It really does and yea. Lots of fun!
I know a lot of people dislike it. But it's something I picked up when I was 16. I had an older boyfriend and I went downhill. So I do smoke sometimes. I prefer vapor though. It's literally nicotine free flavored water vapor and so much better.
He is just my best friend. I love him and stuff but not like that. Thy guy is Ashton. My boyfriend is David. And yea 18 is kinda old XD it is fun though. And it's great. Get to do more now!! And that's awesome. April what??!? I have 2 friends in April as well. I'm September 24.
And I used to do bows when I was a stupid scene kid

And bio I have one sister.
But I have a good friend. Same age as me and same birthday and time. And we look alike. So he's my twin!'
How about you?

nicole🌹* · 8 years ago
Aaahhh, no problem! I never care about late replies. Sounds like fun! What did you guys do?
Oh thank you! So I've been told, heh. Nothing much! I just got home from school and I got a HAIRCUT. (You can check my Snapchat story to see it) Weeelll, I like Taylor Swift, I have two cats, I love to read, I love Harry Potter, I'm 17, and I like bows. Is that enough for you?
Oh yeah, I'm sorry! I logged out to go to bed. You didn't do anything wrong, don't worry! Here I am now. xD
I'm not on here like 24/7, I only come on here like twice a day, sometimes three.

babidollnikki · 8 years ago
Me too but I didn't realize how short of time it had been. I do a lot time gets away a day feels like 5 days and I don't even know. After school ended I lost track 😂.
It was fun. Well. We did some hookah stuff 😂 I do smoke unfortunately but oh well. I've tried quitting. But I just can't. Hookah is fun and pretty safe we also walked to sonic and ate there :3 that boy is pretty chill as all hell. Harry Potter is great. I'm 18 XD 19 soon hooray. Only a few months. Bows. Like in hair on clothes of both? They're super cute. And Haha sure XD I'm sure we will eventually learn more

nicole🌹* · 8 years ago
I guess. He's such an idiot now though. Same here! I can't believe I was ever obsessed with him!
That's okay! Cursing doesn't bother me. I used to do it a lot, but now I don't. I drop a "fu//ck" or something every so often though. xD
Nobody's perfect!

babidollnikki · 8 years ago
/: I saw you didn't reply. I'm sorry for anything I did to make you not reply :/

babidollnikki · 8 years ago
Hey sorry for that late reply. Was at my best friends home (:

And you seem hella chill Hun XD so like. What's up? Tell me about you XD

nicole🌹* · 8 years ago
I'm sure it will. You'll have a great time, I know it! That's great. I'm glad you are! Ahhh, I see! I totally understand. That's awesome. Only 20% way from 100%! I know what you mean. Everyone has off days, it's normal!
Yes it is. Such a great invention! I won't hate you, don't worry. I already like you too much! That's okay. I don't put much in my story either, and when I do, it's vey lame.
Niceee! That's the best time to add stuff to your story, in my opinion! I'll watch all of it when you add a long story, don't worry. BUT I BETTER BE ENTERAINED!
Okay, good. I thought you'd be creeped out a bit!
I just added you. I don't like Justin Bieber anymore, so don't be scared off by my name. :P
*waits for you to accept me*

babidollnikki · 8 years ago
Wtf bieber is so great 😂😂 I love laughing at that tw.at.
Btw I'm bad with cursing. I do it A LOT.

nicole🌹* · 8 years ago
Aaah, I love Therapy! One of my favorites by them. :D
My favorite would have to be Painting Flowers, though.

nicole🌹* · 8 years ago
Really? Wow, I hope you have a great time. I guess you're losing your Warped Tour virginity, huh? Awww dude, that su//cks! Are you recovered now though?
That's awesome. Snapchat is a wonderful thing. But I hate when people put so much on their stories, like, if it's over 40 seconds, it's way too much, in my opinion. :P
Is it too soon in our friendship for me to ask for your Snapchat name so I can add you?

babidollnikki · 8 years ago
Warped tour will be bae. And yes I'm a lot better now. It wasn't like a sickness or anything. It was more psychological stuff that got me there. But I'm 80% better now. I have off days but other wise yay.
Snap chat is lovely. You might hate me though 😂 I don't post in my story a lot. At all.
But when I do it's because I'm out or with friends or somewhere fun. And if that's the case then I will post a long story.
And not at all!
My snapcjat is
:3 add me when you get the shot!

nicole🌹* · 8 years ago
YASSS. I want to see them live so bad! Same here. What's your favorite song by them?
Oh gosh, I hope. It seems like something everyone should experience at least once in their life. I bet! It just also sounds really cool. :D
How many times have you been to Warped?

babidollnikki · 8 years ago
Also the best atl song has got to be Therapy.

babidollnikki · 8 years ago
This is actually my first warped. I had tickets last year but wound up in the hospital the day before.
But my friend taped all the bands for me and snap chatted me the entire time and it looked amazing and this is my first year in so happy

nicole🌹* · 8 years ago
That's cool. I respect that! Really? Oh my gosh! That's kind of funny though. But cute that you had that much of a reaction, I guess!
Yesss, it is. I literally almost cried! That's awesome. I really want to meet Taylor someday too! REALLY? YOU'RE REALLY LUCKY TO MEET YOUR IDOL THAT MANY TIMES, LIKE, SH//IT!
Sounds like it was a night to remember. My best concert ever was the first time I saw Taylor. That's awesome! I might go to Warped this summer actually, my friend really wants to bring me!
Ehhh, some country is okay. But some of it is really weird! Oh my gosh, Hunter Hayes is so cute. He writes really good too! :D
I'm also into The Script, The Fray, Avril Lavigne, Mayday Parade, All Time Low, and yeah.

nicole🌹* · 8 years ago
Ahhh, I see. So you're a Directioner then? Nice! How did you feel when Zayn left the band?
Okay! I personally like Five Seconds of Summer a bit more.
Oh really? Wow.
I've never heard of him, but I just looked him up. I listened to Love Note for a Rainy Day and almost cried because it reminded me of me and my boyfriend. Maybe I'll listen to that one next. He's talented and attractive, I approve! Ahhh, cool. My favorite is Taylor Swift, and I also really love this band Parachute. xD
I'm into everything honestly, it just depends on my mood.

babidollnikki · 8 years ago
All time low is honestly life!!!! :3 love them a lot.
And if you've never been to warped you'll love it. It's an experience

babidollnikki · 8 years ago
Huge huge huge directioner for life. And when he left I was in math class 😂 I started crying and my teacher thought it was something serious and sent me to guidance XD

And that song by SayWeCanFly is so so so so cute. Braden is life. I met him!!!! 5 times in one night 💖💖
Best concert ever. I can't wait for warped tour because he'll be there too and I get to meet him again.

I agree. The only thing I don't like it country tbh. Minus hunter Hayes I like him.

nicole🌹* · 8 years ago
Aaahhh, I see the struggle. Same here!
Ohhh, nice. I used to really like One Direction in like 8th grade, but it only lasted for like three months! Two concerts? That's awesome! My friend really likes Five Seconds of Summer, she'd be sooo jealous if she knew you. :P
Who do you prefer, One Direction or Five Seconds of Summer?

babidollnikki · 8 years ago
Honestly 1D. Have been a fan since 2011 and will always be XD
But I love 5sos

But neither are my favorites.
My favorite is SayWeCanFly (seriously look him up. Scars is my favorite by him!!) I'm also really into Pierce the veil and that kind of stuff!

nicole🌹* · 8 years ago
Oh really? Let's switch states then!
I LOVEEE TAYLOR SWIFT. I'm actually seeing her over the summer in concert, I can't wait! Aw man, that su//cks. I have a friend that's allergic to cats, but she still loves them anyway. Yeah, Joe Jonas is cool too. He broke Taylor's heart though, so like, I'm iffy with him. :P
But she's over that now, so I should be too.

babidollnikki · 8 years ago
HA! I would switch honestly but my boyfriend!!
And I'm seeing 1D in July (: and 5sos in august!!

nicole🌹* · 8 years ago
That's cool. I'm from Connecticut! :)
Pretty boring here actually.

babidollnikki · 8 years ago
trust me, Missouri is not all that great either. I hate hate hate it here

nicole🌹* · 8 years ago
Oh wow, NAME TWINS. *high fives* I prefer Nicole though. Nikki doesn't really suit me, heh! xD
So, where do you live?

babidollnikki · 8 years ago
I'm from Missouri (: you?:3


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