Witty Profiles

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  1. FramingMatthew FramingMatthew
    posted a quote
    December 19, 2011 2:11pm UTC
    For all I know,
    this could be the last time I get to go on Witty.
    (If you want to know why, read my profile.)
    In case it is, there's just a few things I want to say to all of you.
    Firstly. Every single time I log onto Witty, the majority of quotes I see are by girls that have recently been dumped by their boyfriend, or by girls that love a guy but don't think that they'll ever get to be with them.
    If you're one of those girls: It's not the end of the world. That guy clearly doesn't deserve you. You have a long life ahead of you. There's over 7 billion people in the world, and at least half of them are guys. You will find someone who's perfect for you. God's saving you for that one special person :)
    Secondly. I see a lot of people here starting arguments with other people (friends or strangers), and they don't even bother trying to make up with them.
    It's pathetic. Whether the whole thing was your fault or not, you should swallow your pride and say sorry to them. When I was 11, I fought with one of my cousins over something really stupid, and we didn't speak for ages. A month later, he died suddenly.. And he died believing I hated him. If there's one thing I've ever truly regretted in my short life, it's that I didn't try to make up with him. ((R.I.P Jarod.))
    Thirdly. There are so many suicidal girls on Witty, it's unsettling. And the main reason why they're suicidal is because of bullying. I've said all of these things before, and I'll say them again:
    If you're being bullied, tell someone. There's always people that can help you. The suicide hotline is 1-800-273-8255 - Call them.
    Do people call you ugly? They're jealous of your beauty.
    Do people call you fat? You're probably not, but if you think you are, there's just two things you need to do: Eat healthily and exercise! Making yourself throw up doesn't help AT ALL.
    Do people say that you're worthless and nobody cares about you? You're not worthless. And I care about you! I don't know most of you, but I still care about all of you, even the people who don't like me. There's always someone who cares. Even if they're complete strangers - they still care. :)
    Lastly, there's just some people on Witty I want to say thank you to..
    1.) lexidanielle_xo
    You are legit one of my favorite people everr! :') You're an amazing person, you love Framing Hanley just as much as I do, you love kitties (xD), you're adorable and you're always there for people! Thanks for being such a great friend :) ♥
    2.) confessions_of_a_cutter, Marissa123, jayciecutie01, DamnnTaylerx
    All of you are inspirations to so many people on Witty, and you all have such great quotes. I hope you never stop making quotes. :)
    3.) LetTheFlamesBegin
    You're an inspiration to me and a lot of other people on Witty. R.I.P. ♥
    And last, but certainly not least..
    4.) Steve
    Without you, we wouldn't have Witty Profiles. Because of the people on this website, the lives of a lot of teenage girls all over America - all over the WORLD even - have been saved. And it's all because of you. Thanks so much for creating this website, it's one of the best things that's ever happened to the world. ;D
    Thanks for everything, Witty! I love you all ♥
    - FramingMatthew

  2. Jade672 Jade672
    posted a quote
    December 19, 2011 4:20pm UTC
    I hate when websites ask,
    "are you human?" Ummm no obviously i'm a T-REX.

  3. posted a quote
    January 1, 1970 12:00am UTC
    This quote does not exist.

  4. ChelseyGrace ChelseyGrace
    posted a quote
    December 19, 2011 5:50pm UTC
    M ak e h o l d i n g h e r
    h a n d t o o t i g h t
    the only way you can hurt her.

  5. mayday mayday
    posted a quote
    December 18, 2011 10:09pm UTC
    Some b*tch : your favortie
    band sucks.
    *15 minutes later*
    Offcier: so she fell down the stairs?

  6. MauraDeExplorer MauraDeExplorer
    posted a quote
    December 18, 2011 10:09pm UTC
    Important Notice. You have been typeing very fast
    Are you a ninja?

  7. ColorMyWorld401 ColorMyWorld401
    posted a quote
    December 18, 2011 1:07pm UTC
    'Dammit I'm mad' is 'Dammit I'm mad' spelled backwards.

  8. posted a quote
    January 1, 1970 12:00am UTC
    This quote does not exist.

  9. imayellowkangaroo imayellowkangaroo
    posted a quote
    November 7, 2011 9:54pm UTC

  10. mayday mayday
    posted a quote
    November 7, 2011 9:54pm UTC
    I'mtired of all the lies from everyone.
    & I'm especiallytired of trying to please everyone else.

  11. posted a quote
    January 1, 1970 12:00am UTC
    This quote does not exist.

  12. kasey9358 kasey9358
    posted a quote
    November 7, 2011 9:52pm UTC
    There are...
    Until C h r i s t m a s
    f a v e if you're as e x c i t e d as I am

  13. xxletthegoodtimesrollx xxletthegoodtimesrollx
    posted a quote
    November 7, 2011 9:52pm UTC
    Whale you be my girl friend?
    I whale.

  14. secretwitty2251 secretwitty2251
    posted a quote
    November 7, 2011 9:52pm UTC

  15. alexcarter alexcarter
    posted a quote
    November 7, 2011 9:52pm UTC
    What would you do;
    if I walked up, and just kissed you?
    Would it be everything all you girls ask for?
    Or would it mean something more?

  16. posted a quote
    January 1, 1970 12:00am UTC
    This quote does not exist.

  17. XxMitchelGoRawrxX XxMitchelGoRawrxX
    posted a quote
    November 7, 2011 9:52pm UTC
    Dear Girls ,
    mw3 is coming out & you know what this means . . . </3
    Sincerely ,
    Hold up, i'll text you later, im in the middle of a game .

  18. dancebabexoxo dancebabexoxo
    posted a quote
    November 7, 2011 9:52pm UTC
    If a kiss was a raindrop,
    I'd send you a shower.
    If a hug was a second,
    I'd send you an hour.
    If a smile was water,
    I'd send you the sea.
    If you needed love,
    I'd send you me.

  19. jordface14 jordface14
    posted a quote
    November 7, 2011 9:50pm UTC
    *Pretending to care about your teacher's personal life, just to waste time in class.♥

  20. LaughOutLoud118 LaughOutLoud118
    posted a quote
    November 2, 2011 4:42pm UTC
    Once You Have Hope. Anything's Possible. <3


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