Witty Profiles

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  1. capsized* capsized*
    posted a quote
    August 31, 2014 9:27pm UTC
    i don't ever tell you how i really feel
    cause i can't find the words to say what i mean
    And nothing's ever easy, that's what they say
    I know I'm not your only
    but I'll still be a fool
    cause I'm a fool for you

  2. Zorox Zorox
    posted a quote
    September 1, 2014 1:01pm UTC
    One of these days the sky's gonna break.

  3. twistedlovexox twistedlovexox
    posted a quote
    August 22, 2013 11:29am UTC
    "But all I could think about was you....What's happening to me?"

  4. LoverOfMyLife LoverOfMyLife
    posted a quote
    August 21, 2013 10:34pm UTC
    I will wait for
    you because
    honestly I don't
    want anyone

  5. LoverOfMyLife LoverOfMyLife
    posted a quote
    August 21, 2013 10:38pm UTC
    You'll always be
    the brightest thing
    in my sky.

  6. PowerTumbler411 PowerTumbler411
    posted a quote
    August 21, 2013 11:51pm UTC
    In every girl's life, there's
    the boy she'll never
    In every boy's life, there's
    the girl he can never have.

  7. eloquent eloquent
    posted a quote
    August 22, 2013 12:13am UTC
    She feels like she's drowning. Everyone expects so much - too much. She isn't as happy is she looks. She's struggling, crying out for help - but no-one listens.
    It's harder than they think it is - and all she wants is to make them proud of her, but nothing she does is every enough. She tries so hard, but she just can't do it.
    "I'm fine!" she says, a bright smile on her face.
    Only her pillow, soaked in her pain, her fear and her weakness, knows the truth.

  8. posted a quote
    January 1, 1970 12:00am UTC
    This quote does not exist.

  9. 永久* 永久*
    posted a quote
    August 22, 2013 5:32am UTC
    Thank you for forgetting me too

  10. xKeepMySecret xKeepMySecret
    posted a quote
    June 22, 2013 8:52pm UTC
    You win, I miss you.

  11. xKeepMySecret xKeepMySecret
    posted a quote
    April 25, 2013 5:41pm UTC

    but without the dark, we'd never see the stars...

  12. rooftops* rooftops*
    posted a quote
    March 15, 2013 9:26pm UTC
    I don't think people love me.
    They love versions of me I have spun for them,
    versions of me they have contructed in their minds.
    The easy versions of me,
    the easy parts of me to love.
    Who's going to love the girl that can't stop crying?
    The girl that hurts herself?
    The girl that is loosing control?
    The girl that is so sad she can't get out of bed?
    The girl that keeps pushing everyone away?
    Who's going to love the monster in me,
    who's going to love me now?

  13. ShesLettingMeLiveWithMyDemons ShesLettingMeLiveWithMyDemons
    posted a quote
    March 8, 2013 11:56am UTC
    the most room in your heart,"

  14. ShesLettingMeLiveWithMyDemons ShesLettingMeLiveWithMyDemons
    posted a quote
    March 8, 2013 1:17pm UTC
    I'm sorry.
    I'm sorry, I'm clingy.
    And annoying.
    (but I can't help it. I don't want to lose you).

  15. ShesLettingMeLiveWithMyDemons ShesLettingMeLiveWithMyDemons
    posted a quote
    March 8, 2013 1:29pm UTC
    give up on you.
    when you wouldn't of gave up
    on them.

  16. ShesLettingMeLiveWithMyDemons ShesLettingMeLiveWithMyDemons
    posted a quote
    March 7, 2013 11:34pm UTC
    No, I'm still alive.
    I'm still breathing.
    I'm still thinking.
    But I'm not living.
    I have no will;
    nor a drive.
    I'm really just existing.

  17. ShesLettingMeLiveWithMyDemons ShesLettingMeLiveWithMyDemons
    posted a quote
    March 7, 2013 4:31pm UTC
    Road To Recovery
    c h a p t e r / / o n e
    Alice woke early, it was March tenth.
    The time on her clock read six-o-five.
    She was tired.
    But, it wasn't a tired that could be fixed with sleep, no, it was far more then that.
    She was just tired.
    Tired of faking smiles, tired of her so called 'friends', tired of ... life.
    But it would all be worth it.
    Soon, she promised herself.
    Alice got up, quietly sneaking downstairs.
    Her parents were either at work already, or still asleep.
    She didn't know.
    She looked through the fridge, before grabbing a glass out of the cabinet and filling it with tap water.
    Alice drank the water quickly, before fleeing back upstairs.
    "You've got me laughing while I sing," she sung oh-so-quietly, slipping into her bathroom.
    She avoided the mirror, like always.
    Alice slipped her PJs off, before stepping into the steamy shower.
    After a few minutes of cleaning herself up, she walked out of the bathroom, picking out an outfit for school. Red hoodie, grey tee-shirt, a pair of black leggings and her navy-blue Toms.
    She usually dressed like this.
    Alice heard the girls at her school whisper things about her choice of clothing,
    it's not stylish, oh, there's barely any color, I hear she buys clothes from Wal-Mart.
    She rolled her eyes. Like she cared. She stopped caring months ago.
    Alice made her way back downstairs, she grabbed a bowl, milk, and her favorite cereal; Honey Nut Cheerios.
    She ate quickly, grabbing her backpack before rushing outside into the cold weather.
    School was a place she wanted to get away from.
    Alice thought about skipping, a few times.
    But if she wanted to please her parents, and get into a good college—like Oxford, the one they picked out for her—skipping school was out of the question.
    Suppressing a sigh, Alice hopped off the bus filled with wild teenagers, and the cranky bus-driver.
    "Yo! Ally!" A voice cut Alice from her thoughts; it was Kendra, her Bestfriend.
    Or, only friend.
    Alice nodded in reply. "What did I tell you about calling me that?" She asked.
    "If I ever called you it again you would kill me," Kendra replied, "But you haven't yet." the smirk on Kendra's face was apparent.
    Alice rolled her eyes. "Someday, Kendra. Someday,"
    Classes dragged on for hours, as it seemed to Alice.
    Finally, the bell rung, signaling lunch.
    "Alice! May I speak to you?" Mister Hanson, her History reached called.
    Alice shrugged in reply, walking up to the front of the class.
    "Now, Alice. Your grades seem to be slipping .. I know, you're going through this depressive phase, but if it's ruining your grades, you're going to have to get better,"
    Phase? Alice thought, 'get better'? She wished it were only that easy.
    Without a word, Alice walked out of the class, ignoring the teacher calling to her.
    Author's note;;
    So, I only got two favorites, instead of five. But please I want this chapter to get five+ favorites. Because then I know people are reading.

  18. xKeepMySecret xKeepMySecret
    posted a quote
    February 23, 2013 4:31pm UTC
    You probably think I've forgotten all about you by now,
    but that's far from it. I have missed you every waking day and my heart still hurts, but I'm getting better.
    I continue to smile and go on without you. I know I have missed you, but I have kept it all inside, only for me to know.
    I still wonder about you, how you are, what you're doing, what we used to talk about, the laugh in your voice, just everything.
    I miss it all.

  19. alexthebabe alexthebabe
    posted a quote
    February 16, 2013 2:44pm UTC
    You deserve to be with somebody who makes you happy.
    Somebody who won't complicate your life.
    Somebody who won't hurt you.

  20. sugarfreak sugarfreak
    posted a quote
    February 11, 2013 12:47am UTC
    Using Mr Parker
    ♥ Logan ♥
    C h a p t e r 38
    For around half a minute, I waited outside nervously. I kept asking myself why he wasn't answering the door straight away like he usually does and then, he opened the door.
    There was no smile on his face, no smirk or no frown, his expression was as hard as a brick. We stood there, opposite each other for a few moments just staring, his eyes boring into mine and then he spoke. “Come in.” I walked inside his apartment and took a seat on the couch. He surprised me by coming and sitting next to me. I didn't think he'd do that, I opened my mouth to say something – anything but nothing came out. Zach laughed unhumourously, “This is so screwed up. I honestly have no idea what to think anymore."
    “Z-Zach,” I murmured and was surprise when he didn't correct me for not using 'Mr Parker'. “I owe you an apology. I am so sorry, I didn't mean for any of this to happ-”
    “Then what did you mean to happen, Logan? Just enlighten me.”
    “I just... I just wanted my mum to not need to worry about money. This was 5 grand that I could at least try to get, I didn't think I'd win and I never thought Courtney was going to get hold of that picture.”
    “Well guess what she did.”
    “And I'm so sorry but you won't need to worry about that now.”
    “What if she had got the photo that you could see both of us clearly? What would happen then.”
    “I don't want to think of that, she didn't and its over.”
    “That might be over but we aren't. We still have lots of things to talk about.” When he said, that might be over but we aren't, my heart fluttered and my cheeks burnt but I knew he didn't mean it in the way I wanted it to.
    “I'll answer any questions you want,” I told him.
    Simply, he asked, “Why?”
    “I've told you how my dad left my mum and I a couple of years ago and I've always told you that a couple of months ago we moved in with my Aunt Cassidy because the council took the house away from us. Since then, I've been trying to help my mum get any extra money. I've sent my mum money anonymously with money my dad sent me and money from my car. To you, five grand might be nothing but to me, thats a lot of money.” I reached into my bag, picking out a bundle of money.
    Five thousand dollars.
    “Whats that?” he asked.
    “Thats the money Courtney gave to me, I don't want it. You can have it,” I replied, putting the money on the table. “That money is nothing but filth to me now. It may have taken me a while to realise how horrible I was using you like that. I can't give that money to my mum.”
    Zach sighed, “I don't want that money. Give it to your mother.”
    “No,” I said, firmly.
    “Give it back to Courtney then,” he said. “I don't care what you do with the money, I don't want it though.” I didn't say anything but I didn't take the money. Zach leant in slightly and I hoped that he kissed me. I leant up and put my lips on his, my eyes fluttered open for a split second to see his wide open.
    He wouldn't kiss me back.
    Want a reminder? Comment.
    Teaser: "I'm in love with you."
    {A/N This chapter was actually really hard for me to write, I had no idea how I wanted this chapter to go but here it is! (:}


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