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  1. atddancer12 atddancer12
    posted a quote
    November 2, 2011 3:49pm UTC
    Do you think if I Click my combat boots together 3 times and say "There's no place like home" I'll end up in home again?
    Fave this for all the loved ones fighting for our country♥

  2. fallforyou22 fallforyou22
    posted a quote
    October 17, 2011 9:50pm UTC
    Everyone says
    that Lil Wayne was sent from God to teach people real rap.
    Eminem hears this and says "I don't remember sending anyone.."

  3. kenziegurrl kenziegurrl
    posted a quote
    October 15, 2011 3:46pm UTC
    is there a problem officer?
    quite a few actually, first off you're speeding.
    well yeah i have to win this race.
    illegal street racing on the wrong side of the road?
    well when you put it like that..
    and littering that banana you threw back there caused an accident.
    yeah about that..wario was all up in my sh●t so i had to do something.
    did you have any drugs before you started driving sir?
    nah man. but i just got a couple mushrooms.
    step out of the car please.
    fine but this is gonna kill my chance at the star cup. you're practically handing it to donkey kong.
    donkey kong.?
    the gorilla..
    step. out. of. the. car.

  4. bridgiexbabes bridgiexbabes
    posted a quote
    October 12, 2011 9:22pm UTC
    so, today during lunch, this girl found out
    her boyfriend had been cheating on her...
    she brought all his clothes
    & things that he left at her house
    & as soon as he sat down at his table,
    she stood behind him & gave him one kiss.
    she took his milk,
    & he thought nothing of it.
    then she poured it on his head
    & threw all his stuff at him.
    & THAT is how a real breakup is done.
    everyone was clapping for her

  5. GrabSomeoneSexyTellEmHey GrabSomeoneSexyTellEmHey
    posted a quote
    October 15, 2011 9:53am UTC
    click to see this quote

  6. hannahbanana1388 hannahbanana1388
    posted a quote
    October 14, 2011 9:31pm UTC
    click to see this quote

  7. Jesslooovesyou97 Jesslooovesyou97
    posted a quote
    October 14, 2011 10:47pm UTC
    Last Friday Night
    On witty
    This Friday Night
    Do it all again!

  8. AlNicholas AlNicholas
    posted a quote
    October 15, 2011 8:56am UTC
    click to see this quote

  9. count_ON_me_123 count_ON_me_123
    posted a quote
    October 14, 2011 9:04pm UTC
    Painting your nails
    One hand is PERFECT while the
    other looks like SH*T.

  10. Elenlovesu Elenlovesu
    posted a quote
    October 14, 2011 10:34pm UTC
    "I'm sorry" and "my bad" mean the same thing... Unless you're at a funeral.
    Credit: FaveFormats

  11. tylerr tylerr
    posted a quote
    October 15, 2011 2:56am UTC
    Take mentos and freeze.them into icecubes. Then give your friend a diet coke and put the icecubes with mentos into their drink. After five minutes, their drink will randomly explode.You're welcome.c:

  12. idance idance
    posted a quote
    October 14, 2011 9:15pm UTC
    when I die I'll go to
    heaven because i've spent my time in hell.

  13. idance idance
    posted a quote
    October 14, 2011 9:12pm UTC
    click to see this quote

  14. idance idance
    posted a quote
    October 14, 2011 9:09pm UTC
    Hi, this is Jake's mom.. I wanted to let all of you know that he is no longer allowed on facebook due to the choices he made today. He posted on facebook personal information about someone, that regardless if it was true or not, it was rude. Because he chose to try and make her mad by spreading personal information, I thought he should know how it feels when the tables are turned.
    He wet the bed until he was 8.
    24 hours ago · comment · like
    46 people like this

  15. ohlovequotes ohlovequotes
    posted a quote
    July 30, 2011 2:01am UTC
    Yesterday I found out
    that one of my friends
    is really bad in the hospital.
    She has a stroke and is in coma,
    her lungs are full of water
    and has a great brain damage.
    There is no hope.
    Please if you believe in God
    and in miracles
    show her some support
    by clicking the ♥ .
    We need prayers!
    She is only 13 years old.
    #PrayForAle #StayStrong

  16. Mikay30 Mikay30
    posted a quote
    July 28, 2011 11:42pm UTC
    On the first day of kindergarten,
    They gave us a picture of an apple and two oranges;
    we were told to pick out the one that didn't belong.
    the first thing we were ever taught
    we were taught that different is w r o n g.

  17. posted a quote
    January 1, 1970 12:00am UTC
    This quote does not exist.

  18. leavingthelove leavingthelove
    posted a quote
    July 22, 2011 10:11pm UTC
    Love and hate are both very strong words.
    And right now, I don't know which one I'm feeling about you.
    It's like an 'I hate you for making me love you' type of feeling.

  19. iisjamiejoo iisjamiejoo
    posted a quote
    July 22, 2011 8:14pm UTC
    SHE is fine, perfectly fine.
    HE is breaking down, wanting her.
    Boys don't always break the hearts u know.

  20. PAiGExo14 PAiGExo14
    posted a quote
    July 22, 2011 8:40pm UTC
    You can tell a lot about a girl
    by just looking at her favorites on witty ♥


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