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arowolves · 1 decade ago on quote 6601598
Don't go. Im not going to hold you back or tell you that its worth it because honestly right now i dont even know if its worth it, but i think you should hold on. Something really good could be lurking just around the corner and if you give in and give up youll never get to expierience it. (I know you probably hate people telling you that "it gets better" because that phrase annoys me because why cant it be better now?) I know a little about how it feels wanting to die, i cant say i feel exactly like you do, because no ones situations are the exact same but there are a few reasons to hold on. Maybe youll meet someone who will make life worth it, or do something amazing. Maybe even something simple like learn something new or find a new band. Just try as hard as you can to hold on to the rope of life for just a while longer and maybe something will make sense. You're really pretty by the way.
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arowolves · 1 decade ago on quote 6515017
Reminder please? ^-^
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arowolves · 1 decade ago on quote 6511299
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arowolves · 1 decade ago on quote 6467107
Awww i loved the story. <\3
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rooftops* · 1 decade ago on quote 6467107
I'm sorry.. :(
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arowolves · 1 decade ago on quote 6453534
Reminder please!
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arowolves · 1 decade ago on quote 6396224
I'm here for you if you need to talk or need support. ^^ I admire how strong you are being through this. And how much courage you have. I can only imagine how hard it is.
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arowolves · 1 decade ago on quote 6101625
I say get to know her or try to. ^^ Maybe become friends with her also but be warned of the friend zone that's still very possible and also try to find out of she's straight or not.
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arowolves · 1 decade ago on quote 6042501
I believe god loves everyone if there is a god regardless of whether they're gay, lesbian, or bi. I believe everyone is allowed into heaven, don't worry about it. I'm sure you'll be fine.
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arowolves · 1 decade ago on quote 6032583
Claiming gay marriage against your religion is like saying someone can't eat a jelly donut because you're on a diet… Thats not really right is it? Also religion was taught to you. They were born gay.

We cast out our neighbors, because what...? They have a different sexuality then our own? We're constantly telling people they’re going to hell because of things. You’re not supposed to gossip, that’s in the bible Leviticus 19:16, but I’m pretty sure you still do, everyone does. Or how about Leviticus 19:19 on how you shouldn’t wear polyester/cotton? People are still doing that, why aren’t you yelling at them also? Oh and you’re not allowed to shave either Leviticus 19:27.

We're all sinners, we all do things that are against the bible on a daily basis. But these kids and adults get harassed constantly because of their sexuality and people claiming how wrong it is. First they can't marry whom they love and now they're being bullied about it also. How much worse can it get? God said love your neighbor. When he said that, he meant that, love them no matter what.

I’m not saying the bible shouldn’t be followed, there are some important lessons in there that can be taken to heart but if it’s holding someone back and making people miserable, then I don’t believe in following that part. What would you do if you weren’t allowed to marry the person you love and you got constantly hated on every day?

I was Christian, but now that I look into it and see this, I'm no longer proud to be called part of that church. If people go to hell for loving someone else, and people go to hell for supporting that love is love regardless of gender, then I will gladly join them. Love is love. Why can’t people love whom they want without being harassed and banned from it? Why can't we all accept each other for who everyone is. Regardless of their race, sexual orientation, or religion. Can't we just live together in peace and stop casting each other out? The world would be so much less broken and a happier place...

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arowolves · 1 decade ago on quote 6035619
This angers me. >.< I can't stop myself from telling them off this time.
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arowolves · 1 decade ago on quote 5825836
Be truthful and honest with them. If you don't someone will get hurt even more. :c Don't lead them on into thinking they have a chance.
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arowolves · 1 decade ago on quote 5795567
Keep holding on beautiful. Remember why you've held on for so long and keep holding on. I know you can do it.
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arowolves · 1 decade ago on quote 5787742
My first kiss was when I was 15. ^^ Me and the guy i love were talking under the stars (they were beautiful) and he leaned over and kissed me on the nose then right on the lips. :3 I miss him...
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arowolves · 1 decade ago on quote 5749574
No dont!!!! If you need someone to talk to, im here. Please dont do it! It can never be undone! Youre beautiful and if you do it youll be missed by tons of people! please dont!
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arowolves · 1 decade ago on quote 5699178
No youre beautiful :( Dont believe otherwise
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arowolves · 1 decade ago on quote 5419335
exactly the same way i feel. how can i say whats wrong when nothings right?
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arowolves · 1 decade ago on quote 5559817
life is a game that we cant win..... its a game full of cheaters and penalties. its a game that only ends with death as the final ending....
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arowolves · 1 decade ago on quote 5614554
Aww I'm sorry. I hope today's better.
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arowolves · 1 decade ago on quote 5580609
Im pretty sure mine got hit by a bus or something D:
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arowolves · 1 decade ago on quote 5531902
The only thing I say to do it talk to Nick. It's the only way you'll get a true answer but if he doesn't like you back it might become awkward with him. He might still like you a little though. He sounds like the type of guy that usually doesnt get over girls easiy
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